



Posted: 31 Jul 2012 05:50 PM PDT

Nadie sentía sus angustias, 
sus alegrías nadie las notaba,
sus tristezas eran invisibles,
su amor nadie lo requería,
a sus miedos los ignoraban,
pero un solo error,
y todos le criticaban.


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Educational videos

Half a video was enough to cause me to turn it off ..  I am not a child looking for spiritual teacher not am I looking for lectures.

On Aug 1, 2012 12:28 AM, "James" <ashkashal@gmail.com> wrote:
On 7/31/2012 10:17 AM, archytas wrote:
Hi Andrew.
Do you have a point beyond the use of youtube?

Use it well..? Hope I have a few minutes tonight, some of these sound interesting and/or amusing.

On Jul 31, 9:00 am, andrew vecsey<andrewvec...@gmail.com>  wrote:
God evolved to create life and allowed life to evolve into man. See YouTube video "The evolution of god - bridging science and religion, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9YdYiqggsA

To be happy you need to know yourself, work like you don't need the money, have the right attitude, be honest, help others, and be thankful. See YouTube video "Happiness Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEqEgmd9hAwHowdo you value worth and success? See YouTube video "Values Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3VTmLqFdCs

Being thankful and being appreciated. See YouTube video "The art of Gratitude, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKzKypXBsaI

How you see yourself and how others see you are not always the same. Especially between men and women. See YouTube video "Reality, Men&  Women, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66SjVBDCrmY

How drugs are used by society and their rulers. See YouTube video "Drugs Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKZPdTmui6k

First you play, then you work and then you think. The virtues of laziness. See YouTube video "The art of work and play, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgAtlTnWi30

Why we have dreams and how to interpret them. See YouTube video "Dreams, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk6lpV-rWPc

What nature teaches us. See YouTube video "Lessons from Nature Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4loZ41VKFI

Have you been duped and would you like to blow your whistle? You can do it on YouTube. See YouTube video "Corruption, whistle-blowing and vandalism, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCsFQWCTZw

Proposal for a 1000 year project for Riggisberg cemetery in Switzerland to propose long term thinking. See YouTube video "Cemeteries and how to give them a life, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnrNP-Kmeu8



Re: Mind's Eye Re: Educational videos

On 7/31/2012 10:17 AM, archytas wrote:
> Hi Andrew.
> Do you have a point beyond the use of youtube?

Use it well..? Hope I have a few minutes tonight, some of these sound
interesting and/or amusing.

> On Jul 31, 9:00 am, andrew vecsey<andrewvec...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> God evolved to create life and allowed life to evolve into man. See YouTube video "The evolution of god - bridging science and religion, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9YdYiqggsA
>> To be happy you need to know yourself, work like you don't need the money, have the right attitude, be honest, help others, and be thankful. See YouTube video "Happiness Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEqEgmd9hAwHowdo you value worth and success? See YouTube video "Values Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3VTmLqFdCs
>> Being thankful and being appreciated. See YouTube video "The art of Gratitude, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKzKypXBsaI
>> How you see yourself and how others see you are not always the same. Especially between men and women. See YouTube video "Reality, Men& Women, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66SjVBDCrmY
>> How drugs are used by society and their rulers. See YouTube video "Drugs Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKZPdTmui6k
>> First you play, then you work and then you think. The virtues of laziness. See YouTube video "The art of work and play, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgAtlTnWi30
>> Why we have dreams and how to interpret them. See YouTube video "Dreams, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk6lpV-rWPc
>> What nature teaches us. See YouTube video "Lessons from Nature Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4loZ41VKFI
>> Have you been duped and would you like to blow your whistle? You can do it on YouTube. See YouTube video "Corruption, whistle-blowing and vandalism, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCsFQWCTZw
>> Proposal for a 1000 year project for Riggisberg cemetery in Switzerland to propose long term thinking. See YouTube video "Cemeteries and how to give them a life, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnrNP-Kmeu8


Mind's Eye Re: The Truth and Nothing But...

There is a point at which one has to accept that celebrating history
as truth would be extremely difficult in public events like the
Olympics. A re-enactment of, say, the joint action of British,
French, German, American, Russian and Japanese navies putting down the
Boxer revolution in China (1902 ish) is probably something to leave
behind at such moments. The Queen leaping out of a plane and arriving
by parachute with James Bond is at least obvious fantasy. At least we
were spared, as in Fifty Shades of Grey mode, the jump as some form of
bondage sex. Sport is rather tiresome - how long before the prone
full-bore is advertised in the obvious innuendo?

On Jul 31, 1:19 pm, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> True. The truth can hurt- maybe that's why we avoid it- or try to. And
> it takes time/maturity/experience to weigh and judge facts. The best I
> can do is get back to those imaginary scales I try to manage- weighing
> the good against the bad- and hoping they will balance and bring me
> some kind of acceptance.
> On Jul 28, 10:10 pm, Vam <atewari2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Things might be in books, papers, media, or other people's minds.
> > Yet, it is YOU who is central to everything, including facts you are aware
> > of.
> > Facts are truths of the moment, as it is in your insight and conviction.
> > Even whether a 'story' is complete, or not, is a matter of your perception.
> > Of course, it depends upon how much details you've gone on to acquire
> > and place in your awareness, analysed it and obtained a consistent insight
> > with a critical eye.
> > The elephant in the room can be known for what it is.
> > But it takes focus, the opposite of dissipation,
> > and hell of a lot of going through.
> > We've generally lost the motivation for going after facts
> > and the art of going through !
> > On Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:49:51 AM UTC+5:30, rigsy03 wrote:
> > > Was thinking more about Vam's statement about facts. Well, who
> > > presents the facts and how are they edited or censored? Many were
> > > content to think of American Indians as Tonto(Lone Ranger) until "Bury
> > > My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown came out. When facts have a
> > > political, religious or social purpose, you can bet you are not
> > > getting the complete story. Same with families who whitewash family
> > > history. No one who has read British history believes the Olympic
> > > opening ceremony selections are the full story- that's entertainment-
> > > otherwise fisticuffs and tears.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -


Mind's Eye Re: Educational videos

Hi Andrew.
Do you have a point beyond the use of youtube?

On Jul 31, 9:00 am, andrew vecsey <andrewvec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> God evolved to create life and allowed life to evolve into man. See YouTube video "The evolution of god - bridging science and religion, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9YdYiqggsA
> To be happy you need to know yourself, work like you don't need the money, have the right attitude, be honest, help others, and be thankful. See YouTube video "Happiness Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEqEgmd9hAwHowdo you value worth and success? See YouTube video "Values Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3VTmLqFdCs
> Being thankful and being appreciated. See YouTube video "The art of Gratitude, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKzKypXBsaI
> How you see yourself and how others see you are not always the same. Especially between men and women. See YouTube video "Reality, Men & Women, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66SjVBDCrmY
> How drugs are used by society and their rulers. See YouTube video "Drugs Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKZPdTmui6k
> First you play, then you work and then you think. The virtues of laziness. See YouTube video "The art of work and play, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgAtlTnWi30
> Why we have dreams and how to interpret them. See YouTube video "Dreams, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk6lpV-rWPc
> What nature teaches us. See YouTube video "Lessons from Nature Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4loZ41VKFI
> Have you been duped and would you like to blow your whistle? You can do it on YouTube. See YouTube video "Corruption, whistle-blowing and vandalism, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCsFQWCTZw
> Proposal for a 1000 year project for Riggisberg cemetery in Switzerland to propose long term thinking. See YouTube video "Cemeteries and how to give them a life, Simplified".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnrNP-Kmeu8


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Let me know when you read the european news ,, not the american version of it either,, there s a big difference.  oh yes I forgot Romney s your hero..

On Jul 31, 2012 2:05 PM, "rigsy03" <rigsy03@yahoo.com> wrote:
Yes- I heard. It can be risky not reading off a monitor, can't it? :-)

Turkey's getting feisty re Syria which will pull in Iran.

On Jul 30, 11:41 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well Rigsy
> Listen to Romney the other day,,,  well i do not know if you hard
> his because it was in Israel..  hat to say it if he gets elected the US is
> into another war   this time with Iran....  I know you dis agree with me.
> Allan
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:56 PM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Let's not argue about politics- it's like arguing about nationality or
> > religion= an endless loop. Besides, either party in the USA is more
> > alike than different in a real sense of impact upon the individual-
> > for instance, waste, debt and extraction of taxes plus snarl of
> > controls and regulations. Consider that most immigrants came to
> > America for a chance to do what was impossible in their ancestral
> > homeland- own property/business and construct a new social order based
> > on wealth rather than aristocratic ancestry, however they tried to
> > emulate the aristocrats in life style and a closed "400"- now
> > shattered by celebrities/nouveau riche. Not sure we really own
> > anything anymore- free and clear- as taxes resemble rent rather than
> > ownership. Larry Sommers (sp?) now proposes equality of opportunity
> > but says little about sweat and talent- nothing new as America was
> > founded on the principle of opportunity, wasn't it? Or did it morph
> > into opportunism which must be corrected?
> > On Jul 29, 12:54 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different
> > > political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be
> > > archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.
> > > The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the
> > > blame where it belonged..
> > > Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very
> > > recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED"
> > into
> > > it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical
> > weapons
> > > and the nuclear weapons,,
> > > What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the
> > > cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..
> >  Get
> > > real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned
> > by
> > > slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another
> > slick
> > > talking Huckster..
> > > Allan
> > > On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > > Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
> > > > are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
> > > > going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
> > > > crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
> > > > fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.
> > > > On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party
> > > > group
> > > > > slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not
> > right
> > > > > this.
> > > > > Allan
> > > > > Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> > > > > economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> > > > > women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> > > > > >==============================================
> > > > >  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> > > > > perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> > > > > Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> > > > > it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> > > > > by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> > > > > Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> > > > > Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> > > > > year.
> > > > > The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you
> > take
> > > > > away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the
> > market
> > > > > will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> > > > > benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> > > > > instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> > > > > the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time
> > in
> > > > > our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> > > > > nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> > > > > further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> > > > > irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> > > > > burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> > > > > Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> > > > > policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> > > > > companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control
> > over
> > > > > interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> > > > > took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it
> > harder
> > > > > for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> > > > > death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his
> > 8
> > > > > years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> > > > > deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts
> > for
> > > > > the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> > > > > Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> > > > > oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> > > > > sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> > > > > the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> > > > > collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> > > > > year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> > > > > office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> > > > > action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> > > > > had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> > > > > job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> > > > > cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> > > > > are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> > > > > industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> > > > > But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> > > > > the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> > > > > some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> > > > > minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> > > > > will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations
> > have
> > > > > been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is
> > even
> > > > > more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> > > > > banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> > > > > very risky institutions.
> > > > > --
> > > > >  (
> > > > >   )
> > > > > |_D Allan
> > > > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> > > > --- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -



Mind's Eye Re: The Truth and Nothing But...

True. The truth can hurt- maybe that's why we avoid it- or try to. And
it takes time/maturity/experience to weigh and judge facts. The best I
can do is get back to those imaginary scales I try to manage- weighing
the good against the bad- and hoping they will balance and bring me
some kind of acceptance.

On Jul 28, 10:10 pm, Vam <atewari2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Things might be in books, papers, media, or other people's minds.
> Yet, it is YOU who is central to everything, including facts you are aware
> of.
> Facts are truths of the moment, as it is in your insight and conviction.
> Even whether a 'story' is complete, or not, is a matter of your perception.
> Of course, it depends upon how much details you've gone on to acquire
> and place in your awareness, analysed it and obtained a consistent insight
> with a critical eye.
> The elephant in the room can be known for what it is.
> But it takes focus, the opposite of dissipation,
> and hell of a lot of going through.
> We've generally lost the motivation for going after facts
> and the art of going through !
> On Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:49:51 AM UTC+5:30, rigsy03 wrote:
> > Was thinking more about Vam's statement about facts. Well, who
> > presents the facts and how are they edited or censored? Many were
> > content to think of American Indians as Tonto(Lone Ranger) until "Bury
> > My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown came out. When facts have a
> > political, religious or social purpose, you can bet you are not
> > getting the complete story. Same with families who whitewash family
> > history. No one who has read British history believes the Olympic
> > opening ceremony selections are the full story- that's entertainment-
> > otherwise fisticuffs and tears.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Yes- I heard. It can be risky not reading off a monitor, can't it? :-)

Turkey's getting feisty re Syria which will pull in Iran.

On Jul 30, 11:41 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well Rigsy
> Listen to Romney the other day,,,  well i do not know if you hard
> his because it was in Israel..  hat to say it if he gets elected the US is
> into another war   this time with Iran....  I know you dis agree with me.
> Allan
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:56 PM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Let's not argue about politics- it's like arguing about nationality or
> > religion= an endless loop. Besides, either party in the USA is more
> > alike than different in a real sense of impact upon the individual-
> > for instance, waste, debt and extraction of taxes plus snarl of
> > controls and regulations. Consider that most immigrants came to
> > America for a chance to do what was impossible in their ancestral
> > homeland- own property/business and construct a new social order based
> > on wealth rather than aristocratic ancestry, however they tried to
> > emulate the aristocrats in life style and a closed "400"- now
> > shattered by celebrities/nouveau riche. Not sure we really own
> > anything anymore- free and clear- as taxes resemble rent rather than
> > ownership. Larry Sommers (sp?) now proposes equality of opportunity
> > but says little about sweat and talent- nothing new as America was
> > founded on the principle of opportunity, wasn't it? Or did it morph
> > into opportunism which must be corrected?
> > On Jul 29, 12:54 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different
> > > political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be
> > > archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.
> > > The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the
> > > blame where it belonged..
> > > Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very
> > > recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED"
> > into
> > > it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical
> > weapons
> > > and the nuclear weapons,,
> > > What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the
> > > cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..
> >  Get
> > > real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned
> > by
> > > slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another
> > slick
> > > talking Huckster..
> > > Allan
> > > On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > > Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
> > > > are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
> > > > going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
> > > > crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
> > > > fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.
> > > > On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party
> > > > group
> > > > > slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not
> > right
> > > > > this.
> > > > > Allan
> > > > > Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> > > > > economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> > > > > women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> > > > > >==============================================
> > > > >  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> > > > > perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> > > > > Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> > > > > it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> > > > > by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> > > > > Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> > > > > Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> > > > > year.
> > > > > The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you
> > take
> > > > > away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the
> > market
> > > > > will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> > > > > benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> > > > > instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> > > > > the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time
> > in
> > > > > our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> > > > > nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> > > > > further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> > > > > irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> > > > > burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> > > > > Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> > > > > policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> > > > > companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control
> > over
> > > > > interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> > > > > took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it
> > harder
> > > > > for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> > > > > death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his
> > 8
> > > > > years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> > > > > deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts
> > for
> > > > > the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> > > > > Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> > > > > oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> > > > > sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> > > > > the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> > > > > collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> > > > > year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> > > > > office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> > > > > action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> > > > > had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> > > > > job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> > > > > cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> > > > > are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> > > > > industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> > > > > But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> > > > > the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> > > > > some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> > > > > minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> > > > > will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations
> > have
> > > > > been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is
> > even
> > > > > more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> > > > > banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> > > > > very risky institutions.
> > > > > --
> > > > >  (
> > > > >   )
> > > > > |_D Allan
> > > > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> > > > --- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Mind's Eye Re: The Truth and Nothing But...

I think the Olympics are a great idea and the athletes are wonderful-
even the non-medal winners. Don't you gasp at their prowess and
beautiful bodies? I do- how fantastic humans can be!

Not much of a fan of the commercial aspect, however, and "all that
jazz"- or the gossip, sniping,etc.

One of the best ideas the human race has come up with- in my opinion.

On Jul 30, 10:39 am, Lee Douglas <leerevdoug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ahhh the ongoing, everlasting, nonstoping quest for truth.
> I was having a go at a great frined of mine just the other day9coz you can
> with greate freinds).  I was berating him for his constant whinging about
> the olympics being here, and yes of course he is not into sport so I kinda
> get it, but he was being all indgnant thatr his harsh words on Twitter were
> bringing him back harsh words in return.
> I told him that like it or loath it the Olympics is a world wide event and
> it IS (capital S coz it's 'the truth') a big deal for us native Londoners
> to have it here.
> He said something along the lines of  So I have to pretend to lie it then?
> I told him of course not, but you can't pretend to not understand how
> antagonistic words from the 'we don't like it camp' may bring the same back
> from the 'we love it camp.'
> His reply was a rather terse one telling how he doesn't like to be called
> wrong, mine was equaly as terse mentioning the S word (yes subjective) and
> telling him to man up and don't let others words get to him, ohh and of
> course you're wrong mate.
> His next reply..... hehe he didn't bother!
> I guess the point is we will not find out who is correct about the benifits
> to the UK and London from the Olympics untill long after and so I would say
> that most facts cannot be substantiated untill time has shown them for what
> they are.
> On Sunday, 29 July 2012 13:21:07 UTC+1, Molly wrote:
> > Facts are an important fact-or of consensus reality which is based solely
> > on mind (temporal).  There is more to truth than that, but relative truth
> > can be found with facts, including consensus truths.  But they are relative.
> > On Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:10:42 PM UTC-4, Vam wrote:
> >> Things might be in books, papers, media, or other people's minds.
> >> Yet, it is YOU who is central to everything, including facts you are
> >> aware of.
> >> Facts are truths of the moment, as it is in your insight and conviction.
> >> Even whether a 'story' is complete, or not, is a matter of your
> >> perception.
> >> Of course, it depends upon how much details you've gone on to acquire
> >> and place in your awareness, analysed it and obtained a consistent
> >> insight
> >> with a critical eye.
> >> The elephant in the room can be known for what it is.
> >> But it takes focus, the opposite of dissipation,
> >> and hell of a lot of going through.
> >> We've generally lost the motivation for going after facts
> >> and the art of going through !
> >> On Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:49:51 AM UTC+5:30, rigsy03 wrote:
> >>> Was thinking more about Vam's statement about facts. Well, who
> >>> presents the facts and how are they edited or censored? Many were
> >>> content to think of American Indians as Tonto(Lone Ranger) until "Bury
> >>> My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown came out. When facts have a
> >>> political, religious or social purpose, you can bet you are not
> >>> getting the complete story. Same with families who whitewash family
> >>> history. No one who has read British history believes the Olympic
> >>> opening ceremony selections are the full story- that's entertainment-
> >>> otherwise fisticuffs and tears.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Mind's Eye Educational videos

God evolved to create life and allowed life to evolve into man. See YouTube video "The evolution of god - bridging science and religion, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9YdYiqggsA

To be happy you need to know yourself, work like you don't need the money, have the right attitude, be honest, help others, and be thankful. See YouTube video "Happiness Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEqEgmd9hAwHow do you value worth and success? See YouTube video "Values Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3VTmLqFdCs

Being thankful and being appreciated. See YouTube video "The art of Gratitude, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKzKypXBsaI

How you see yourself and how others see you are not always the same. Especially between men and women. See YouTube video "Reality, Men & Women, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66SjVBDCrmY

How drugs are used by society and their rulers. See YouTube video "Drugs Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKZPdTmui6k

First you play, then you work and then you think. The virtues of laziness. See YouTube video "The art of work and play, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgAtlTnWi30

Why we have dreams and how to interpret them. See YouTube video "Dreams, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk6lpV-rWPc

What nature teaches us. See YouTube video "Lessons from Nature Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4loZ41VKFI

Have you been duped and would you like to blow your whistle? You can do it on YouTube. See YouTube video "Corruption, whistle-blowing and vandalism, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCsFQWCTZw

Proposal for a 1000 year project for Riggisberg cemetery in Switzerland to propose long term thinking. See YouTube video "Cemeteries and how to give them a life, Simplified". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnrNP-Kmeu8


Re: Mind's Eye Re: The Truth and Nothing But...

Ah, I know that problem. Send your friend over to Berlin and I'll give
him a 20-years-after guided tour.

You see, I'm a native West-Berliner and when The Wall came down 23
years ago it was a world event also. And it forced a lot of need for
adaption on us too. The good idea behind it won. The necessary
whinging is being processed in new fields of expertise now. :)

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Lee Douglas <leerevdouglas@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ahhh the ongoing, everlasting, nonstoping quest for truth.
> I was having a go at a great frined of mine just the other day9coz you can
> with greate freinds). I was berating him for his constant whinging about
> the olympics being here, and yes of course he is not into sport so I kinda
> get it, but he was being all indgnant thatr his harsh words on Twitter were
> bringing him back harsh words in return.
> I told him that like it or loath it the Olympics is a world wide event and
> it IS (capital S coz it's 'the truth') a big deal for us native Londoners to
> have it here.
> He said something along the lines of So I have to pretend to lie it then?
> I told him of course not, but you can't pretend to not understand how
> antagonistic words from the 'we don't like it camp' may bring the same back
> from the 'we love it camp.'
> His reply was a rather terse one telling how he doesn't like to be called
> wrong, mine was equaly as terse mentioning the S word (yes subjective) and
> telling him to man up and don't let others words get to him, ohh and of
> course you're wrong mate.
> His next reply..... hehe he didn't bother!
> I guess the point is we will not find out who is correct about the benifits
> to the UK and London from the Olympics untill long after and so I would say
> that most facts cannot be substantiated untill time has shown them for what
> they are.
> On Sunday, 29 July 2012 13:21:07 UTC+1, Molly wrote:
>> Facts are an important fact-or of consensus reality which is based solely
>> on mind (temporal). There is more to truth than that, but relative truth
>> can be found with facts, including consensus truths. But they are relative.
>> On Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:10:42 PM UTC-4, Vam wrote:
>>> Things might be in books, papers, media, or other people's minds.
>>> Yet, it is YOU who is central to everything, including facts you are
>>> aware of.
>>> Facts are truths of the moment, as it is in your insight and conviction.
>>> Even whether a 'story' is complete, or not, is a matter of your
>>> perception.
>>> Of course, it depends upon how much details you've gone on to acquire
>>> and place in your awareness, analysed it and obtained a consistent
>>> insight
>>> with a critical eye.
>>> The elephant in the room can be known for what it is.
>>> But it takes focus, the opposite of dissipation,
>>> and hell of a lot of going through.
>>> We've generally lost the motivation for going after facts
>>> and the art of going through !
>>> On Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:49:51 AM UTC+5:30, rigsy03 wrote:
>>>> Was thinking more about Vam's statement about facts. Well, who
>>>> presents the facts and how are they edited or censored? Many were
>>>> content to think of American Indians as Tonto(Lone Ranger) until "Bury
>>>> My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown came out. When facts have a
>>>> political, religious or social purpose, you can bet you are not
>>>> getting the complete story. Same with families who whitewash family
>>>> history. No one who has read British history believes the Olympic
>>>> opening ceremony selections are the full story- that's entertainment-
>>>> otherwise fisticuffs and tears.
> --


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Well Rigsy
Listen to Romney the other day,,,  well i do not know if you hard his because it was in Israel..  hat to say it if he gets elected the US is into another war   this time with Iran....  I know you dis agree with me.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:56 PM, rigsy03 <rigsy03@yahoo.com> wrote:
Let's not argue about politics- it's like arguing about nationality or
religion= an endless loop. Besides, either party in the USA is more
alike than different in a real sense of impact upon the individual-
for instance, waste, debt and extraction of taxes plus snarl of
controls and regulations. Consider that most immigrants came to
America for a chance to do what was impossible in their ancestral
homeland- own property/business and construct a new social order based
on wealth rather than aristocratic ancestry, however they tried to
emulate the aristocrats in life style and a closed "400"- now
shattered by celebrities/nouveau riche. Not sure we really own
anything anymore- free and clear- as taxes resemble rent rather than
ownership. Larry Sommers (sp?) now proposes equality of opportunity
but says little about sweat and talent- nothing new as America was
founded on the principle of opportunity, wasn't it? Or did it morph
into opportunism which must be corrected?

On Jul 29, 12:54 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different
> political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be
> archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.
> The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the
> blame where it belonged..
> Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very
> recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED" into
> it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical weapons
> and the nuclear weapons,,
> What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the
> cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..  Get
> real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned by
> slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another slick
> talking Huckster..
> Allan
> On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
> > are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
> > going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
> > crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
> > fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.
> > On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party
> > group
> > > slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not right
> > > this.
> > > Allan
> > > Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> > > economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> > > women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> > > >==============================================
> > >  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> > > perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> > > Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> > > it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> > > by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> > > Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> > > Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> > > year.
> > > The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you take
> > > away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the market
> > > will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> > > benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> > > instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> > > the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time in
> > > our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> > > nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> > > further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> > > irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> > > burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> > > Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> > > policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> > > companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control over
> > > interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> > > took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it harder
> > > for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> > > death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his 8
> > > years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> > > deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts for
> > > the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> > > Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> > > oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> > > sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> > > the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> > > collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> > > year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> > > office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> > > action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> > > had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> > > job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> > > cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> > > are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> > > industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> > > But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> > > the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> > > some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> > > minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> > > will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations have
> > > been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is even
> > > more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> > > banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> > > very risky institutions.
> > > --
> > >  (
> > >   )
> > > |_D Allan
> > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> > --- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


AW: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Haha, whereas we in Germany find your election system – the winner takes it all – very American.


Von: minds-eye@googlegroups.com [mailto:minds-eye@googlegroups.com] Im Auftrag von Lee Douglas
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Juli 2012 17:21
An: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Betreff: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics


Heheh here in the UK to explian the two party system of the USA we say the repulicans are like our Tories and and the democrates are like our Tories!



On Monday, 30 July 2012 15:56:26 UTC+1, rigsy03 wrote:

Let's not argue about politics- it's like arguing about nationality or
religion= an endless loop. Besides, either party in the USA is more
alike than different in a real sense of impact upon the individual-
for instance, waste, debt and extraction of taxes plus snarl of
controls and regulations. Consider that most immigrants came to
America for a chance to do what was impossible in their ancestral
homeland- own property/business and construct a new social order based
on wealth rather than aristocratic ancestry, however they tried to
emulate the aristocrats in life style and a closed "400"- now
shattered by celebrities/nouveau riche. Not sure we really own
anything anymore- free and clear- as taxes resemble rent rather than
ownership. Larry Sommers (sp?) now proposes equality of opportunity
but says little about sweat and talent- nothing new as America was
founded on the principle of opportunity, wasn't it? Or did it morph
into opportunism which must be corrected?

On Jul 29, 12:54 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rigsy  I did not write the piece....  
I was looking at the different
> political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be
> archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.
> The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the
> blame where it belonged..
> Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very
> recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED" into
> it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical weapons
> and the nuclear weapons,,
> What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the
> cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..  Get
> real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned by
> slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another slick
> talking Huckster..
> Allan
> On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <
rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
> > are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
> > going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
> > crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
> > fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.
> > On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <
allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party
> > group
> > > slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..  
I did not right
> > > this.
> > > Allan
> > > Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> > > economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> > > women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> > > >==============================================
> > >  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> > > perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> > > Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> > > it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> > > by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> > > Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> > > Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> > > year.
> > > The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you take
> > > away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the market
> > > will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> > > benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> > > instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> > > the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time in
> > > our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> > > nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> > > further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> > > irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> > > burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> > > Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> > > policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> > > companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control over
> > > interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> > > took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it harder
> > > for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> > > death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his 8
> > > years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> > > deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts for
> > > the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> > > Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> > > oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> > > sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> > > the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> > > collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> > > year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> > > office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> > > action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> > > had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> > > job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> > > cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> > > are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> > > industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> > > But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> > > the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> > > some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> > > minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> > > will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations have
> > > been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is even
> > > more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> > > banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> > > very risky institutions.
> > > --
> > >  (
> > >   )
> > > |_D Allan
> > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> > --- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -



Mind's Eye Re: The Truth and Nothing But...

Ahhh the ongoing, everlasting, nonstoping quest for truth.
I was having a go at a great frined of mine just the other day9coz you can with greate freinds).  I was berating him for his constant whinging about the olympics being here, and yes of course he is not into sport so I kinda get it, but he was being all indgnant thatr his harsh words on Twitter were bringing him back harsh words in return.
I told him that like it or loath it the Olympics is a world wide event and it IS (capital S coz it's 'the truth') a big deal for us native Londoners to have it here.
He said something along the lines of  So I have to pretend to lie it then?  I told him of course not, but you can't pretend to not understand how antagonistic words from the 'we don't like it camp' may bring the same back from the 'we love it camp.'
His reply was a rather terse one telling how he doesn't like to be called wrong, mine was equaly as terse mentioning the S word (yes subjective) and telling him to man up and don't let others words get to him, ohh and of course you're wrong mate.
His next reply..... hehe he didn't bother!
I guess the point is we will not find out who is correct about the benifits to the UK and London from the Olympics untill long after and so I would say that most facts cannot be substantiated untill time has shown them for what they are.

On Sunday, 29 July 2012 13:21:07 UTC+1, Molly wrote:
Facts are an important fact-or of consensus reality which is based solely on mind (temporal).  There is more to truth than that, but relative truth can be found with facts, including consensus truths.  But they are relative.

On Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:10:42 PM UTC-4, Vam wrote:
Things might be in books, papers, media, or other people's minds. 
Yet, it is YOU who is central to everything, including facts you are aware of. 
Facts are truths of the moment, as it is in your insight and conviction.

Even whether a 'story' is complete, or not, is a matter of your perception.
Of course, it depends upon how much details you've gone on to acquire 
and place in your awareness, analysed it and obtained a consistent insight 
with a critical eye.

The elephant in the room can be known for what it is.
But it takes focus, the opposite of dissipation, 
and hell of a lot of going through. 

We've generally lost the motivation for going after facts
and the art of going through ! 

On Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:49:51 AM UTC+5:30, rigsy03 wrote:
Was thinking more about Vam's statement about facts. Well, who
presents the facts and how are they edited or censored? Many were
content to think of American Indians as Tonto(Lone Ranger) until "Bury
My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown came out. When facts have a
political, religious or social purpose, you can bet you are not
getting the complete story. Same with families who whitewash family
history. No one who has read British history believes the Olympic
opening ceremony selections are the full story- that's entertainment-
otherwise fisticuffs and tears.


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Heheh here in the UK to explian the two party system of the USA we say the repulicans are like our Tories and and the democrates are like our Tories!

On Monday, 30 July 2012 15:56:26 UTC+1, rigsy03 wrote:
Let's not argue about politics- it's like arguing about nationality or
religion= an endless loop. Besides, either party in the USA is more
alike than different in a real sense of impact upon the individual-
for instance, waste, debt and extraction of taxes plus snarl of
controls and regulations. Consider that most immigrants came to
America for a chance to do what was impossible in their ancestral
homeland- own property/business and construct a new social order based
on wealth rather than aristocratic ancestry, however they tried to
emulate the aristocrats in life style and a closed "400"- now
shattered by celebrities/nouveau riche. Not sure we really own
anything anymore- free and clear- as taxes resemble rent rather than
ownership. Larry Sommers (sp?) now proposes equality of opportunity
but says little about sweat and talent- nothing new as America was
founded on the principle of opportunity, wasn't it? Or did it morph
into opportunism which must be corrected?

On Jul 29, 12:54 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different
> political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be
> archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.
> The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the
> blame where it belonged..
> Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very
> recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED" into
> it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical weapons
> and the nuclear weapons,,
> What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the
> cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..  Get
> real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned by
> slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another slick
> talking Huckster..
> Allan
> On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
> > are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
> > going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
> > crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
> > fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.
> > On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party
> > group
> > > slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not right
> > > this.
> > > Allan
> > > Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> > > economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> > > women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> > > >==============================================
> > >  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> > > perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> > > Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> > > it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> > > by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> > > Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> > > Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> > > year.
> > > The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you take
> > > away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the market
> > > will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> > > benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> > > instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> > > the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time in
> > > our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> > > nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> > > further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> > > irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> > > burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> > > Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> > > policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> > > companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control over
> > > interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> > > took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it harder
> > > for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> > > death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his 8
> > > years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> > > deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts for
> > > the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> > > Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> > > oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> > > sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> > > the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> > > collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> > > year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> > > office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> > > action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> > > had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> > > job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> > > cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> > > are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> > > industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> > > But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> > > the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> > > some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> > > minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> > > will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations have
> > > been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is even
> > > more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> > > banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> > > very risky institutions.
> > > --
> > >  (
> > >   )
> > > |_D Allan
> > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> > --- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Let's not argue about politics- it's like arguing about nationality or
religion= an endless loop. Besides, either party in the USA is more
alike than different in a real sense of impact upon the individual-
for instance, waste, debt and extraction of taxes plus snarl of
controls and regulations. Consider that most immigrants came to
America for a chance to do what was impossible in their ancestral
homeland- own property/business and construct a new social order based
on wealth rather than aristocratic ancestry, however they tried to
emulate the aristocrats in life style and a closed "400"- now
shattered by celebrities/nouveau riche. Not sure we really own
anything anymore- free and clear- as taxes resemble rent rather than
ownership. Larry Sommers (sp?) now proposes equality of opportunity
but says little about sweat and talent- nothing new as America was
founded on the principle of opportunity, wasn't it? Or did it morph
into opportunism which must be corrected?

On Jul 29, 12:54 am, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different
> political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be
> archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.
> The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the
> blame where it belonged..
> Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very
> recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED" into
> it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical weapons
> and the nuclear weapons,,
> What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the
> cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..  Get
> real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned by
> slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another slick
> talking Huckster..
> Allan
> On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
> > are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
> > going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
> > crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
> > fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.
> > On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party
> > group
> > > slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not right
> > > this.
> > > Allan
> > > Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> > > economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> > > women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> > > >==============================================
> > >  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> > > perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> > > Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> > > it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> > > by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> > > Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> > > Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> > > year.
> > > The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you take
> > > away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the market
> > > will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> > > benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> > > instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> > > the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time in
> > > our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> > > nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> > > further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> > > irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> > > burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> > > Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> > > policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> > > companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control over
> > > interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> > > took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it harder
> > > for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> > > death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his 8
> > > years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> > > deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts for
> > > the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> > > Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> > > oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> > > sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> > > the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> > > collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> > > year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> > > office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> > > action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> > > had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> > > job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> > > cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> > > are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> > > industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> > > But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> > > the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> > > some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> > > minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> > > will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations have
> > > been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is even
> > > more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> > > banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> > > very risky institutions.
> > > --
> > >  (
> > >   )
> > > |_D Allan
> > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> > --- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Re: Mind's Eye Moderation

Good news! Thank you, Molly.

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found the queue and your new member request, Gabby. Thanks for your help.
> On Friday, July 27, 2012 9:09:17 AM UTC-4, gabbydott wrote:
>> Just now I registered as a new member with a different email account
>> and posted in this thread. I received a pop-up message that my posting
>> was waiting for moderation. Molly, have a look if you an find it.
>> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 1:38 PM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> > Molly has just emailed me in some despair about the new google
>> > groups. In the management bit we don't seem to be able to access
>> > messages awaiting moderation. I haven't found any in the old format
>> > for over two months. Something is going wrong. Google have somewhat
>> > pissed me off over a number of services of late. I don't like the new
>> > format anyway but would learn to put up with it. I haven't got time
>> > to do much more than check for posts awaiting moderation at the
>> > moment, but fear new members are somehow being excluded.
>> > Anyone know anything before I contact google?
> --


Mind's Eye Re: The Truth and Nothing But...

Facts are an important fact-or of consensus reality which is based solely on mind (temporal).  There is more to truth than that, but relative truth can be found with facts, including consensus truths.  But they are relative.

On Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:10:42 PM UTC-4, Vam wrote:
Things might be in books, papers, media, or other people's minds. 
Yet, it is YOU who is central to everything, including facts you are aware of. 
Facts are truths of the moment, as it is in your insight and conviction.

Even whether a 'story' is complete, or not, is a matter of your perception.
Of course, it depends upon how much details you've gone on to acquire 
and place in your awareness, analysed it and obtained a consistent insight 
with a critical eye.

The elephant in the room can be known for what it is.
But it takes focus, the opposite of dissipation, 
and hell of a lot of going through. 

We've generally lost the motivation for going after facts
and the art of going through ! 

On Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:49:51 AM UTC+5:30, rigsy03 wrote:
Was thinking more about Vam's statement about facts. Well, who
presents the facts and how are they edited or censored? Many were
content to think of American Indians as Tonto(Lone Ranger) until "Bury
My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown came out. When facts have a
political, religious or social purpose, you can bet you are not
getting the complete story. Same with families who whitewash family
history. No one who has read British history believes the Olympic
opening ceremony selections are the full story- that's entertainment-
otherwise fisticuffs and tears.


Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.

The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the blame where it belonged..

Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED" into it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical weapons and the nuclear weapons,,

What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..  Get real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned by slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another slick talking Huckster..

On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <rigsy03@yahoo.com> wrote:
Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.

On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party group
> slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not right
> this.
> Allan
> Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> >==============================================
>  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> year.
> The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you take
> away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the market
> will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time in
> our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control over
> interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it harder
> for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his 8
> years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts for
> the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations have
> been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is even
> more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> very risky institutions.
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

