
Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

What I do understand is the T20 is a very recent version and of much shorter duration.  In a way that makes more sense than the days the standard version requires. ( my brother lives in Australia)
Duchies are amazing athletes, look at the final standing in the winter Olympics

§ Do No Harm ~ Soul controls Body.
Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Fear not Allan, the Dutch have just trashed England in the World T20 competition.  It seems a country full of people like you who don't know the rules can beat us.

On Monday, 31 March 2014 07:40:58 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:
What I am not understanding is how the points are scored,,  like every time the ball is hit and not caught? or is there running on the batters part?  then again how do you put them out    catch the ball  or is it just knock off the little stick? I do not see how they reach or acquire the insane point levels  other than the game takes a week to play.. and the not out thing  or is that just for a continuation of the game?
Ii know the pitcher has to bounce the ball and is trying to knock the little piece of wood off the 3 upright sticks  and even that I am not sure about..  I know how points ares scored in most american sports  ,, not winter  those are a complete mystery 

Sports never made much sense to me..

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:43 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I shall expect Allan to be up on vectors (one might need tensors too) before explaining reverse swing.  Basketball merely requires a measuring tape to work out who is tall enough to play.  In a  cricket game the other night umpires had to gauge how much lightening energy players could withstand and who would win on the Duckworth-Lewis method as opposed to the scoreboard should the players be fried.  They stayed on just long enough for all players to survive and to the point England had lost under D-L and might have won on the scoreboard in the absence of lightening.

To really understand cricket imagine travelling up to Glasgow with me in 1981.  We have long-wave radio on the cricket station.  Things are so bad in the England-Australia Test in Leeds that commentators talk variously on a game we won on Alderney against a blind school and a suitable place to bury English cricket.  We are two-nil down in the 5 match series and reduced to following-on.  The last Test won by a side following on was 100 years ago.  Commentators are hoping England will survive until tea, so the sandwiches don't get wasted.  Radio reception is on and off as though the end of the world is nigh.  We arrange to meet Gabby at a Glaswegian cemetery, having hired honed skills to find a suitable burial spot for the English game.  Ian Botham, deposed as captain after the first two games and having scored zero in the first innings, is striding to the pitch.  Allan fears I may cast myself first into the spot Gabby has identified in solidarity with the death of English cricket.  I am reduced to the back seat and Dutch courage in the form of Scottish whisky.  With half the England batsmen gone, we are still 100 behind the Aussie total,  In concern for my health, Allan switches the radio off.

Over an excellent meal, Gabby consoles me with descriptions of the fine burial mound she will construct.  I am just about to build a funeral pyre with my tickets to the last day at Headingley, when news crackles through the chip-shop radio that England lead the Aussies by 135 overnight.  With her sound knowledge of vectors, Gabby suggests the likelihood of an English victory at 10,000 to some very small number less than zero.  Buoyed by this flicker of a chance, Allan and I drag Gabby off in search of lost Norwegian women, believing this will be our friend's only chance of playing a living role in a Wagnerian opera.  We arrive late at the Leeds ground after several cemetery detours, Gabby hoping to spare her friends from witnessing the Australian death blows.  We only make it to the ground at all because Allan has detected that any more of this Germanic necropolis compassion will drive me to thcemetrow myself personally under the Australian bats.  We take our seats.  The 55,000 crowd is silent, apart from raucous Aussies near the beer tent.  The game is all but over, the enemy coasting to victory.  Knowing nothing of cricket, my two friends look askance as I produce a set of tide charts.  We are, after all 50 miles from the sea.  My smile is a sure sign I have gone mad, or settled on a life of necropolis tourism on German coach tours.  I know the unseen tide, essential in cricket and defeating Armadas, is on the move.  Nudging the nearest Englishman, usually a signalling a fight to the death between a Lancastrian and Yorkshireman, I pass on the tide table.  As rumour spreads, 50,000 Englishmen (all three of us count as Englishmen under EU cricket rules) drown out 5,000 drunk and raucous Aussies in an electric silence.  Balls start rearing at Australian throats, spitting from the Headingley turf as though driven by tsunami.  Stout fellows, as the Aussies always are, they fall, one by one.

Lest memories fail here is the CCTV evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzWcfg4_sc

Pictures of all cemeteries other than the Australian graveyard at Headingley have been removed for reasons of national security.  CCTV of the same pitch that killed the Aussies after the tide cam in can be found in dry state here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkvgiZJkhM

On Friday, 28 March 2014 15:05:53 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I do understand Gabby

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: gabbydott <gabbydott@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Maths lost me when accurate equation times were over and we got introduced to functions and vector calculating. I made the mistake to wait for it making sense.

Noah has been playing basketball for almost two years now. It has been doing him good to learn to become a team player. Before he was playing table tennis. I always go and watch him playing. I have already learned a lot what this game is about by listening to two expert fathers commenting on the game and explaining things to me. I usually sit close to them. This has helped me more than reading the 80 pages rules manual. I am still far from being able to see if the referees are doing a good job or not.

2014-03-28 5:56 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com>:
I saw they did good, but I have idea of what they did. A while back I read Wikipedia on cricket, it did normals a whole lot of sense. I really don't understate rugby either,was very interesting play .. 
I enjoy sports live but really not with it on television, (my wife is not a sports fan either (Olympic when the Netherlands is playing the international games)) sports have never been a big part of my life. There were free  and good seats to the Oakland raider home games I never went. Went to a few pro and minor league games. Liked them but even then I never paid for tickets Justus not that interesting.
I would like to see a cricket match with someone that understood the game.
 Didn't like the jocks several if them writhe bullies in school so did not like them.. did not understand the emphasis on sports thatdoes not make whole lot of sense,

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

There's usually a game on in England somewhere.  The season starts next week.  There are teams in Holland that will be starting soon.  Holland have just bowled out South Africa for 145 in the world T20 and reached a winnable position in the batting (Myburgh was the star) before falling away with some stupid shots and a run out needing only 22 to win.  They got within in 7 of the best team in the world.
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:1 who 6:30 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
It would be interesting but an very expensive trip to the south pole..  new years day would provide 24 hr of day light and mid summer at the south pole..  what about a game that is closer like England...?  even cheap minor games will do..  just want to see a game and be able to ask questions live..

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:23 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I used to turn out regularly on New Year's Day.  Never got the international call, but cricket has even been played near the South Pole.  I think the penguins won.

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 07:32:32 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
had no idea about the winter cricket world cup even existed..  still have yet to see a game..is the invitation still open?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:06 AM, archytas <nwt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Britain would have won but rejected my coaching advice.  This was two-fold.  First swamp the show with events reliant on miserable drizzle, or second steal all the gold while everyone else is competing to break their necks on ice or snow.  Our total budget was only enough to buy a scrap pram frame.  Finding this ruled-out for the 4-man bobsleigh on health and safety grounds trumped up by German judges, some plucky British lass ran it down the mountain for kicks and won gold in the skeleton-creating luge or somesuch. 

The Netherlands also won the last winter cricket world cup in Switzerland Allan (I kid not).   

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 16:25:54 UTC, Gabby wrote:
That's what I mean. You cannot compete with "not bad"ers, they're always referring to another time and another goold, which is very much against the Olympic idea/spirit. Thanks for making my point.


Am 24.02.2014 um 22:33 schrieb Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:

I am not a big sports fan.. but this was surprising.. as in my youth i liked speed skates.. but was never that good.. For the small country performance I think Europe can hold it head high..   Norway withdrew from the speed skating because they felt they could not win..
The one that really amazed me was the chinese lady that took gold in one of the events..  she skated like her tail was on fire.  (maybe an afterburner)  she was both extremely good and fast.. and I mean fast..

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:22 PM, gabbydott <gabb...@gmail.com> wrote:
My baby has turned 16 today. I am very glad he hasn't developed along the "not bad" line. Actually, when he was younger and used that expression I made him solve a math equation to raise his awareness for the two sides of the equation. Not bad style is bad style on this scale. As for sports and nationalism and easy counting, yes I do see the positive entertainment aspect for the masses. Well done, Netherlands!

2014-02-23 18:32 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:
Just watched the end of the games and am very surprised the  Netherlands came in in 5th place.  with a total of 24 medals 8 gold 7 silver and 9 bronze 

who would have expected that..  I had nothing to do with it except here is where I live..
Deutschland (Germany) 6th
Switzerland  7th

not bad ranking for small countries  

 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Fear not Allan, the Dutch have just trashed England in the World T20 competition.  It seems a country full of people like you who don't know the rules can beat us.

On Monday, 31 March 2014 07:40:58 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:
What I am not understanding is how the points are scored,,  like every time the ball is hit and not caught? or is there running on the batters part?  then again how do you put them out    catch the ball  or is it just knock off the little stick? I do not see how they reach or acquire the insane point levels  other than the game takes a week to play.. and the not out thing  or is that just for a continuation of the game?
Ii know the pitcher has to bounce the ball and is trying to knock the little piece of wood off the 3 upright sticks  and even that I am not sure about..  I know how points ares scored in most american sports  ,, not winter  those are a complete mystery 

Sports never made much sense to me..

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:43 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I shall expect Allan to be up on vectors (one might need tensors too) before explaining reverse swing.  Basketball merely requires a measuring tape to work out who is tall enough to play.  In a  cricket game the other night umpires had to gauge how much lightening energy players could withstand and who would win on the Duckworth-Lewis method as opposed to the scoreboard should the players be fried.  They stayed on just long enough for all players to survive and to the point England had lost under D-L and might have won on the scoreboard in the absence of lightening.

To really understand cricket imagine travelling up to Glasgow with me in 1981.  We have long-wave radio on the cricket station.  Things are so bad in the England-Australia Test in Leeds that commentators talk variously on a game we won on Alderney against a blind school and a suitable place to bury English cricket.  We are two-nil down in the 5 match series and reduced to following-on.  The last Test won by a side following on was 100 years ago.  Commentators are hoping England will survive until tea, so the sandwiches don't get wasted.  Radio reception is on and off as though the end of the world is nigh.  We arrange to meet Gabby at a Glaswegian cemetery, having hired honed skills to find a suitable burial spot for the English game.  Ian Botham, deposed as captain after the first two games and having scored zero in the first innings, is striding to the pitch.  Allan fears I may cast myself first into the spot Gabby has identified in solidarity with the death of English cricket.  I am reduced to the back seat and Dutch courage in the form of Scottish whisky.  With half the England batsmen gone, we are still 100 behind the Aussie total,  In concern for my health, Allan switches the radio off.

Over an excellent meal, Gabby consoles me with descriptions of the fine burial mound she will construct.  I am just about to build a funeral pyre with my tickets to the last day at Headingley, when news crackles through the chip-shop radio that England lead the Aussies by 135 overnight.  With her sound knowledge of vectors, Gabby suggests the likelihood of an English victory at 10,000 to some very small number less than zero.  Buoyed by this flicker of a chance, Allan and I drag Gabby off in search of lost Norwegian women, believing this will be our friend's only chance of playing a living role in a Wagnerian opera.  We arrive late at the Leeds ground after several cemetery detours, Gabby hoping to spare her friends from witnessing the Australian death blows.  We only make it to the ground at all because Allan has detected that any more of this Germanic necropolis compassion will drive me to thcemetrow myself personally under the Australian bats.  We take our seats.  The 55,000 crowd is silent, apart from raucous Aussies near the beer tent.  The game is all but over, the enemy coasting to victory.  Knowing nothing of cricket, my two friends look askance as I produce a set of tide charts.  We are, after all 50 miles from the sea.  My smile is a sure sign I have gone mad, or settled on a life of necropolis tourism on German coach tours.  I know the unseen tide, essential in cricket and defeating Armadas, is on the move.  Nudging the nearest Englishman, usually a signalling a fight to the death between a Lancastrian and Yorkshireman, I pass on the tide table.  As rumour spreads, 50,000 Englishmen (all three of us count as Englishmen under EU cricket rules) drown out 5,000 drunk and raucous Aussies in an electric silence.  Balls start rearing at Australian throats, spitting from the Headingley turf as though driven by tsunami.  Stout fellows, as the Aussies always are, they fall, one by one.

Lest memories fail here is the CCTV evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzWcfg4_sc

Pictures of all cemeteries other than the Australian graveyard at Headingley have been removed for reasons of national security.  CCTV of the same pitch that killed the Aussies after the tide cam in can be found in dry state here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkvgiZJkhM

On Friday, 28 March 2014 15:05:53 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I do understand Gabby

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: gabbydott <gabbydott@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Maths lost me when accurate equation times were over and we got introduced to functions and vector calculating. I made the mistake to wait for it making sense.

Noah has been playing basketball for almost two years now. It has been doing him good to learn to become a team player. Before he was playing table tennis. I always go and watch him playing. I have already learned a lot what this game is about by listening to two expert fathers commenting on the game and explaining things to me. I usually sit close to them. This has helped me more than reading the 80 pages rules manual. I am still far from being able to see if the referees are doing a good job or not.

2014-03-28 5:56 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com>:
I saw they did good, but I have idea of what they did. A while back I read Wikipedia on cricket, it did normals a whole lot of sense. I really don't understate rugby either,was very interesting play .. 
I enjoy sports live but really not with it on television, (my wife is not a sports fan either (Olympic when the Netherlands is playing the international games)) sports have never been a big part of my life. There were free  and good seats to the Oakland raider home games I never went. Went to a few pro and minor league games. Liked them but even then I never paid for tickets Justus not that interesting.
I would like to see a cricket match with someone that understood the game.
 Didn't like the jocks several if them writhe bullies in school so did not like them.. did not understand the emphasis on sports thatdoes not make whole lot of sense,

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

There's usually a game on in England somewhere.  The season starts next week.  There are teams in Holland that will be starting soon.  Holland have just bowled out South Africa for 145 in the world T20 and reached a winnable position in the batting (Myburgh was the star) before falling away with some stupid shots and a run out needing only 22 to win.  They got within in 7 of the best team in the world.
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:1 who 6:30 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
It would be interesting but an very expensive trip to the south pole..  new years day would provide 24 hr of day light and mid summer at the south pole..  what about a game that is closer like England...?  even cheap minor games will do..  just want to see a game and be able to ask questions live..

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:23 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I used to turn out regularly on New Year's Day.  Never got the international call, but cricket has even been played near the South Pole.  I think the penguins won.

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 07:32:32 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
had no idea about the winter cricket world cup even existed..  still have yet to see a game..is the invitation still open?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:06 AM, archytas <nwt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Britain would have won but rejected my coaching advice.  This was two-fold.  First swamp the show with events reliant on miserable drizzle, or second steal all the gold while everyone else is competing to break their necks on ice or snow.  Our total budget was only enough to buy a scrap pram frame.  Finding this ruled-out for the 4-man bobsleigh on health and safety grounds trumped up by German judges, some plucky British lass ran it down the mountain for kicks and won gold in the skeleton-creating luge or somesuch. 

The Netherlands also won the last winter cricket world cup in Switzerland Allan (I kid not).   

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 16:25:54 UTC, Gabby wrote:
That's what I mean. You cannot compete with "not bad"ers, they're always referring to another time and another goold, which is very much against the Olympic idea/spirit. Thanks for making my point.


Am 24.02.2014 um 22:33 schrieb Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:

I am not a big sports fan.. but this was surprising.. as in my youth i liked speed skates.. but was never that good.. For the small country performance I think Europe can hold it head high..   Norway withdrew from the speed skating because they felt they could not win..
The one that really amazed me was the chinese lady that took gold in one of the events..  she skated like her tail was on fire.  (maybe an afterburner)  she was both extremely good and fast.. and I mean fast..

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:22 PM, gabbydott <gabb...@gmail.com> wrote:
My baby has turned 16 today. I am very glad he hasn't developed along the "not bad" line. Actually, when he was younger and used that expression I made him solve a math equation to raise his awareness for the two sides of the equation. Not bad style is bad style on this scale. As for sports and nationalism and easy counting, yes I do see the positive entertainment aspect for the masses. Well done, Netherlands!

2014-02-23 18:32 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:
Just watched the end of the games and am very surprised the  Netherlands came in in 5th place.  with a total of 24 medals 8 gold 7 silver and 9 bronze 

who would have expected that..  I had nothing to do with it except here is where I live..
Deutschland (Germany) 6th
Switzerland  7th

not bad ranking for small countries  

 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

What I am not understanding is how the points are scored,,  like every time the ball is hit and not caught? or is there running on the batters part?  then again how do you put them out    catch the ball  or is it just knock off the little stick? I do not see how they reach or acquire the insane point levels  other than the game takes a week to play.. and the not out thing  or is that just for a continuation of the game?
Ii know the pitcher has to bounce the ball and is trying to knock the little piece of wood off the 3 upright sticks  and even that I am not sure about..  I know how points ares scored in most american sports  ,, not winter  those are a complete mystery 

Sports never made much sense to me..

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:43 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I shall expect Allan to be up on vectors (one might need tensors too) before explaining reverse swing.  Basketball merely requires a measuring tape to work out who is tall enough to play.  In a  cricket game the other night umpires had to gauge how much lightening energy players could withstand and who would win on the Duckworth-Lewis method as opposed to the scoreboard should the players be fried.  They stayed on just long enough for all players to survive and to the point England had lost under D-L and might have won on the scoreboard in the absence of lightening.

To really understand cricket imagine travelling up to Glasgow with me in 1981.  We have long-wave radio on the cricket station.  Things are so bad in the England-Australia Test in Leeds that commentators talk variously on a game we won on Alderney against a blind school and a suitable place to bury English cricket.  We are two-nil down in the 5 match series and reduced to following-on.  The last Test won by a side following on was 100 years ago.  Commentators are hoping England will survive until tea, so the sandwiches don't get wasted.  Radio reception is on and off as though the end of the world is nigh.  We arrange to meet Gabby at a Glaswegian cemetery, having hired honed skills to find a suitable burial spot for the English game.  Ian Botham, deposed as captain after the first two games and having scored zero in the first innings, is striding to the pitch.  Allan fears I may cast myself first into the spot Gabby has identified in solidarity with the death of English cricket.  I am reduced to the back seat and Dutch courage in the form of Scottish whisky.  With half the England batsmen gone, we are still 100 behind the Aussie total,  In concern for my health, Allan switches the radio off.

Over an excellent meal, Gabby consoles me with descriptions of the fine burial mound she will construct.  I am just about to build a funeral pyre with my tickets to the last day at Headingley, when news crackles through the chip-shop radio that England lead the Aussies by 135 overnight.  With her sound knowledge of vectors, Gabby suggests the likelihood of an English victory at 10,000 to some very small number less than zero.  Buoyed by this flicker of a chance, Allan and I drag Gabby off in search of lost Norwegian women, believing this will be our friend's only chance of playing a living role in a Wagnerian opera.  We arrive late at the Leeds ground after several cemetery detours, Gabby hoping to spare her friends from witnessing the Australian death blows.  We only make it to the ground at all because Allan has detected that any more of this Germanic necropolis compassion will drive me to thcemetrow myself personally under the Australian bats.  We take our seats.  The 55,000 crowd is silent, apart from raucous Aussies near the beer tent.  The game is all but over, the enemy coasting to victory.  Knowing nothing of cricket, my two friends look askance as I produce a set of tide charts.  We are, after all 50 miles from the sea.  My smile is a sure sign I have gone mad, or settled on a life of necropolis tourism on German coach tours.  I know the unseen tide, essential in cricket and defeating Armadas, is on the move.  Nudging the nearest Englishman, usually a signalling a fight to the death between a Lancastrian and Yorkshireman, I pass on the tide table.  As rumour spreads, 50,000 Englishmen (all three of us count as Englishmen under EU cricket rules) drown out 5,000 drunk and raucous Aussies in an electric silence.  Balls start rearing at Australian throats, spitting from the Headingley turf as though driven by tsunami.  Stout fellows, as the Aussies always are, they fall, one by one.

Lest memories fail here is the CCTV evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzWcfg4_sc

Pictures of all cemeteries other than the Australian graveyard at Headingley have been removed for reasons of national security.  CCTV of the same pitch that killed the Aussies after the tide cam in can be found in dry state here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkvgiZJkhM

On Friday, 28 March 2014 15:05:53 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I do understand Gabby

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: gabbydott <gabbydott@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Maths lost me when accurate equation times were over and we got introduced to functions and vector calculating. I made the mistake to wait for it making sense.

Noah has been playing basketball for almost two years now. It has been doing him good to learn to become a team player. Before he was playing table tennis. I always go and watch him playing. I have already learned a lot what this game is about by listening to two expert fathers commenting on the game and explaining things to me. I usually sit close to them. This has helped me more than reading the 80 pages rules manual. I am still far from being able to see if the referees are doing a good job or not.

2014-03-28 5:56 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com>:
I saw they did good, but I have idea of what they did. A while back I read Wikipedia on cricket, it did normals a whole lot of sense. I really don't understate rugby either,was very interesting play .. 
I enjoy sports live but really not with it on television, (my wife is not a sports fan either (Olympic when the Netherlands is playing the international games)) sports have never been a big part of my life. There were free  and good seats to the Oakland raider home games I never went. Went to a few pro and minor league games. Liked them but even then I never paid for tickets Justus not that interesting.
I would like to see a cricket match with someone that understood the game.
 Didn't like the jocks several if them writhe bullies in school so did not like them.. did not understand the emphasis on sports thatdoes not make whole lot of sense,

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

There's usually a game on in England somewhere.  The season starts next week.  There are teams in Holland that will be starting soon.  Holland have just bowled out South Africa for 145 in the world T20 and reached a winnable position in the batting (Myburgh was the star) before falling away with some stupid shots and a run out needing only 22 to win.  They got within in 7 of the best team in the world.
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:1 who 6:30 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
It would be interesting but an very expensive trip to the south pole..  new years day would provide 24 hr of day light and mid summer at the south pole..  what about a game that is closer like England...?  even cheap minor games will do..  just want to see a game and be able to ask questions live..

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:23 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I used to turn out regularly on New Year's Day.  Never got the international call, but cricket has even been played near the South Pole.  I think the penguins won.

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 07:32:32 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
had no idea about the winter cricket world cup even existed..  still have yet to see a game..is the invitation still open?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:06 AM, archytas <nwt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Britain would have won but rejected my coaching advice.  This was two-fold.  First swamp the show with events reliant on miserable drizzle, or second steal all the gold while everyone else is competing to break their necks on ice or snow.  Our total budget was only enough to buy a scrap pram frame.  Finding this ruled-out for the 4-man bobsleigh on health and safety grounds trumped up by German judges, some plucky British lass ran it down the mountain for kicks and won gold in the skeleton-creating luge or somesuch. 

The Netherlands also won the last winter cricket world cup in Switzerland Allan (I kid not).   

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 16:25:54 UTC, Gabby wrote:
That's what I mean. You cannot compete with "not bad"ers, they're always referring to another time and another goold, which is very much against the Olympic idea/spirit. Thanks for making my point.


Am 24.02.2014 um 22:33 schrieb Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:

I am not a big sports fan.. but this was surprising.. as in my youth i liked speed skates.. but was never that good.. For the small country performance I think Europe can hold it head high..   Norway withdrew from the speed skating because they felt they could not win..
The one that really amazed me was the chinese lady that took gold in one of the events..  she skated like her tail was on fire.  (maybe an afterburner)  she was both extremely good and fast.. and I mean fast..

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:22 PM, gabbydott <gabb...@gmail.com> wrote:
My baby has turned 16 today. I am very glad he hasn't developed along the "not bad" line. Actually, when he was younger and used that expression I made him solve a math equation to raise his awareness for the two sides of the equation. Not bad style is bad style on this scale. As for sports and nationalism and easy counting, yes I do see the positive entertainment aspect for the masses. Well done, Netherlands!

2014-02-23 18:32 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:
Just watched the end of the games and am very surprised the  Netherlands came in in 5th place.  with a total of 24 medals 8 gold 7 silver and 9 bronze 

who would have expected that..  I had nothing to do with it except here is where I live..
Deutschland (Germany) 6th
Switzerland  7th

not bad ranking for small countries  

 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

I shall expect Allan to be up on vectors (one might need tensors too) before explaining reverse swing.  Basketball merely requires a measuring tape to work out who is tall enough to play.  In a  cricket game the other night umpires had to gauge how much lightening energy players could withstand and who would win on the Duckworth-Lewis method as opposed to the scoreboard should the players be fried.  They stayed on just long enough for all players to survive and to the point England had lost under D-L and might have won on the scoreboard in the absence of lightening.

To really understand cricket imagine travelling up to Glasgow with me in 1981.  We have long-wave radio on the cricket station.  Things are so bad in the England-Australia Test in Leeds that commentators talk variously on a game we won on Alderney against a blind school and a suitable place to bury English cricket.  We are two-nil down in the 5 match series and reduced to following-on.  The last Test won by a side following on was 100 years ago.  Commentators are hoping England will survive until tea, so the sandwiches don't get wasted.  Radio reception is on and off as though the end of the world is nigh.  We arrange to meet Gabby at a Glaswegian cemetery, having hired honed skills to find a suitable burial spot for the English game.  Ian Botham, deposed as captain after the first two games and having scored zero in the first innings, is striding to the pitch.  Allan fears I may cast myself first into the spot Gabby has identified in solidarity with the death of English cricket.  I am reduced to the back seat and Dutch courage in the form of Scottish whisky.  With half the England batsmen gone, we are still 100 behind the Aussie total,  In concern for my health, Allan switches the radio off.

Over an excellent meal, Gabby consoles me with descriptions of the fine burial mound she will construct.  I am just about to build a funeral pyre with my tickets to the last day at Headingley, when news crackles through the chip-shop radio that England lead the Aussies by 135 overnight.  With her sound knowledge of vectors, Gabby suggests the likelihood of an English victory at 10,000 to some very small number less than zero.  Buoyed by this flicker of a chance, Allan and I drag Gabby off in search of lost Norwegian women, believing this will be our friend's only chance of playing a living role in a Wagnerian opera.  We arrive late at the Leeds ground after several cemetery detours, Gabby hoping to spare her friends from witnessing the Australian death blows.  We only make it to the ground at all because Allan has detected that any more of this Germanic necropolis compassion will drive me to thcemetrow myself personally under the Australian bats.  We take our seats.  The 55,000 crowd is silent, apart from raucous Aussies near the beer tent.  The game is all but over, the enemy coasting to victory.  Knowing nothing of cricket, my two friends look askance as I produce a set of tide charts.  We are, after all 50 miles from the sea.  My smile is a sure sign I have gone mad, or settled on a life of necropolis tourism on German coach tours.  I know the unseen tide, essential in cricket and defeating Armadas, is on the move.  Nudging the nearest Englishman, usually a signalling a fight to the death between a Lancastrian and Yorkshireman, I pass on the tide table.  As rumour spreads, 50,000 Englishmen (all three of us count as Englishmen under EU cricket rules) drown out 5,000 drunk and raucous Aussies in an electric silence.  Balls start rearing at Australian throats, spitting from the Headingley turf as though driven by tsunami.  Stout fellows, as the Aussies always are, they fall, one by one.

Lest memories fail here is the CCTV evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzWcfg4_sc

Pictures of all cemeteries other than the Australian graveyard at Headingley have been removed for reasons of national security.  CCTV of the same pitch that killed the Aussies after the tide cam in can be found in dry state here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkvgiZJkhM

On Friday, 28 March 2014 15:05:53 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I do understand Gabby

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: gabbydott <gabbydott@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Maths lost me when accurate equation times were over and we got introduced to functions and vector calculating. I made the mistake to wait for it making sense.

Noah has been playing basketball for almost two years now. It has been doing him good to learn to become a team player. Before he was playing table tennis. I always go and watch him playing. I have already learned a lot what this game is about by listening to two expert fathers commenting on the game and explaining things to me. I usually sit close to them. This has helped me more than reading the 80 pages rules manual. I am still far from being able to see if the referees are doing a good job or not.

2014-03-28 5:56 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com>:
I saw they did good, but I have idea of what they did. A while back I read Wikipedia on cricket, it did normals a whole lot of sense. I really don't understate rugby either,was very interesting play .. 
I enjoy sports live but really not with it on television, (my wife is not a sports fan either (Olympic when the Netherlands is playing the international games)) sports have never been a big part of my life. There were free  and good seats to the Oakland raider home games I never went. Went to a few pro and minor league games. Liked them but even then I never paid for tickets Justus not that interesting.
I would like to see a cricket match with someone that understood the game.
 Didn't like the jocks several if them writhe bullies in school so did not like them.. did not understand the emphasis on sports thatdoes not make whole lot of sense,

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

There's usually a game on in England somewhere.  The season starts next week.  There are teams in Holland that will be starting soon.  Holland have just bowled out South Africa for 145 in the world T20 and reached a winnable position in the batting (Myburgh was the star) before falling away with some stupid shots and a run out needing only 22 to win.  They got within in 7 of the best team in the world.
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:1 who 6:30 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
It would be interesting but an very expensive trip to the south pole..  new years day would provide 24 hr of day light and mid summer at the south pole..  what about a game that is closer like England...?  even cheap minor games will do..  just want to see a game and be able to ask questions live..

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:23 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I used to turn out regularly on New Year's Day.  Never got the international call, but cricket has even been played near the South Pole.  I think the penguins won.

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 07:32:32 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
had no idea about the winter cricket world cup even existed..  still have yet to see a game..is the invitation still open?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:06 AM, archytas <nwt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Britain would have won but rejected my coaching advice.  This was two-fold.  First swamp the show with events reliant on miserable drizzle, or second steal all the gold while everyone else is competing to break their necks on ice or snow.  Our total budget was only enough to buy a scrap pram frame.  Finding this ruled-out for the 4-man bobsleigh on health and safety grounds trumped up by German judges, some plucky British lass ran it down the mountain for kicks and won gold in the skeleton-creating luge or somesuch. 

The Netherlands also won the last winter cricket world cup in Switzerland Allan (I kid not).   

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 16:25:54 UTC, Gabby wrote:
That's what I mean. You cannot compete with "not bad"ers, they're always referring to another time and another goold, which is very much against the Olympic idea/spirit. Thanks for making my point.


Am 24.02.2014 um 22:33 schrieb Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:

I am not a big sports fan.. but this was surprising.. as in my youth i liked speed skates.. but was never that good.. For the small country performance I think Europe can hold it head high..   Norway withdrew from the speed skating because they felt they could not win..
The one that really amazed me was the chinese lady that took gold in one of the events..  she skated like her tail was on fire.  (maybe an afterburner)  she was both extremely good and fast.. and I mean fast..

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:22 PM, gabbydott <gabb...@gmail.com> wrote:
My baby has turned 16 today. I am very glad he hasn't developed along the "not bad" line. Actually, when he was younger and used that expression I made him solve a math equation to raise his awareness for the two sides of the equation. Not bad style is bad style on this scale. As for sports and nationalism and easy counting, yes I do see the positive entertainment aspect for the masses. Well done, Netherlands!

2014-02-23 18:32 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:
Just watched the end of the games and am very surprised the  Netherlands came in in 5th place.  with a total of 24 medals 8 gold 7 silver and 9 bronze 

who would have expected that..  I had nothing to do with it except here is where I live..
Deutschland (Germany) 6th
Switzerland  7th

not bad ranking for small countries  

 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Mind's Eye Transition

Don if you see this, I remember my own Fathers transition. My son who latched on now I see him making sure I was safe. My head was really dazed.

Oddly a stranger went out of his way to help me making sure I caught the connecting. My wife said it took me a year to recover.  If there is something I can do to help (legal of course) let me know. If you are in the area I have some good scotch for friends even though I have not drank in years ( President Obama thought the Netherlands was fantastic, even said so in dutch). Looking forward for your return. ¤ Allan

§ Do No Harm ~ Soul controls Body.
Allan H


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Mind's Eye Economic cycles

I have been thinking about what is happening  and history seems to always be repeating itself,  self correcting the course of humanity.

Looking at society it seems that we have developed a culture of extreme greed..  am wondering where the course is going to change to.

 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

I do understand Gabby

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: gabbydott <gabbydott@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

Maths lost me when accurate equation times were over and we got introduced to functions and vector calculating. I made the mistake to wait for it making sense.

Noah has been playing basketball for almost two years now. It has been doing him good to learn to become a team player. Before he was playing table tennis. I always go and watch him playing. I have already learned a lot what this game is about by listening to two expert fathers commenting on the game and explaining things to me. I usually sit close to them. This has helped me more than reading the 80 pages rules manual. I am still far from being able to see if the referees are doing a good job or not.

2014-03-28 5:56 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com>:
I saw they did good, but I have idea of what they did. A while back I read Wikipedia on cricket, it did normals a whole lot of sense. I really don't understate rugby either,was very interesting play .. 
I enjoy sports live but really not with it on television, (my wife is not a sports fan either (Olympic when the Netherlands is playing the international games)) sports have never been a big part of my life. There were free  and good seats to the Oakland raider home games I never went. Went to a few pro and minor league games. Liked them but even then I never paid for tickets Justus not that interesting.
I would like to see a cricket match with someone that understood the game.
 Didn't like the jocks several if them writhe bullies in school so did not like them.. did not understand the emphasis on sports thatdoes not make whole lot of sense,

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Olympics

There's usually a game on in England somewhere.  The season starts next week.  There are teams in Holland that will be starting soon.  Holland have just bowled out South Africa for 145 in the world T20 and reached a winnable position in the batting (Myburgh was the star) before falling away with some stupid shots and a run out needing only 22 to win.  They got within in 7 of the best team in the world.
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:1 who 6:30 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
It would be interesting but an very expensive trip to the south pole..  new years day would provide 24 hr of day light and mid summer at the south pole..  what about a game that is closer like England...?  even cheap minor games will do..  just want to see a game and be able to ask questions live..

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:23 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I used to turn out regularly on New Year's Day.  Never got the international call, but cricket has even been played near the South Pole.  I think the penguins won.

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 07:32:32 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
had no idea about the winter cricket world cup even existed..  still have yet to see a game..is the invitation still open?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:06 AM, archytas <nwt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Britain would have won but rejected my coaching advice.  This was two-fold.  First swamp the show with events reliant on miserable drizzle, or second steal all the gold while everyone else is competing to break their necks on ice or snow.  Our total budget was only enough to buy a scrap pram frame.  Finding this ruled-out for the 4-man bobsleigh on health and safety grounds trumped up by German judges, some plucky British lass ran it down the mountain for kicks and won gold in the skeleton-creating luge or somesuch. 

The Netherlands also won the last winter cricket world cup in Switzerland Allan (I kid not).   

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 16:25:54 UTC, Gabby wrote:
That's what I mean. You cannot compete with "not bad"ers, they're always referring to another time and another goold, which is very much against the Olympic idea/spirit. Thanks for making my point.


Am 24.02.2014 um 22:33 schrieb Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:

I am not a big sports fan.. but this was surprising.. as in my youth i liked speed skates.. but was never that good.. For the small country performance I think Europe can hold it head high..   Norway withdrew from the speed skating because they felt they could not win..
The one that really amazed me was the chinese lady that took gold in one of the events..  she skated like her tail was on fire.  (maybe an afterburner)  she was both extremely good and fast.. and I mean fast..

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:22 PM, gabbydott <gabb...@gmail.com> wrote:
My baby has turned 16 today. I am very glad he hasn't developed along the "not bad" line. Actually, when he was younger and used that expression I made him solve a math equation to raise his awareness for the two sides of the equation. Not bad style is bad style on this scale. As for sports and nationalism and easy counting, yes I do see the positive entertainment aspect for the masses. Well done, Netherlands!

2014-02-23 18:32 GMT+01:00 Allan H <allan...@gmail.com>:
Just watched the end of the games and am very surprised the  Netherlands came in in 5th place.  with a total of 24 medals 8 gold 7 silver and 9 bronze 

who would have expected that..  I had nothing to do with it except here is where I live..
Deutschland (Germany) 6th
Switzerland  7th

not bad ranking for small countries  

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|_D Allan

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