Re: Mind's Eye Then, The Cl8mate Fear Mongering...

Wow! Vam,,  that is interesting. I see he has forgotten to list the Hawiai volcano which gas been pushing a steady stream of lava for over the last year. Or the massive Islandic euruptions that closed European air traffic completely, or the volcanoes spouting off in Europe or North and South America..
your source is a climate denier..
why don't you search the internet for volcano eruptions since 2000 ,, oh yeah you might think about narrowing the search to Europe. allan

On Sun, Mar 10, 2019, 02:17 Vam <> wrote:
To Dem-Left-Lib folks who say the Earth "only has 12 years"... Dr Walter Williams reminds us that just 3 volcanic eruptions : Indonesia 1883, Alaska 1912 & Iceland 1947 released more carbon & sulphur dioxide than all human activity in history. We're still here 🤔


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