
Re: Mind's Eye 6th mass extinction

I was beginning to think I was totally alone in the group. . It is great to read your thoughts Don.
Actually it was a report from a university study. They were talking about amount verbrate species that have gone extinct in the last 100 years the extendive use of natural resources. It goes on and is very interesting.  
You are right a lot of it is the result poor leadership in all phases political, (worldwide, all levels) corporate, religious the list goes on and on..

Putin is a wacko. The world is ruled by banksters. People that worship wealth or the golden calf. . I think the world can be saved as do others.. as do others.. all agreement is the change needs to start in leadership.
Thank you for replying.   Maybe our little group might have a positive effect.. I  am see words that originated here showing up in the main stream.

Avoid: Murder, Rape and enslavement of others.

On Jun 23, 2015 6:46 AM, "Don Johnson" <dajohn@gmail.com> wrote:
Russia in full emperial mode. We're more concerned with taking away domestic constitutional rights here in the States then we are in protecting and sticking up for our international friends. Greece threatening default while simultaneously making deals with Putin. We are intent on making deals with Satan we know he won't keep just so we can blame the inevitable failure on the "next" administration. 

We are rudderless in a hailstorm. The captain more concerned with renovating the galley. Be afraid; be very, very afraid. 

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:

Sixth age
Extinction closing in

Greedy and selfish

Killing without logic

Wild ways growing

World opera
Being sung full chorus
Me me me

Avoid: Murder, Rape and enslavement of others.


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Re: Mind's Eye 6th mass extinction

Russia in full emperial mode. We're more concerned with taking away domestic constitutional rights here in the States then we are in protecting and sticking up for our international friends. Greece threatening default while simultaneously making deals with Putin. We are intent on making deals with Satan we know he won't keep just so we can blame the inevitable failure on the "next" administration. 

We are rudderless in a hailstorm. The captain more concerned with renovating the galley. Be afraid; be very, very afraid. 

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:

Sixth age
Extinction closing in

Greedy and selfish

Killing without logic

Wild ways growing

World opera
Being sung full chorus
Me me me

Avoid: Murder, Rape and enslavement of others.


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Mind's Eye 6th mass extinction

Sixth age
Extinction closing in

Greedy and selfish

Killing without logic

Wild ways growing

World opera
Being sung full chorus
Me me me

Avoid: Murder, Rape and enslavement of others.


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