[Mind's Eye] Re: End of The World

Unless you watched your culture die before your eyes (American
Indians), unless you lived in Japan in 1945 and this year, unless,
unless...I think believers of "end times" have simply lost faith in
humanity and lost hope in Mother Nature.

On Sep 27, 12:58 pm, Jo <jojocasame...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Armageddon, Doomsday, Rapture, Y2K, or the Mayan Calendar predicts...
> Just when we think another "end times" day has passed, they come up
> with a new one. We're going to blow ourselves up or the computers are
> going to nuke us all, the Sun will spit out a solar flair or an
> asteroid's going to hit the Earth (yeah right). The human population
> gets wiped out with the exception of a select few who are left to
> survive on a lifeless planet. Seriously? How many more "World
> Annihilation" movies must we endure?
> Why is mankind so fascinated with the end of the world? Will we ever
> stop?

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