It is good to hear the feds are back in action, starting with Reagan it started to really deteriorate. ;o). A separate federal law enforcement is needed to have a good law enforcement on all levels.
Their job is not to enforce local laws enforcing national laws and support for local and state. When they become come corrupt step in and clear up the mess.
They needed to maintain the very highest standards of integrity. It is good to see those standards returning.
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trust
Their job is not to enforce local laws enforcing national laws and support for local and state. When they become come corrupt step in and clear up the mess.
They needed to maintain the very highest standards of integrity. It is good to see those standards returning.
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trust
I just watched the movie Prisoners with an all star cast, Hugh Jackman, Toby McGuire, Maria Bello, Terrance Howard. A suspense thriller that leaves you wondering just what any of us is capable of no matter what side of the law. Very dark. Brings up the problem of evidence and the need of it to act, and what actions are justified. Very dark stuff.
-- Federal investigators came to Detroit the year I moved here in 2007, built a case that gave the Mayor the longest prison sentence of any city official six years later, put away several of his henchmen along with him including his father, and moved on to an investigation on the county affairs (no doubt based on what was uncovered in the city corruption case). Seven years for a huge team of federal investigators is quite an effort. We convolute and hide corruption in ways not easy to break through and see or prove, hiding in layers of lies and subterfuge and denial until it becomes second nature. These guys obviously felt untouchable and were haughty to the press and public on a daily basis.
"fixate on certainty about doubt" caught my attention and makes me wonder if our cynicism doesn't produce the soil for the seeds of corruption to grow. Our own cynical natures can be hard to let go of, and we need fodder for the doubt.
On Friday, September 12, 2014 11:51:37 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
On Friday, September 12, 2014 11:51:37 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
The 'hero' of one of Scott Adams' dreadful attempts to go beyond Dilbert (in Religion War - hopeless but predicting the current state of the Middle East in 2004) is an Avatar. Wittgenstein beat me to 'doubting everything is to doubt nothing' Molly. In the Rotherham case they are putting up the odd scapegoat, but laughably the head of Parliament's oversight committee is on Keith Vaz - a slimy guy always dodging personal corruption. He has been an MP in Leicester since 1987 and child sexual exploitation handling is likely worse there than Rotherham. I expect he turned away some victim families himself.So I suspect Moll is too optimistic, yet right than doubt, doubt, doubt is to give up or carp from the sidelines. In practice, much doubting is needed to unseat creeps like Sean Wright (Rotherham creep) and the man decrying him (Vaz) - but we need positive evidence of that and they have control. Much of the problems in corruption concern being able to get practical investigation done. This is very expensive and one needs official warrant to boot relevant doors in. I think there are other ways.
On Thursday, 11 September 2014 21:59:49 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:I don't know how much corruption there is a lot of it is very subtle. Years ago my wife's boss gave us tickets to a concert competition a company was sponsoring. They were in reality promoting their business and influencing people to use their services including government bosses ,, unwittingly many government do favors because of these innocent gift, (bribes to buy influence in decision making.)" Giving inappropriate gifts to stand out against your competition, you can justify or call it anything you want, a bribe still remains a bribe. Sugar coating it does not change the bribe. Unfortunately it has become common practice in business community not only between businesses I think the practice only becomes illegal when dealing with the government,
You paper I find it hard to believe that gullible, it shows we truly are at the bottom of the iron age. Every generation has its prophets and false prophets, its teachers and those that lead people astray. The soul's building simply says ' do no harm. ' how each soul internet it is called freewill.
As for an Avatars they can be anyone doing God's or the Primal Lord's will, trying to make the world s better place for the betterment of humanity. This is especially true if not done for personal gain. What Roshmi as talking about she referred to as a supersoul, both Jesus and Buddha would easily fit in that category. Both Supersouls gave instructions on how to be a kinder gentler person or their dharma to use the Hindu concept. Life is for living and Avatars are about how to improve your Dharma.
You know me, I loved good spiritual bullshit session, but when push comes to shove, life is about how we live our lives not how much bullshit we can throw around.
A Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustI have been thinking about what you say here Allan. Interesting. I can't help but relate it to Neil's remarks, because I've been wondering how many people around me actually participate in corruption. How many people that I meet are actually crazy, but it is hard to spot? Conversely, how many could be an avatar? Can someone be an avatar without being a savior or leading a movement? Nisargadatta Maharaj comes to mind, he has a tobacco kiosk in Mumbai, and all of his books were written by people who came to talk to him at his kiosk to learn from him. A real fascination.
On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 10:20:03 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:The Avatar is an interesting concept. He\She is the physical representative of God or Primal Lord an example(s) are Jesus and Buddha. Once you escape beyond the wording the similarities between the two belief systems is truly amazing.
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustwhat do you mean by Avatar, Allan?--
On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:31:59 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:I have been trying to understand Hinduism & have found an excellent teacher in Roshmi a mutual friend of Vam. She is very knowledgeable and is of the opinion that an Avatar is coming, I tend to agree. People ate getting tired of the extreme corruption that has invaded politics with all the paid spin doctor with excessive donations and benefits for those that assist in getting their policies past.
There is far to much free floating money. The people supplying this money need to be personally held accountable & not hide behind a corporation. The corporation no longer because they have violated the laws .. One of the conditions for having a corporate skirt
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustCultures of corruption and how they are tolerated is indeed an ageless. As I look back at the times that the local legal system only served to exaggerate problems for me a change in location was the only cure, and that takes a big leap in faith that a new start with all its hardship will mean improvement. The Japanese term Kaizen or constant improvement, requires a culture that allows it to flourish. In Detroit, time will tell whether it is possible to turn around the battle ship in the harbor of continued corruption, or whether corruption can truly be rooted out once so well established. Detroit is devastated, like Germany was, and maybe that is what it takes for the group to be willing to change what generations have allowed to rot.--Love your observation on doubting everything, Neil, and wonder if somewhere in me this resides. If we do doubt everything, yet continue to accept a corrupt culture, where is the hope of change?
On Tuesday, September 9, 2014 4:17:25 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:In one local incident, a number of people were assured by police they could give anonymous evidence (case about drugs and very violent murders). The first to give evidence was seated behind a screen. The court usher then read out her name and address! We could no doubt list dozens similar from our experience. Philosophy and science has little respect for "public opinion" - from Socrates' dismissal of doxa, through Bacon's Idols, Descartes 'radical doubt', Nietzsche's 're-evaluation of all values' and eventually the legitimation crisis of postmodernism (Lyotard). The idea is that trust should be based on examination of experience, yet the means we use in such examination may themselves be faulty or misleading.Physics is based on conservation laws, especially of energy and momentum. We can't quite explain just what a conservation law is. The picture Relativity gives us is one in which we have to leave this planet and this universe. I am not sure how I can trust that either physics or the human collective in this. Religion doesn't work for me, yet faced with the way science structures reality for me, there has to be more to trust in. Religion has often been a form of rebellion against indenture and is not without charm, but against its worst history trust in it is no easy matter of faith. Nor is belief in humanity. Yet one assumes we don't want to trust to despair, whether over the speed of light, politicians or dud cops and social workers!All aspects of trust seem to have a dark mirror. The public scrutiny we need to prevent Detroits and Rotherhams has the dark side potential of a police state. Virtue ethics arose in and did nothing to stop slavery. If we doubt everything we actually fixate on certainty about doubt. And how can one doubt we should stick to legal rules to prevent child sexual exploitation? Many supposedly credible people who succeeded in getting into very senior positions did in Rotherham.
On Monday, 8 September 2014 12:40:36 UTC+1, Molly wrote:And there may be the crux, Neil. If we lose trust in ourselves so easily, our self image suffers. What's the problem there? I wonder if our own self image isn't what shapes our experience, so filled with our beliefs and fears and doubts and loathings, but also our confidence and grace, all giving us mixed messages about trust and leaving us confused as to its very nature. Corruption has soil to prosper, as you say, when the psychopaths find a no trust, disorganized place to plant their seeds. Really horrible stuff going on in Rotherham.I think that while we continue to look toward others for a source of trust, we miss the paradox that is essential to its functionality. That how we exercise trust with ourselves creates our own trust-worthiness and our experience of trusting others. I suggest this because the corruption that still abides in Detroit leads me to examine my own trust behaviors. They could be better, that is for sure. The work seems slow, but may not be, as slow requires comparison, and this work doesn't really allow for it. I don't think that pure trust behavior rules out discernment of danger or corruption. It does require the confidence to survive and thrive.
On Monday, September 8, 2014 6:56:15 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:The cricket went to the last ball and we won. So much for trust in me as a cricket pundit.
On Sunday, 7 September 2014 16:24:45 UTC+1, archytas wrote:There is a much sweeter aspect of trust and confidence in self and others. We can do little without this aspect, yet it is also what psychopaths, votaries and free-riders exploit. Allan and I might have attended Edgebaston (Birmingham) today for the cricket. An early start would have seen us through the ladies' match - England beat South Africa with some top drawer fielding to rival Willie Mays. Very easy on the eye. England will probably lose the mens' game against India. Lovely day, atypical of England in September. Of course, we could hardly trust the weather and I would have taken a spare plastic poncho in case Allan came unprepared for standard UK climatics. A nice day is less likely than an England win. Experience, of course, has an effect on trust. Preparation for cricket attendance in the UK can be based on open criteria. Much going on politically is now the equivalent on insider trading or being caught in a card game with a marked deck you don't know about.It's easy enough to call for transparency, but I suspect all we have is statistical thinking. If Rotherham generalises (in my experience it does) across Britain, we have a massive problem centred on Pakistani-Afghan child sexual exploitation. We have lacked the ability to trust ourselves to investigate and not be racist. Much I have seen from Molly before would help in training to get over the many trust problems involved. Any knowledge on what the Dutch do Allan? Part of trust in this area is the faith that one can open up without fear of retribution. In a related systems problem here, cops have been selling lists of informers and losing unencrypted pen drives replete with such information.England 180 for 7 at the break. Cup of tea and a cake Allan?
On Saturday, 6 September 2014 03:10:59 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:lol, it has been all over the news.
It is strange how some government type employees have a convenience or selective memory.
In politicians we trust, my God what a horrid thought. When you consider that a person taking out another person to gain a favor is actually a bribe.
Sigh corruption abounds. I am as guilty as anyone in turning a blind eye. Probably more so because i know what is happening well be not because i am not bashful about saying something and always habe
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Sat, 06 Sep 2014 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustWe have (another) child sexual abuse scandal over here. The place is Rotherham in South Yorkshire. The story will be almost the same anywhere in the UK. The problem has been ignored for decades. The former chief constable says 'no one told him about it'. I knew about it as a detective 30 years back and the specific racial issues 15 years ago as a university lecturer. This former chief constable says we wasn't incompetent because he didn't know. Trust is a big part of the criminal justice system. Amongst people not telling this turkey was a Home Office researcher who sent him her report, only to be treated disgracefully. About all we can trust in terms of the big chunks who rise to the top of the establishment septic tank is that they lie and cover up mistakes whilst claiming to 'learn lessons'. To understand one's own incompetence one first needs the ability to admit to such.--There were 100 serious cases going uninvestigated in a town of 250,000, which suggests 28,000 across the UK population at 70 million. That's every year. Little reason to trust our public services.
On Friday, 5 September 2014 20:08:59 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:Don't forget Tony I'm an expat & very much aware of what goes on there, including taxes as I have property in Montana, Missouri, & Arkansas.
Do you know that the pilgrim father you know first moved to Leiden Netherlands for religious freedom then moved the Americas because the dutch were to immoral for their tastes. Once there they threw a "Thanksgiving" dinner for the natives americans so they could kill them and steal their land.
Another thing I had to learn was my bill of rights here , almost identical to the one in the US, only it around 100 years earlier.
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: "'facilitator' via \"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustOn this side of the pond our politicians pull out the conveniently ubiquitous coins from their pocket (The ones that say "we" trust in God) and begin to tell us how we all must honor old biblical passages as they will lead us to better government. I have to conclude at this stage that politicians must believe the separation of church and state is less like apples and oranges and more like a Mica Schist! I "trust" our leaders to do the right thing.--
On Friday, September 5, 2014 7:40:14 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:Having pointed to the negative on trust, there is a largely unexplored positive. My dogs could rip me to shreds, but don't. They can trust me not to have the heart to hit them. People can live in peace. We might ask each other what we have trust in.
On Friday, 5 September 2014 12:20:38 UTC+1, archytas wrote:We can almost trust Allan and Andrew to be at each other's throats! They have long reminded me of the 'Flowerpot Men' (ancient BBC kid's programme starring Gabby as 'Little Weed' - the one that kept the squabbling men in order). I'd guess, brain-wise, that love and trust centre on the limbic system and thus we might expect mammals to do quite a lot of loving and trusting. I am prone not to want to 'master' anything. The dogs and cat regard me as a butler. They trust themselves enough to eat me it the tins ever run out and to let me share their lives, mostly on their terms.Love 'flip flops' if you think about it Andrew - fast enough for sexually transmitted diseases to thrive in all the 'trust'. Politics is full of statements like 'it's better to have them inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in' and 'once you have their balls in your pocket the rest will follow' - LBJ and Nixon. I actually wonder if our bought and paid for politicians are also compromised so that the establishment can trust them. Maybe be Blair took us into that murderous war because they had the photographs sort of thing.I want to give people (anyone) pretty much unconditional positive affirmation - yet I have seen the worst at work and know the love/trust orientation is a practical dud. I think we are far too soppy about trust. It's been considered a lot in establishment literature - Francis Fukuyama wrote some really silly stuff I used to teach as the 'Milkman theory of the universe' - milkman leaves milk 'trusting' you will pay at the end of the week. The truth is way distant from such platitudes. Most in here will know money is created as loans by private banks (97%) rather than government (3%). Only one in ten of UK MPs knew when polled. We 'trust' these idiots with the economy? Trust and faith have a lot to do with ignorance and message manipulation - and our overestimation of our competence in judging credibility.
On Friday, 5 September 2014 09:29:37 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:If I had made your statement there would have been foundation in place support such a comment. Sorry Andrew flip flopping is not a sign of intelligence and fluidity. You see flip flopping a lot in politics and that comment is not a compliment on flexibility and intelligence.
Now I have made some what originally was very stupid topics meant to stir up the shit and get some conversation going. One was are we really spiritual zombies not an really a popular topic. Oddly that intentionally stupid statement as I rooted around in it I found out that the comment actually was part a sects beliefs. Truth is my beliefs actually evolved which was a surprise to me.. .. Because i thought my spiritual development was quite advanced only find out that my perspective need altering. Over the decades my beliefs have changed, not the foundation but I managed to throw out a lot of unfounded dogma & doctrine.
In science as in beliefs there is a need to evolve. Evolution is a process not a flip flop. If you are trying flip flop to appear intelligent I feel sorry for you Andrew.
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <>
Sent: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustI am here on earth to learn and would find it very sad if I did not. Learning requires changing opinions. Niel`s commented (as I understood him) that animals do not show trust. RPs feedback to my comments pointed out to me that animals can indeed show trust. On thinking of this further, I came to an opinion that it is only domesticated ones that show it. Thinking about this further, there is the trust between any newborn animal - wild, domesticated, and human.--
I reserve my right to "flip flop" and I am proud to be able to do with such flexibility and fluidity. At least you are honest enough to admit that you are not. Once you are incapable of being fluid, you become like ice. In effect you stop learning and flowing.
On Thursday, September 4, 2014 10:26:34 PM UTC+2, Allan Heretic wrote:Andrew, you said animals are incapable of trust and love. Great flip flop or is that extreme intellectual fluidity of which i am incapable of.
Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <>
Sent: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye trustDomesticated animals also show great trust.--
On Thursday, September 4, 2014 10:19:54 PM UTC+2, andrew vecsey wrote:Yes I think they do. Perhaps domesticated animals are more like people than animals in the wild.
On Thursday, September 4, 2014 7:30:06 PM UTC+2, RP Singh wrote:Dogs love their masters or don't they.On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:53 PM, andrew vecsey <> wrote:
"Trusting" like "love" is one of the characteristics that humans have and animals do not.
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