Re: Mind's Eye Creation

Time is a measurement.  So it makes no sense to ask to where does it pass.  You might as well ask what is at the end of an inch?
Matter decays, engery disipates, power lessens and time is the measurement of the rate of such decay.

On Thursday, 12 April 2012 15:54:59 UTC+1, kid wrote:
To be very short.. i dont understand where time past goes.... is it there? .... i cant .. i have tried to understand.. i am not able to... what is time lapsing into.. or what is lapsing?... leave out memory... its our memory that gives this linear impression.. how does someone without memory.. feel time? ... can we concieve of any being without memory 

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 9:24 PM, RP Singh <> wrote:
At this particular moment my universe is in a certain stage and
infinite parallel universes are in their respective stages , to me
time is a sense of elapsing but how you define time is not clear ,
would you care to elucidate ?

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:29 PM, kid <> wrote:
> Pat explained to me once that there is little possibility of a parallel
> universe.. he said it would be waste of energy.. though i cant be exactly
> sure of what he said... I cant explain as well as him...  How would you
> explain time in parallel universes..
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 7:45 PM, RP Singh <> wrote:
>> It is logical to think that at any given moment there are infinite no. of
>> universes in parallel, and when an universe disintegrates it vanishes into
>> nothingness along with the space in which it subsists. That is , space is
>> not permanent but only part of the universe.
> --
> EverComing


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