Mind's Eye Re: "A wise man once said."

I find you funny all the time Gabby.  You never fail to amuse.

On Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:59:26 AM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
Very cool, Molly! Creationists and tax evading spoilt brats have been using the same strategy to artsify our run down areas. After that the housing prices will go up again. Don't worry Molly. On TV I've been seeing that business model operating in Detroit as well. When you compared the city of Detroit to the rotten country Germany in the trust thread, I could virtually sense how you mash up different images of different areas and time periods and blow them out of any proportion to create that pink bubbly feeling that makes feel so much more connected to the real life, in which your pureness and goodness outshines all the ugliness around you.... haha, sorry, I find you very funny when you go serious, Molly. ;)


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