Re: Mind's Eye Sense in insanity

Don Please let us know of your fathers passing

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Molly <> wrote:
A real blessing, Don, to be able to be with someone you love at the end of life.  In my experience, they know you are with them.  There is not much more important than helping people in and out of life.  All the best to you now.

On Sunday, March 23, 2014 4:47:56 AM UTC-4, Don Johnson wrote:
In room with Dad n Hospice. Dad getting regular doses of morphine. End stage Parkinson's. My brother in next room over trying to get some sleep. My mom in there as well. Hearing him struggling for each breath is painful. Aspirating so nothing by mouth for 8 days now. Refused PEG tube, NG tube was choking him. Death will come today I think. He needs the Peace. Was thinking of Francis and what he does or at least did for a living. Has to be a thousand times worse with kids. It's close to 4am here and I felt like sharing. Cant sleep. Drinking Knob Creek and I'm so relaxed dad is almost gone I think. Sorry to crash this thread but I'm hoping Dad get's that peaceful feeling soon. 

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2:49:37 AM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
Well Google + is gone  will find out it minds eye still works..  Oddly there is a peaceful feeling.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:45 PM, Molly <> wrote:
I do quite a bit of social media work and still haven't figured out the merit or conversation happening on Google+.  Am hoping it is coming soon.  It doesn't mess me up at all, so I continue with the company pages. I understand the frustration.  I think you can delet your Google + profile without jeopardizing the google account that gives you safe passage here.  But I could be wrong because, as I said, I find it hard to understand.  I would miss you terribly.

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 4:19:29 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
Thank you Molly..I will look into it tomorrow, now I will have o device if it is what I want to do..
Have started turning off my WiFi when I am not directly using it.
Purchased a new Asus Memo 7" only to have it down graded to an inferior version removing Voice Typing and damaging Android. I seem to b cutting back.  I do enjoy  emails of our group.
They say Facebook is on the way out.
I can not figure out the value of Google +.
 I am open t people explaining it.

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Sense in insanity

You need to go into your account settings, Alan. At the bottom of the edit settings page, you can click on "Delete your entire Google proficle Here

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:04:27 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
May sound ridiculous,, but I am trying to figure out how to get rid of google plus  

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:05 PM, gabbydott <> wrote:
Our Pol is the expert on white rabbits et al., check out her profile picture on G+.
One lesson I have learned is that one shouldn't take so literally what men ask, it's usually rhetorical questions that serve to demonstrate something amongst their mates. 
Here, I have taken a picture of another Black Swan at another time: 

2014-03-18 11:04 GMT+01:00 Allan H <>:
Is it BWR or BWC? it seems it should be BWR  for Blue an White Rabbit..

Seems like I am always chasing one down some hole ore another. The spiritual realm is full of them ,,  but it seems most of them are illusions created to make some one sound important or know what they are talking about,  some how I think they are under the illusion that many words make one sound knowledgeable.

Oddly it took me along time to bet away from zero (0) being just a place holder as I was taught, to  it being a whole even number,,  it is the transition point between positive and negative state. Zero being a place holder is in reality a prime example of Dogma and doctrine.

When looking at beliefs  you are often times looking at and/or studying dogma and doctrine. Jesus being the Son of God is a prime example. Jesus was apparently involved in a lot of healings.. when I read the text is see Jesus saying it was not him doing the healing bur God the Father.. Now that is not the dogma and doctrine I am presented with ,,they are saying Jesus could heal people "Because" he is "God"  not God did it as Jesus is reported saying.. it is God doing the healing  not him. Now because Paul and his buddies did not have the infilling of God resulting in the lack of prime miracles. (Paul's cure from a snake bite my problem there is no poisonous snakes on Malta  and no record of them being there,)  What becomes of the miracle cure? reality or dogma an doctrine.

Our friend Pat talked a lot about a multiple  universe reality, Christianity claims there is only one universe  then in the next breath talk about heaven and hell.  What is it one universe or Multiple Universes..

We know dogma and doctrine is found in books and spread by people wanting to be important..  the question becomes how does a person separate dogma and doctrine from truth?

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:20 AM, archytas <> wrote:
The standard BWC was the quali, which sounds like a small bird the chef should have allowed t fly free.  All truth theories fail. The language of this stuff is of the following form:
A physical theory T consists, among other things, of a group of laws which are formulated in terms of certain concepts. But an apparent circularity arises when one considers how the laws of T and the concepts acquire their content, because each seems to acquire content from the other — the laws of T acquire their content from the concepts used in the formulation of the laws, while the concepts are often “introduced” or “defined” by the group of laws as a whole. To be sure, if the concepts can be introduced independently of the theory T, the circularity does not appear. But typically every physical theory T requires some new concepts which cannot be defined without using T (we call the latter “T-theoretical concepts”). Is the apparent circularity concerning the laws and the T-theoretical concepts a problem? Some examples will help us assess the threat. (from Stanford EP)

Today there is a lot of fuss about the discovery of gravitational waves, suggesting inflation after whatever big bang was was very much faster than the speed of light in vacuum.  This seems to confirm the old internet joke, 'OK then, what's the speed of dark'?

I love this bit:
  • The “basic domain” of a theory is now that part of the “application domain” where the theory is successfully applied, up to a certain degree of inaccuracy.
The guys central to this 'structuralism', Ludwig, Sneed and Scheibe all start to sound like Gabby on speed.  It may be a German thingy.

Essentially, you have a grip here Allan.  In fact 1 + 1 = 2 is tough enough without zero.  But let's not get into different sizes of infinity.

Despite the slippery nature of origin and definition, it seems to me the relational aspect of stuff needing other stuff for us to understand what the first stuff was, is important.  I spent a lot of time in classrooms as a kid and lecturer wondering WTF am I doing here.  A friend recently told me it was true she used to go to church, but this didn't mean she was listening.  I think what I'm after is something better than the bleak 'believing something, anything because it's unbearable not to'.  I realise now that most of the time my time was being wasted in classrooms.  And given I was pretty good at classroom stuff, Lord knows what it was like for others.

 I guess it's worth studying biology to be free of the worst it can bring out in us, deep argument to reach tolerance (even of deep frustrations with deep answers) and be touched by comedy to protect us from economists and charismatic leadership.

On Monday, 17 March 2014 08:12:18 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
There is a lot to think about, I like the BWC is in a way is s right as any concept. Proving the existence of the soul or God is extremely difficult at best. Since I have been part of this my views have radically evolved, like mathematics (base 10) there is the assumption that 1 + 1 = 2 and 0 is an even whole number. Without that BWC assumption all mathematics does not function. So BWC are required for life to truly function.

The latest spiritual concept I am into exploring is difficult to grasp even for me.. throwing stones accomplishes nothing exception only destruction. Because Ik (Dutch I ) disagree with someone does not mean they wrong.

Whether a person believes or dis believes the concept of dharma or how you live  life really comes into play in the BWC comes into play.

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:16 AM
Subject: Mind's Eye Sense in insanity

I'd say modern morality starts in protecting the planet, population and leadership control, all to the ends of human rights and the prevention of cruelty.  Molly's 'embracing the paradox' (though I can't help ribbing it sometimes like a brother might) seems key.  I regard most methodological intellectualism as a spent force.  I don't, as anyone here over the years will know, respect the bending of knees to the blue and white chequered rabbit as a rational gesture.  There is no god or even soul we can prove or disprove.  Yet I would bow to such authority.  Better the BWC rabbit than our insane leadership selections of people and institutions that don't work towards my first sentence.  Religion contains many words on freedom we have forgotten.  Much of this was about freedom from debt.  We have forgotten too that most of us were slaves in history.  One might bend the knee to the preposterous unknown in gesture of fellowship and even auto da fe.  Simply against the tyranny of real, current  authority.

Hard to give a gist on any of this.  I want no part of religion that involves throwing stones (particularly vile killing), though there is much we should shun.  Of course, we can always claim our religion is about peace, but I want no part in such rhetoric of exclusion.  One can even claim to shun religion because it is so palpably contradictory (love and peace - now read Numbers 31 on how to commit war crimes).  So one goes with science and facts, building bombs not clean energy with atomic secrets.  There is no exit to sanity.  In deeper terms, the rejection of metaphysics itself is metaphysical.  The rejection of all authority is to accept the authority of rejection.  Try to ground science in logic and one meets approximation.  Even maths either generates internal inconsistencies or relies on something external to the system.  I have no argument for or against religion, or even the blind faith of auto da fe (this is deep in our biology as ants rebelling against their captors demonstrate).  The codes are deeper than human argument operating by excluding inconvenient yet relevant facts.

It is impossible to disprove statements like 'the world started when I started writing this post tonight'.  Fool, you may say, thinking you had that fling with the triple-breasted whore from Aldebaron 3 yesterday and you remember that well.  Of course, the world I'm on about started complete with fossil record, history and memories.  Hard to get past this catch-all though none of us believe it.  Imagine how far you'd get in court with a defence that you killed your husband intending to invent a time-machine to come back and stop yourself before you did it.  The same would be true of a claim that god told you to do it, though Blair seems to have got away with mass murder on this claim.

Our arguments are often based in 'facts' about as useful as barking at the moon to improve chances of winning the lottery.  They are delivered in the weird objective passion of politicians interviewed by media bimbos past-lecturers remember as having no essay writing skills if Google was down. Thinking of some of the dafter bits of the above (one of my LLB exam questions was 'X kills his wife believing her to be a clay pigeon.  Comment on his legal liability'), why do we allow so much public argument we would deny defendants in court cases, other than as lunatic rambling?  I think we have impossible problems in our current arguments because of a few key ways in which we exclude evidence including evidence of our own incompetence in argument.  Some of this relates to that intolerant humour that would, say, cause a different Allan to accuse me of disrespect in thinking his soul blue and white chequered, rather than brushing it off by saying 'striped not chequered Neil'.

Somewhere, my belief we should get on with living in peace and finding means to leave this planet (thus continuing in evolution without going through bacteria, dinosaur and ape phases), is a belief in god.  Gnosticism, given our cruel history, makes as much sense.  Or maybe I'm just an ex-cop who can't cope with us ceding the world to crooks (Blair, Bush, Mugabe, bankers)?

I think we can see microcosms of what we do wrong in argument in such insanity as the Duggan Inquest.  The madness here involves claims blacks being 'fair game' to be shot by cops when the real issues concern incompetence with firearms in the hands of adrenaline fuelled people and why cops have to lie over such accidents.


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