Re: Mind's Eye Spirituality

In terms of RP's accountable spirituality we might understand a duty
to express dissent in the daily details of our actions. We could all
be doing the following, but aren't.

Support the decentralized, non-market economy
Stop participating in financialization
Redefine self-interest to exclude debt-servitude and dependence on
consumerism and the Central State
Act on your awareness that the nature of prosperity and financial
security is changing
Stop supporting distant concentrations of capital that subvert
democracy by using their gargantuan profits to buy the machinery of
State governance and regulation
Stop supporting the debt-and-leverage based financial aristocracy
Transfer your assets out of Wall Street (City of London and offshore)
and into local enterprises or assets that do not enrich and empower
Wall Street.
Refuse to participate in consumerist status identifiers and the social
defeat they create
Vote in every election with an eye on rewarding honesty and truth and
punishing empty promises
Stop supporting inflationary policies such as "money creation" by the
Federal Reserve and Federal deficit borrowing
Become healthy, active and fit
Embrace self-directed coherent plans and construct a resilient,
diverse ecology of identity and meaning

Suitably adapted the above could lead to material conditions of a very
different spirituality. I agree with RP and think we could make what
he says a very practical politics.

On May 2, 2:44 pm, RP Singh <> wrote:
> Spirit in the sense of the Absolute , God or Nature.
> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:22 PM, James <> wrote:
> > On 5/1/2012 11:50 AM, RP Singh wrote:
> >> As everything is predetermined it follows that everything is done by the
> >> spirit , which makes all actions spiritual. But that has no meaning , so
> >> we may say that that the word spiritual is obsolete and we should
> >> distinguish between good actions and bad actions , good people and bad
> >> people , scrupulous people and the unscrupulous. Also the definition of
> >> the good and bad changes from clime to clime , but generally the
> >> definition of good and bad is universal if you look at it with a
> >> humanitarian eye. Thus spirit , being all-encompassing, goes into the
> >> background.
> > Spirit in what sense RP? I am compelled to respond but don't want to sound
> > foolish, and not haggling for a definition.

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