
Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Durchsichtigkeit as ever, the diaphanousness, insightfulness, transparence and pellucidness of a lovely aim.

On Saturday, November 29, 2014 4:57:03 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:

Yep, time for some royal silence. Molly take over again and soothe the boy's pains.

Am 29.11.2014 16:37 schrieb "archytas" <nwterry@gmail.com>:
If Mr Brightsight was able to understand what that little devil is actually saying on signing he might tell me so I could act, at least to the point of leaving the action to Molly, who does most of the work.  German and UK police rarely shoot people. 

Given your action perspective, perhaps you should 'stick to your guns' and get out disarming crime?  We could all sleep soundly in our panic rooms then.  Or we could let the poor little waifs likely to be shot by existing police do the policing.  No doubt you could have soothed the mad, naked man with a knife outside your Town Hall last year and I would have shot him to protect nearby children and myself.  http://www.dw.de/why-german-police-officers-rarely-reach-for-their-guns/a-17884779

These 'victims' are not 'our' children and the numbers pale against the killings in Afghanistan, Iraq and the centuries of imperial war.  We hardly seem to get out of our chattering class habits on what is done to our actual children in such as schools and the vile neo-liberal enterprise.

Personally I am very happy to still have my little devil around.

Am Samstag, 29. November 2014 schrieb archytas :
That only calls into question whether we can tell an angel from a devil Gabbs.  I guess we have to keep fusion reactions from grounding to earth and could do with getting them working.  In the spin of current dialogue one seems to meet only a spiral of devils smearing bimbolene about.  I can't help thinking the killing of various minor criminals by cops is what we need to be protesting about.

On Friday, November 28, 2014 2:52:10 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Learning to hear Pink, Lesson 1: Angelic voices never touch the ground, Neil, for it would break their wings. They go in resonance with those who can hear. Hear the angelic and not the luciferian, mind the difference! 

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:19:53 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
I sometimes find Molly's bubbles as 'pink' as Gabby.  Yet Molly is never as pink as, say, this academic view - http://www.uk.sagepub.com/rowe2e/study/Journal%20Articles/CHAPTER3_Race%20Class-2013-Fekete-65-76.pdf

There are some important points even 'in the pink'.  And I can't remember Molly ever saying shifting the spiritual ground being anything other than difficult - or that shifting racism and other material problems can be done by not admitting what they are.  One of the reasons I like both these people is they can give as good as they get.  We are in the middle of a spate of child sexual exploitation investigations with celebrities, politicians, Pakistani and Somali 'heritage' perpetrators in the UK.  This is not racist policing - the history is one of poor policing and cover up - as the link says, the secrecy involved is very disturbing and deeply embedded in our legal system.  The necessary conditions for pink solutions may well include fair and reliable policing, though in the black we might have a good laugh watching politically correct heroes doing the job with a few side bets on their life expectancy.

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:28:16 PM UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I agree with you RP souls do not listen to the inner voice, it is the satisfaction of today's pleasures that they are driven toward by the common communications of our world.  Look at he the entertainment and promises made.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <123...@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Allan , the problem is that people don't believe their inner voice, they believe in worldly attachments and work or prey for their satisfaction.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:12 PM, <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

A start , from there you need cooperation, all souls know the guidelines of do no harm, but do people listen,  to that the answer is yes they do. They listen only to what they want to hear and what benefits them. The Gospel of Woe is well sung and recited daily. The problem with version of life's view is it gives no answers that provide direction.

Oh Woe is me echoes through out the world. There are many gospels but I am thinking that one is the most widely followed!

And for you Gabby I am not sure on the accuracy of the translation: nicht Mord, Vergewaltigung, Versklavung oder andere schädigen.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <moll...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

The unheard rage of those individuals dominated in dire circumstance or as a group over the eons is heard in echos in distant news or, for sensitive souls, deep within. It is up to each of us to find that place of hate and violence within us, and move beyond it into peace.  Until we do, railing against a machine that churns out horror will do no good.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:25:33 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
No sense, anyone, of Ferguson and the wider protests as an American spring?

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:41:15 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
No Idea what the male number is Gabby - is it a bit like the opposite of what those women hanging around newsrooms do?  I am male I'm afraid, so am stuck with such as my feet not being the first thing I see looking down in the shower.  Of course, I'm old enough now to be more concerned about keeping my feet working.  For the record, the thinking itself indestructible younger me would have taken on Mike Brown going forward, believing some young big punk couldn't hack a fit rugby league player half his size.  Sorry to be so shrill my dear.  I never made new man status, believing women capable of seeing through such crude deceptions, even as they fell wildly under the strategy.  We might consider what the reaction would have been had Brown been shot by an 8 stone female cop like my ex-partner Mary.  I'll get back in the kitchen and shut the door so you can't hear me being shrill then me dear.  At least you are admitting we men can count these days, even if we do our number in shrill voice.
Je vous adresse mon très amical souvenir chaleureusement, comme meme.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:21:40 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Your class consciousness is very well audible. When you do the mate number you still need to tone down a lot. It sounds shrill, Neil.


Am 26.11.2014 um 14:24 schrieb archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>:

Some interesting views at the Post Gabby.  I'm generally not keen to extrapolate from criminal mentalities on social problems, yet these problems almost must be multi-faceted and thus not amenable to fascist analysis through slogan.  Much of my experience with black people came through cricket (great) and being a cop (good, bad, indifferent) or university teacher (as stupid and unreliable as the rest of the class?).  A university friend took me to his village in what was then Zaire.  I can only say any discussion I've heard on ethnic rights since is so constrained by political correctness slogans as to be both fascist and based on presenting the face of Goody-two-shoes.

Rage against the machine?  Not well directed if true - and I feel it is.  I'm amazed there isn't more rage generally.  I'd work with what I've seen of Darren Wilson ahead of the looters for sure - yet I always wondered why cops like me and him had to do the public order thing for the Establishment without much consideration.  This had me defending the right of some Nazi to parade through Stockport.

The idea that any human beings are less racist on race grounds is so dumb only someone with a PC infection could come up with it.  And much as I don't like the figures on prison populations I'm sick of race explanations.  Men are imprisoned far more than women.  Let's make that a gender rights issue!!

Obama is white Tony - just one of the mobiles in my black brush collection.

On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 12:10:36 UTC, Molly wrote:
Detroit retail never fully recovered from the 67 riots created by the same kind of circumstance. The stores that closed having lost everything with no faith that it wouldn't keep happening. The racial divide has played out here in many horrendous ways over the years, including a "black power" city government being instructed by the mayor to do no business with white owned companies. The ethnocentrism was finally the demise of the exclusionary government that fell into deep corruption and bankruptcy. I see both sides and neither are healthy until the city is seen as a whole including all and part of the rest of the world.  Through all of it, it has somehow remained a driving force in global economy and culture. Tribal societies no longer function on large scale and examples of this can be seen all over the world. The reluctance of each of us to see beyond color and history lies at the heart of the problem. Grace Lee Boggs fascinates me because her story runs the gamut of descent, rebel, revolutionary, community leader that unites, finding her way from divisive messages to unifying actions. 

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29:24 PM UTC-5, facilitator wrote:
The anger I can partially understand since the messiah in the White House has had little or negative impact on the average black in "Partially United States".  The seething rage comes from many, many years of disproportionate treatment and does not need much to surface. 

I don't really understand how looting helps the cause.  I know unequivocally when there is a crime being committed people call police and not looting mobs to come help.

Maybe the North Koreans can show us what true peace is in the happy place of the Great Leader!

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 4:20:45 PM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Much is fit only for ridicule Gabby.  As for the positive pounding, my best friend likes those loud Japanese drums as a prelude to a few beers.  Quite how we get to sense talk instead of newsroom madness has troubled me forever, as I'm sure you know.

I'd have been expected to take Michael Brown down unarmed - something of a mismatch at 168 versus 290 pounds and a routine Salford Saturday night.  I guess I could have run away until the pink slime and doughnuts tired him out and I could get a tow-truck to transport him to the Crescent.  Even armed I tended not to shoot people, fearing weeks of paper work more than the odd knife graze.  Quite why cops were supposed to put their bodies on the line instead of just shooting bad guys I'm not sure.

I don't get the race thing at all, here or in the US other than as Tony says.  Smacking a cop in the mouth seems pretty 'racist' to me.  The US situation looks a lot like Northern Ireland to me - the Catholics had genuine civil rights issues there on housing, jobs and lousy treatment.  These were not addressed directly either.  The investigation into Wilson's actions look reasonable and speedy compared with here and much more open.  This seems to no avail.  

One very noticeable thing in the US investigations is knowledge of the limitations of cops accounts of their shootings on such as the number of rounds fired and recall ability.  Here our cops are taught to parrot the Manual of Guidance on the care with which each shot is aimed and fired with perfect memory.  And our cops are allowed to refuse to answer questions and collude on answers.  Thus our cops lie to make their stories look like the textbook and match each other.  I don't get the logic of 'black guy dead, burn Tottenham or Ferguson'.  Or that of 'the Establishment is corrupt, cure this by lynching a cop who has shot a crook'.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:34:07 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
The media consistently wanted this to be about race. It wasn't.  Change the demographics of either the cop or the deceased and this story would not have been in the news at all.  The problem is the premiss.  Our system allows a Grand Jury to decide if charges are to be rendered.  

I have been on two Grand Juries and we all took these matters very seriously.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Here we are disciplining ZZ42 over the killing of Mark Duggan four years ago.  This particular scapegoat was the intelligence officer who found out another crook was in possession of three guns and was going to hand one over to Duggan.  The officer failed to find out the probation hostel the 'armourer' (Foster) was supposed to be staying at = something as an irrelevance as Foster was staying elsewhere - and "thus" do something about the guns before Duggan got one of them.  ZZ42 has still not been interviewed by the IPCC, no doubt in line with their 4-year learning lessons process.  Now the family are claiming their 'poor little baby' should have been protected by police from getting the weapon he did from Foster.  Quite how getting an address Foster wasn't living at or keeping guns at would have aided this process I can't fathom.  Or how leaving 'one of our children' on the street merely looking for another gun would have helped protect any likely victim from Duggan's childish indiscretions.

On Saturday, November 29, 2014 3:37:29 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
If Mr Brightsight was able to understand what that little devil is actually saying on signing he might tell me so I could act, at least to the point of leaving the action to Molly, who does most of the work.  German and UK police rarely shoot people. 

Given your action perspective, perhaps you should 'stick to your guns' and get out disarming crime?  We could all sleep soundly in our panic rooms then.  Or we could let the poor little waifs likely to be shot by existing police do the policing.  No doubt you could have soothed the mad, naked man with a knife outside your Town Hall last year and I would have shot him to protect nearby children and myself.  http://www.dw.de/why-german-police-officers-rarely-reach-for-their-guns/a-17884779

These 'victims' are not 'our' children and the numbers pale against the killings in Afghanistan, Iraq and the centuries of imperial war.  We hardly seem to get out of our chattering class habits on what is done to our actual children in such as schools and the vile neo-liberal enterprise.

Personally I am very happy to still have my little devil around.

Am Samstag, 29. November 2014 schrieb archytas :
That only calls into question whether we can tell an angel from a devil Gabbs.  I guess we have to keep fusion reactions from grounding to earth and could do with getting them working.  In the spin of current dialogue one seems to meet only a spiral of devils smearing bimbolene about.  I can't help thinking the killing of various minor criminals by cops is what we need to be protesting about.

On Friday, November 28, 2014 2:52:10 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Learning to hear Pink, Lesson 1: Angelic voices never touch the ground, Neil, for it would break their wings. They go in resonance with those who can hear. Hear the angelic and not the luciferian, mind the difference! 

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:19:53 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
I sometimes find Molly's bubbles as 'pink' as Gabby.  Yet Molly is never as pink as, say, this academic view - http://www.uk.sagepub.com/rowe2e/study/Journal%20Articles/CHAPTER3_Race%20Class-2013-Fekete-65-76.pdf

There are some important points even 'in the pink'.  And I can't remember Molly ever saying shifting the spiritual ground being anything other than difficult - or that shifting racism and other material problems can be done by not admitting what they are.  One of the reasons I like both these people is they can give as good as they get.  We are in the middle of a spate of child sexual exploitation investigations with celebrities, politicians, Pakistani and Somali 'heritage' perpetrators in the UK.  This is not racist policing - the history is one of poor policing and cover up - as the link says, the secrecy involved is very disturbing and deeply embedded in our legal system.  The necessary conditions for pink solutions may well include fair and reliable policing, though in the black we might have a good laugh watching politically correct heroes doing the job with a few side bets on their life expectancy.

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:28:16 PM UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I agree with you RP souls do not listen to the inner voice, it is the satisfaction of today's pleasures that they are driven toward by the common communications of our world.  Look at he the entertainment and promises made.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <123...@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Allan , the problem is that people don't believe their inner voice, they believe in worldly attachments and work or prey for their satisfaction.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:12 PM, <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

A start , from there you need cooperation, all souls know the guidelines of do no harm, but do people listen,  to that the answer is yes they do. They listen only to what they want to hear and what benefits them. The Gospel of Woe is well sung and recited daily. The problem with version of life's view is it gives no answers that provide direction.

Oh Woe is me echoes through out the world. There are many gospels but I am thinking that one is the most widely followed!

And for you Gabby I am not sure on the accuracy of the translation: nicht Mord, Vergewaltigung, Versklavung oder andere schädigen.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <moll...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

The unheard rage of those individuals dominated in dire circumstance or as a group over the eons is heard in echos in distant news or, for sensitive souls, deep within. It is up to each of us to find that place of hate and violence within us, and move beyond it into peace.  Until we do, railing against a machine that churns out horror will do no good.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:25:33 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
No sense, anyone, of Ferguson and the wider protests as an American spring?

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:41:15 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
No Idea what the male number is Gabby - is it a bit like the opposite of what those women hanging around newsrooms do?  I am male I'm afraid, so am stuck with such as my feet not being the first thing I see looking down in the shower.  Of course, I'm old enough now to be more concerned about keeping my feet working.  For the record, the thinking itself indestructible younger me would have taken on Mike Brown going forward, believing some young big punk couldn't hack a fit rugby league player half his size.  Sorry to be so shrill my dear.  I never made new man status, believing women capable of seeing through such crude deceptions, even as they fell wildly under the strategy.  We might consider what the reaction would have been had Brown been shot by an 8 stone female cop like my ex-partner Mary.  I'll get back in the kitchen and shut the door so you can't hear me being shrill then me dear.  At least you are admitting we men can count these days, even if we do our number in shrill voice.
Je vous adresse mon très amical souvenir chaleureusement, comme meme.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:21:40 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Your class consciousness is very well audible. When you do the mate number you still need to tone down a lot. It sounds shrill, Neil.


Am 26.11.2014 um 14:24 schrieb archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>:

Some interesting views at the Post Gabby.  I'm generally not keen to extrapolate from criminal mentalities on social problems, yet these problems almost must be multi-faceted and thus not amenable to fascist analysis through slogan.  Much of my experience with black people came through cricket (great) and being a cop (good, bad, indifferent) or university teacher (as stupid and unreliable as the rest of the class?).  A university friend took me to his village in what was then Zaire.  I can only say any discussion I've heard on ethnic rights since is so constrained by political correctness slogans as to be both fascist and based on presenting the face of Goody-two-shoes.

Rage against the machine?  Not well directed if true - and I feel it is.  I'm amazed there isn't more rage generally.  I'd work with what I've seen of Darren Wilson ahead of the looters for sure - yet I always wondered why cops like me and him had to do the public order thing for the Establishment without much consideration.  This had me defending the right of some Nazi to parade through Stockport.

The idea that any human beings are less racist on race grounds is so dumb only someone with a PC infection could come up with it.  And much as I don't like the figures on prison populations I'm sick of race explanations.  Men are imprisoned far more than women.  Let's make that a gender rights issue!!

Obama is white Tony - just one of the mobiles in my black brush collection.

On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 12:10:36 UTC, Molly wrote:
Detroit retail never fully recovered from the 67 riots created by the same kind of circumstance. The stores that closed having lost everything with no faith that it wouldn't keep happening. The racial divide has played out here in many horrendous ways over the years, including a "black power" city government being instructed by the mayor to do no business with white owned companies. The ethnocentrism was finally the demise of the exclusionary government that fell into deep corruption and bankruptcy. I see both sides and neither are healthy until the city is seen as a whole including all and part of the rest of the world.  Through all of it, it has somehow remained a driving force in global economy and culture. Tribal societies no longer function on large scale and examples of this can be seen all over the world. The reluctance of each of us to see beyond color and history lies at the heart of the problem. Grace Lee Boggs fascinates me because her story runs the gamut of descent, rebel, revolutionary, community leader that unites, finding her way from divisive messages to unifying actions. 

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29:24 PM UTC-5, facilitator wrote:
The anger I can partially understand since the messiah in the White House has had little or negative impact on the average black in "Partially United States".  The seething rage comes from many, many years of disproportionate treatment and does not need much to surface. 

I don't really understand how looting helps the cause.  I know unequivocally when there is a crime being committed people call police and not looting mobs to come help.

Maybe the North Koreans can show us what true peace is in the happy place of the Great Leader!

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 4:20:45 PM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Much is fit only for ridicule Gabby.  As for the positive pounding, my best friend likes those loud Japanese drums as a prelude to a few beers.  Quite how we get to sense talk instead of newsroom madness has troubled me forever, as I'm sure you know.

I'd have been expected to take Michael Brown down unarmed - something of a mismatch at 168 versus 290 pounds and a routine Salford Saturday night.  I guess I could have run away until the pink slime and doughnuts tired him out and I could get a tow-truck to transport him to the Crescent.  Even armed I tended not to shoot people, fearing weeks of paper work more than the odd knife graze.  Quite why cops were supposed to put their bodies on the line instead of just shooting bad guys I'm not sure.

I don't get the race thing at all, here or in the US other than as Tony says.  Smacking a cop in the mouth seems pretty 'racist' to me.  The US situation looks a lot like Northern Ireland to me - the Catholics had genuine civil rights issues there on housing, jobs and lousy treatment.  These were not addressed directly either.  The investigation into Wilson's actions look reasonable and speedy compared with here and much more open.  This seems to no avail.  

One very noticeable thing in the US investigations is knowledge of the limitations of cops accounts of their shootings on such as the number of rounds fired and recall ability.  Here our cops are taught to parrot the Manual of Guidance on the care with which each shot is aimed and fired with perfect memory.  And our cops are allowed to refuse to answer questions and collude on answers.  Thus our cops lie to make their stories look like the textbook and match each other.  I don't get the logic of 'black guy dead, burn Tottenham or Ferguson'.  Or that of 'the Establishment is corrupt, cure this by lynching a cop who has shot a crook'.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:34:07 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
The media consistently wanted this to be about race. It wasn't.  Change the demographics of either the cop or the deceased and this story would not have been in the news at all.  The problem is the premiss.  Our system allows a Grand Jury to decide if charges are to be rendered.  

I have been on two Grand Juries and we all took these matters very seriously.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Yep, time for some royal silence. Molly take over again and soothe the boy's pains.

Am 29.11.2014 16:37 schrieb "archytas" <nwterry@gmail.com>:
If Mr Brightsight was able to understand what that little devil is actually saying on signing he might tell me so I could act, at least to the point of leaving the action to Molly, who does most of the work.  German and UK police rarely shoot people. 

Given your action perspective, perhaps you should 'stick to your guns' and get out disarming crime?  We could all sleep soundly in our panic rooms then.  Or we could let the poor little waifs likely to be shot by existing police do the policing.  No doubt you could have soothed the mad, naked man with a knife outside your Town Hall last year and I would have shot him to protect nearby children and myself.  http://www.dw.de/why-german-police-officers-rarely-reach-for-their-guns/a-17884779

These 'victims' are not 'our' children and the numbers pale against the killings in Afghanistan, Iraq and the centuries of imperial war.  We hardly seem to get out of our chattering class habits on what is done to our actual children in such as schools and the vile neo-liberal enterprise.

Personally I am very happy to still have my little devil around.

Am Samstag, 29. November 2014 schrieb archytas :
That only calls into question whether we can tell an angel from a devil Gabbs.  I guess we have to keep fusion reactions from grounding to earth and could do with getting them working.  In the spin of current dialogue one seems to meet only a spiral of devils smearing bimbolene about.  I can't help thinking the killing of various minor criminals by cops is what we need to be protesting about.

On Friday, November 28, 2014 2:52:10 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Learning to hear Pink, Lesson 1: Angelic voices never touch the ground, Neil, for it would break their wings. They go in resonance with those who can hear. Hear the angelic and not the luciferian, mind the difference! 

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:19:53 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
I sometimes find Molly's bubbles as 'pink' as Gabby.  Yet Molly is never as pink as, say, this academic view - http://www.uk.sagepub.com/rowe2e/study/Journal%20Articles/CHAPTER3_Race%20Class-2013-Fekete-65-76.pdf

There are some important points even 'in the pink'.  And I can't remember Molly ever saying shifting the spiritual ground being anything other than difficult - or that shifting racism and other material problems can be done by not admitting what they are.  One of the reasons I like both these people is they can give as good as they get.  We are in the middle of a spate of child sexual exploitation investigations with celebrities, politicians, Pakistani and Somali 'heritage' perpetrators in the UK.  This is not racist policing - the history is one of poor policing and cover up - as the link says, the secrecy involved is very disturbing and deeply embedded in our legal system.  The necessary conditions for pink solutions may well include fair and reliable policing, though in the black we might have a good laugh watching politically correct heroes doing the job with a few side bets on their life expectancy.

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:28:16 PM UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I agree with you RP souls do not listen to the inner voice, it is the satisfaction of today's pleasures that they are driven toward by the common communications of our world.  Look at he the entertainment and promises made.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <123...@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Allan , the problem is that people don't believe their inner voice, they believe in worldly attachments and work or prey for their satisfaction.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:12 PM, <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

A start , from there you need cooperation, all souls know the guidelines of do no harm, but do people listen,  to that the answer is yes they do. They listen only to what they want to hear and what benefits them. The Gospel of Woe is well sung and recited daily. The problem with version of life's view is it gives no answers that provide direction.

Oh Woe is me echoes through out the world. There are many gospels but I am thinking that one is the most widely followed!

And for you Gabby I am not sure on the accuracy of the translation: nicht Mord, Vergewaltigung, Versklavung oder andere schädigen.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <moll...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

The unheard rage of those individuals dominated in dire circumstance or as a group over the eons is heard in echos in distant news or, for sensitive souls, deep within. It is up to each of us to find that place of hate and violence within us, and move beyond it into peace.  Until we do, railing against a machine that churns out horror will do no good.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:25:33 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
No sense, anyone, of Ferguson and the wider protests as an American spring?

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:41:15 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
No Idea what the male number is Gabby - is it a bit like the opposite of what those women hanging around newsrooms do?  I am male I'm afraid, so am stuck with such as my feet not being the first thing I see looking down in the shower.  Of course, I'm old enough now to be more concerned about keeping my feet working.  For the record, the thinking itself indestructible younger me would have taken on Mike Brown going forward, believing some young big punk couldn't hack a fit rugby league player half his size.  Sorry to be so shrill my dear.  I never made new man status, believing women capable of seeing through such crude deceptions, even as they fell wildly under the strategy.  We might consider what the reaction would have been had Brown been shot by an 8 stone female cop like my ex-partner Mary.  I'll get back in the kitchen and shut the door so you can't hear me being shrill then me dear.  At least you are admitting we men can count these days, even if we do our number in shrill voice.
Je vous adresse mon très amical souvenir chaleureusement, comme meme.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:21:40 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Your class consciousness is very well audible. When you do the mate number you still need to tone down a lot. It sounds shrill, Neil.


Am 26.11.2014 um 14:24 schrieb archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>:

Some interesting views at the Post Gabby.  I'm generally not keen to extrapolate from criminal mentalities on social problems, yet these problems almost must be multi-faceted and thus not amenable to fascist analysis through slogan.  Much of my experience with black people came through cricket (great) and being a cop (good, bad, indifferent) or university teacher (as stupid and unreliable as the rest of the class?).  A university friend took me to his village in what was then Zaire.  I can only say any discussion I've heard on ethnic rights since is so constrained by political correctness slogans as to be both fascist and based on presenting the face of Goody-two-shoes.

Rage against the machine?  Not well directed if true - and I feel it is.  I'm amazed there isn't more rage generally.  I'd work with what I've seen of Darren Wilson ahead of the looters for sure - yet I always wondered why cops like me and him had to do the public order thing for the Establishment without much consideration.  This had me defending the right of some Nazi to parade through Stockport.

The idea that any human beings are less racist on race grounds is so dumb only someone with a PC infection could come up with it.  And much as I don't like the figures on prison populations I'm sick of race explanations.  Men are imprisoned far more than women.  Let's make that a gender rights issue!!

Obama is white Tony - just one of the mobiles in my black brush collection.

On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 12:10:36 UTC, Molly wrote:
Detroit retail never fully recovered from the 67 riots created by the same kind of circumstance. The stores that closed having lost everything with no faith that it wouldn't keep happening. The racial divide has played out here in many horrendous ways over the years, including a "black power" city government being instructed by the mayor to do no business with white owned companies. The ethnocentrism was finally the demise of the exclusionary government that fell into deep corruption and bankruptcy. I see both sides and neither are healthy until the city is seen as a whole including all and part of the rest of the world.  Through all of it, it has somehow remained a driving force in global economy and culture. Tribal societies no longer function on large scale and examples of this can be seen all over the world. The reluctance of each of us to see beyond color and history lies at the heart of the problem. Grace Lee Boggs fascinates me because her story runs the gamut of descent, rebel, revolutionary, community leader that unites, finding her way from divisive messages to unifying actions. 

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29:24 PM UTC-5, facilitator wrote:
The anger I can partially understand since the messiah in the White House has had little or negative impact on the average black in "Partially United States".  The seething rage comes from many, many years of disproportionate treatment and does not need much to surface. 

I don't really understand how looting helps the cause.  I know unequivocally when there is a crime being committed people call police and not looting mobs to come help.

Maybe the North Koreans can show us what true peace is in the happy place of the Great Leader!

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 4:20:45 PM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Much is fit only for ridicule Gabby.  As for the positive pounding, my best friend likes those loud Japanese drums as a prelude to a few beers.  Quite how we get to sense talk instead of newsroom madness has troubled me forever, as I'm sure you know.

I'd have been expected to take Michael Brown down unarmed - something of a mismatch at 168 versus 290 pounds and a routine Salford Saturday night.  I guess I could have run away until the pink slime and doughnuts tired him out and I could get a tow-truck to transport him to the Crescent.  Even armed I tended not to shoot people, fearing weeks of paper work more than the odd knife graze.  Quite why cops were supposed to put their bodies on the line instead of just shooting bad guys I'm not sure.

I don't get the race thing at all, here or in the US other than as Tony says.  Smacking a cop in the mouth seems pretty 'racist' to me.  The US situation looks a lot like Northern Ireland to me - the Catholics had genuine civil rights issues there on housing, jobs and lousy treatment.  These were not addressed directly either.  The investigation into Wilson's actions look reasonable and speedy compared with here and much more open.  This seems to no avail.  

One very noticeable thing in the US investigations is knowledge of the limitations of cops accounts of their shootings on such as the number of rounds fired and recall ability.  Here our cops are taught to parrot the Manual of Guidance on the care with which each shot is aimed and fired with perfect memory.  And our cops are allowed to refuse to answer questions and collude on answers.  Thus our cops lie to make their stories look like the textbook and match each other.  I don't get the logic of 'black guy dead, burn Tottenham or Ferguson'.  Or that of 'the Establishment is corrupt, cure this by lynching a cop who has shot a crook'.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:34:07 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
The media consistently wanted this to be about race. It wasn't.  Change the demographics of either the cop or the deceased and this story would not have been in the news at all.  The problem is the premiss.  Our system allows a Grand Jury to decide if charges are to be rendered.  

I have been on two Grand Juries and we all took these matters very seriously.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

If Mr Brightsight was able to understand what that little devil is actually saying on signing he might tell me so I could act, at least to the point of leaving the action to Molly, who does most of the work.  German and UK police rarely shoot people. 

Given your action perspective, perhaps you should 'stick to your guns' and get out disarming crime?  We could all sleep soundly in our panic rooms then.  Or we could let the poor little waifs likely to be shot by existing police do the policing.  No doubt you could have soothed the mad, naked man with a knife outside your Town Hall last year and I would have shot him to protect nearby children and myself.  http://www.dw.de/why-german-police-officers-rarely-reach-for-their-guns/a-17884779

These 'victims' are not 'our' children and the numbers pale against the killings in Afghanistan, Iraq and the centuries of imperial war.  We hardly seem to get out of our chattering class habits on what is done to our actual children in such as schools and the vile neo-liberal enterprise.

Personally I am very happy to still have my little devil around.

Am Samstag, 29. November 2014 schrieb archytas :
That only calls into question whether we can tell an angel from a devil Gabbs.  I guess we have to keep fusion reactions from grounding to earth and could do with getting them working.  In the spin of current dialogue one seems to meet only a spiral of devils smearing bimbolene about.  I can't help thinking the killing of various minor criminals by cops is what we need to be protesting about.

On Friday, November 28, 2014 2:52:10 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Learning to hear Pink, Lesson 1: Angelic voices never touch the ground, Neil, for it would break their wings. They go in resonance with those who can hear. Hear the angelic and not the luciferian, mind the difference! 

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:19:53 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
I sometimes find Molly's bubbles as 'pink' as Gabby.  Yet Molly is never as pink as, say, this academic view - http://www.uk.sagepub.com/rowe2e/study/Journal%20Articles/CHAPTER3_Race%20Class-2013-Fekete-65-76.pdf

There are some important points even 'in the pink'.  And I can't remember Molly ever saying shifting the spiritual ground being anything other than difficult - or that shifting racism and other material problems can be done by not admitting what they are.  One of the reasons I like both these people is they can give as good as they get.  We are in the middle of a spate of child sexual exploitation investigations with celebrities, politicians, Pakistani and Somali 'heritage' perpetrators in the UK.  This is not racist policing - the history is one of poor policing and cover up - as the link says, the secrecy involved is very disturbing and deeply embedded in our legal system.  The necessary conditions for pink solutions may well include fair and reliable policing, though in the black we might have a good laugh watching politically correct heroes doing the job with a few side bets on their life expectancy.

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:28:16 PM UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I agree with you RP souls do not listen to the inner voice, it is the satisfaction of today's pleasures that they are driven toward by the common communications of our world.  Look at he the entertainment and promises made.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <123...@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Allan , the problem is that people don't believe their inner voice, they believe in worldly attachments and work or prey for their satisfaction.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:12 PM, <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

A start , from there you need cooperation, all souls know the guidelines of do no harm, but do people listen,  to that the answer is yes they do. They listen only to what they want to hear and what benefits them. The Gospel of Woe is well sung and recited daily. The problem with version of life's view is it gives no answers that provide direction.

Oh Woe is me echoes through out the world. There are many gospels but I am thinking that one is the most widely followed!

And for you Gabby I am not sure on the accuracy of the translation: nicht Mord, Vergewaltigung, Versklavung oder andere schädigen.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <moll...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

The unheard rage of those individuals dominated in dire circumstance or as a group over the eons is heard in echos in distant news or, for sensitive souls, deep within. It is up to each of us to find that place of hate and violence within us, and move beyond it into peace.  Until we do, railing against a machine that churns out horror will do no good.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:25:33 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
No sense, anyone, of Ferguson and the wider protests as an American spring?

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:41:15 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
No Idea what the male number is Gabby - is it a bit like the opposite of what those women hanging around newsrooms do?  I am male I'm afraid, so am stuck with such as my feet not being the first thing I see looking down in the shower.  Of course, I'm old enough now to be more concerned about keeping my feet working.  For the record, the thinking itself indestructible younger me would have taken on Mike Brown going forward, believing some young big punk couldn't hack a fit rugby league player half his size.  Sorry to be so shrill my dear.  I never made new man status, believing women capable of seeing through such crude deceptions, even as they fell wildly under the strategy.  We might consider what the reaction would have been had Brown been shot by an 8 stone female cop like my ex-partner Mary.  I'll get back in the kitchen and shut the door so you can't hear me being shrill then me dear.  At least you are admitting we men can count these days, even if we do our number in shrill voice.
Je vous adresse mon très amical souvenir chaleureusement, comme meme.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:21:40 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Your class consciousness is very well audible. When you do the mate number you still need to tone down a lot. It sounds shrill, Neil.


Am 26.11.2014 um 14:24 schrieb archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>:

Some interesting views at the Post Gabby.  I'm generally not keen to extrapolate from criminal mentalities on social problems, yet these problems almost must be multi-faceted and thus not amenable to fascist analysis through slogan.  Much of my experience with black people came through cricket (great) and being a cop (good, bad, indifferent) or university teacher (as stupid and unreliable as the rest of the class?).  A university friend took me to his village in what was then Zaire.  I can only say any discussion I've heard on ethnic rights since is so constrained by political correctness slogans as to be both fascist and based on presenting the face of Goody-two-shoes.

Rage against the machine?  Not well directed if true - and I feel it is.  I'm amazed there isn't more rage generally.  I'd work with what I've seen of Darren Wilson ahead of the looters for sure - yet I always wondered why cops like me and him had to do the public order thing for the Establishment without much consideration.  This had me defending the right of some Nazi to parade through Stockport.

The idea that any human beings are less racist on race grounds is so dumb only someone with a PC infection could come up with it.  And much as I don't like the figures on prison populations I'm sick of race explanations.  Men are imprisoned far more than women.  Let's make that a gender rights issue!!

Obama is white Tony - just one of the mobiles in my black brush collection.

On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 12:10:36 UTC, Molly wrote:
Detroit retail never fully recovered from the 67 riots created by the same kind of circumstance. The stores that closed having lost everything with no faith that it wouldn't keep happening. The racial divide has played out here in many horrendous ways over the years, including a "black power" city government being instructed by the mayor to do no business with white owned companies. The ethnocentrism was finally the demise of the exclusionary government that fell into deep corruption and bankruptcy. I see both sides and neither are healthy until the city is seen as a whole including all and part of the rest of the world.  Through all of it, it has somehow remained a driving force in global economy and culture. Tribal societies no longer function on large scale and examples of this can be seen all over the world. The reluctance of each of us to see beyond color and history lies at the heart of the problem. Grace Lee Boggs fascinates me because her story runs the gamut of descent, rebel, revolutionary, community leader that unites, finding her way from divisive messages to unifying actions. 

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29:24 PM UTC-5, facilitator wrote:
The anger I can partially understand since the messiah in the White House has had little or negative impact on the average black in "Partially United States".  The seething rage comes from many, many years of disproportionate treatment and does not need much to surface. 

I don't really understand how looting helps the cause.  I know unequivocally when there is a crime being committed people call police and not looting mobs to come help.

Maybe the North Koreans can show us what true peace is in the happy place of the Great Leader!

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 4:20:45 PM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Much is fit only for ridicule Gabby.  As for the positive pounding, my best friend likes those loud Japanese drums as a prelude to a few beers.  Quite how we get to sense talk instead of newsroom madness has troubled me forever, as I'm sure you know.

I'd have been expected to take Michael Brown down unarmed - something of a mismatch at 168 versus 290 pounds and a routine Salford Saturday night.  I guess I could have run away until the pink slime and doughnuts tired him out and I could get a tow-truck to transport him to the Crescent.  Even armed I tended not to shoot people, fearing weeks of paper work more than the odd knife graze.  Quite why cops were supposed to put their bodies on the line instead of just shooting bad guys I'm not sure.

I don't get the race thing at all, here or in the US other than as Tony says.  Smacking a cop in the mouth seems pretty 'racist' to me.  The US situation looks a lot like Northern Ireland to me - the Catholics had genuine civil rights issues there on housing, jobs and lousy treatment.  These were not addressed directly either.  The investigation into Wilson's actions look reasonable and speedy compared with here and much more open.  This seems to no avail.  

One very noticeable thing in the US investigations is knowledge of the limitations of cops accounts of their shootings on such as the number of rounds fired and recall ability.  Here our cops are taught to parrot the Manual of Guidance on the care with which each shot is aimed and fired with perfect memory.  And our cops are allowed to refuse to answer questions and collude on answers.  Thus our cops lie to make their stories look like the textbook and match each other.  I don't get the logic of 'black guy dead, burn Tottenham or Ferguson'.  Or that of 'the Establishment is corrupt, cure this by lynching a cop who has shot a crook'.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:34:07 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
The media consistently wanted this to be about race. It wasn't.  Change the demographics of either the cop or the deceased and this story would not have been in the news at all.  The problem is the premiss.  Our system allows a Grand Jury to decide if charges are to be rendered.  

I have been on two Grand Juries and we all took these matters very seriously.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Wow, Mr Brightsight, you ask us to peacefully beg you to stop killing our kids? Your spinning, ridiculing, belittling does not show the desired effects? Do you hear anyone entering a dialouge when all I ask for is to do something about the insulting automated signings of postings here? Dialogue and Do is an absolute no-go combination here and elsewhere.

Personally I am very happy to still have my little devil around.

Am Samstag, 29. November 2014 schrieb archytas :
That only calls into question whether we can tell an angel from a devil Gabbs.  I guess we have to keep fusion reactions from grounding to earth and could do with getting them working.  In the spin of current dialogue one seems to meet only a spiral of devils smearing bimbolene about.  I can't help thinking the killing of various minor criminals by cops is what we need to be protesting about.

On Friday, November 28, 2014 2:52:10 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Learning to hear Pink, Lesson 1: Angelic voices never touch the ground, Neil, for it would break their wings. They go in resonance with those who can hear. Hear the angelic and not the luciferian, mind the difference! 

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:19:53 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
I sometimes find Molly's bubbles as 'pink' as Gabby.  Yet Molly is never as pink as, say, this academic view - http://www.uk.sagepub.com/rowe2e/study/Journal%20Articles/CHAPTER3_Race%20Class-2013-Fekete-65-76.pdf

There are some important points even 'in the pink'.  And I can't remember Molly ever saying shifting the spiritual ground being anything other than difficult - or that shifting racism and other material problems can be done by not admitting what they are.  One of the reasons I like both these people is they can give as good as they get.  We are in the middle of a spate of child sexual exploitation investigations with celebrities, politicians, Pakistani and Somali 'heritage' perpetrators in the UK.  This is not racist policing - the history is one of poor policing and cover up - as the link says, the secrecy involved is very disturbing and deeply embedded in our legal system.  The necessary conditions for pink solutions may well include fair and reliable policing, though in the black we might have a good laugh watching politically correct heroes doing the job with a few side bets on their life expectancy.

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:28:16 PM UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
I agree with you RP souls do not listen to the inner voice, it is the satisfaction of today's pleasures that they are driven toward by the common communications of our world.  Look at he the entertainment and promises made.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <123...@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Allan , the problem is that people don't believe their inner voice, they believe in worldly attachments and work or prey for their satisfaction.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:12 PM, <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

A start , from there you need cooperation, all souls know the guidelines of do no harm, but do people listen,  to that the answer is yes they do. They listen only to what they want to hear and what benefits them. The Gospel of Woe is well sung and recited daily. The problem with version of life's view is it gives no answers that provide direction.

Oh Woe is me echoes through out the world. There are many gospels but I am thinking that one is the most widely followed!

And for you Gabby I am not sure on the accuracy of the translation: nicht Mord, Vergewaltigung, Versklavung oder andere schädigen.

لا القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد أو إيذاء الآخرين
Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <moll...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

The unheard rage of those individuals dominated in dire circumstance or as a group over the eons is heard in echos in distant news or, for sensitive souls, deep within. It is up to each of us to find that place of hate and violence within us, and move beyond it into peace.  Until we do, railing against a machine that churns out horror will do no good.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:25:33 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
No sense, anyone, of Ferguson and the wider protests as an American spring?

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:41:15 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
No Idea what the male number is Gabby - is it a bit like the opposite of what those women hanging around newsrooms do?  I am male I'm afraid, so am stuck with such as my feet not being the first thing I see looking down in the shower.  Of course, I'm old enough now to be more concerned about keeping my feet working.  For the record, the thinking itself indestructible younger me would have taken on Mike Brown going forward, believing some young big punk couldn't hack a fit rugby league player half his size.  Sorry to be so shrill my dear.  I never made new man status, believing women capable of seeing through such crude deceptions, even as they fell wildly under the strategy.  We might consider what the reaction would have been had Brown been shot by an 8 stone female cop like my ex-partner Mary.  I'll get back in the kitchen and shut the door so you can't hear me being shrill then me dear.  At least you are admitting we men can count these days, even if we do our number in shrill voice.
Je vous adresse mon très amical souvenir chaleureusement, comme meme.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:21:40 PM UTC, Gabby wrote:
Your class consciousness is very well audible. When you do the mate number you still need to tone down a lot. It sounds shrill, Neil.


Am 26.11.2014 um 14:24 schrieb archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>:

Some interesting views at the Post Gabby.  I'm generally not keen to extrapolate from criminal mentalities on social problems, yet these problems almost must be multi-faceted and thus not amenable to fascist analysis through slogan.  Much of my experience with black people came through cricket (great) and being a cop (good, bad, indifferent) or university teacher (as stupid and unreliable as the rest of the class?).  A university friend took me to his village in what was then Zaire.  I can only say any discussion I've heard on ethnic rights since is so constrained by political correctness slogans as to be both fascist and based on presenting the face of Goody-two-shoes.

Rage against the machine?  Not well directed if true - and I feel it is.  I'm amazed there isn't more rage generally.  I'd work with what I've seen of Darren Wilson ahead of the looters for sure - yet I always wondered why cops like me and him had to do the public order thing for the Establishment without much consideration.  This had me defending the right of some Nazi to parade through Stockport.

The idea that any human beings are less racist on race grounds is so dumb only someone with a PC infection could come up with it.  And much as I don't like the figures on prison populations I'm sick of race explanations.  Men are imprisoned far more than women.  Let's make that a gender rights issue!!

Obama is white Tony - just one of the mobiles in my black brush collection.

On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 12:10:36 UTC, Molly wrote:
Detroit retail never fully recovered from the 67 riots created by the same kind of circumstance. The stores that closed having lost everything with no faith that it wouldn't keep happening. The racial divide has played out here in many horrendous ways over the years, including a "black power" city government being instructed by the mayor to do no business with white owned companies. The ethnocentrism was finally the demise of the exclusionary government that fell into deep corruption and bankruptcy. I see both sides and neither are healthy until the city is seen as a whole including all and part of the rest of the world.  Through all of it, it has somehow remained a driving force in global economy and culture. Tribal societies no longer function on large scale and examples of this can be seen all over the world. The reluctance of each of us to see beyond color and history lies at the heart of the problem. Grace Lee Boggs fascinates me because her story runs the gamut of descent, rebel, revolutionary, community leader that unites, finding her way from divisive messages to unifying actions. 

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29:24 PM UTC-5, facilitator wrote:
The anger I can partially understand since the messiah in the White House has had little or negative impact on the average black in "Partially United States".  The seething rage comes from many, many years of disproportionate treatment and does not need much to surface. 

I don't really understand how looting helps the cause.  I know unequivocally when there is a crime being committed people call police and not looting mobs to come help.

Maybe the North Koreans can show us what true peace is in the happy place of the Great Leader!

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 4:20:45 PM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Much is fit only for ridicule Gabby.  As for the positive pounding, my best friend likes those loud Japanese drums as a prelude to a few beers.  Quite how we get to sense talk instead of newsroom madness has troubled me forever, as I'm sure you know.

I'd have been expected to take Michael Brown down unarmed - something of a mismatch at 168 versus 290 pounds and a routine Salford Saturday night.  I guess I could have run away until the pink slime and doughnuts tired him out and I could get a tow-truck to transport him to the Crescent.  Even armed I tended not to shoot people, fearing weeks of paper work more than the odd knife graze.  Quite why cops were supposed to put their bodies on the line instead of just shooting bad guys I'm not sure.

I don't get the race thing at all, here or in the US other than as Tony says.  Smacking a cop in the mouth seems pretty 'racist' to me.  The US situation looks a lot like Northern Ireland to me - the Catholics had genuine civil rights issues there on housing, jobs and lousy treatment.  These were not addressed directly either.  The investigation into Wilson's actions look reasonable and speedy compared with here and much more open.  This seems to no avail.  

One very noticeable thing in the US investigations is knowledge of the limitations of cops accounts of their shootings on such as the number of rounds fired and recall ability.  Here our cops are taught to parrot the Manual of Guidance on the care with which each shot is aimed and fired with perfect memory.  And our cops are allowed to refuse to answer questions and collude on answers.  Thus our cops lie to make their stories look like the textbook and match each other.  I don't get the logic of 'black guy dead, burn Tottenham or Ferguson'.  Or that of 'the Establishment is corrupt, cure this by lynching a cop who has shot a crook'.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:34:07 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
The media consistently wanted this to be about race. It wasn't.  Change the demographics of either the cop or the deceased and this story would not have been in the news at all.  The problem is the premiss.  Our system allows a Grand Jury to decide if charges are to be rendered.  

I have been on two Grand Juries and we all took these matters very seriously.


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