
Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

I am well and safe here, in part due to the elder one fiercely driving some lockdown sense into us.

in the country, things worsened somewhat because an illegal gathering of Muslim preachers...taking the latest figures to 1400 confirmed cases and 35 deaths. There were a couple of thousands congregated there, few of whom are dead, many are quarantined, and some still loose...the vector velocity is 16,000 per infected person !

Don, nice to read up your style again.

Yeah, the quarantine is a hugely restrictive experience though, thankfully, there is no loss of family income on account of work-from-home programs.

One curious point : the Wuhan virus reached the world...and did not arrive at Beijing or Shanghai. How come ? Beats logic and reason. Communism is wonderful.

Looking forward to getting poked again...

On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Molly. Where is Francis posting? What's his blog? I google his name and get "the Market Sniper." I'd hope the good people running DETROIT would have all those abandoned factories chugging out the respirators by now. Thank goodness for the NYTs and WaPo I will never run out of toilet paper. Take care and wash yo face and hands.
> --
> ---
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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Hey Molly. Where is Francis posting? What's his blog? I google his name and get "the Market Sniper." I'd hope the good people running DETROIT would have all those abandoned factories chugging out the respirators by now. Thank goodness for the NYTs and WaPo I will never run out of toilet paper. Take care and wash yo face and hands.


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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

I wonder about our friends Neil in the UK, Vam in India. Hello Allan? Don't leave me hangin'! Truly a global wave occurring. Everything changing daily if not hourly, depending on your personal situation. To those staying at home with no work and few contacts, this might seem endless isolation. Glad to see our friend Francis, in Germany that seems to have a coordinated response, still posting. Where is everyone?

On Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 6:48:52 PM UTC-4, Don Johnson wrote:
Uncertainty is the name of the game. I can't say I would do anything different if I was in charge. I don't hate either Russia or China. Or Saudi Arabia for that matter. Of the 3 I'd say I trust our friend's the Saudi's more. They may screw us over but at least they tell us they're doing it. I don't trust a thing coming out of China. Apparently, they've stopped publishing testing results. Possibly because they've figured out all it does is cause panic. Hell they may even have stopped testing altogether. Why bother?
The Commies don't care how many of their own people die. They have plenty of slaves. I love Chinese people and culture(except maybe the eating bats part) but I hate their government. They do have an AMAZING propaganda machine however and have managed to enlist the aid of most of Western mom in spite of causing this entire mess. It's astonishing. 

On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 1:43 AM Allan <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
I feel kind of strange, just listening to the news it seemed something was up..  China building up a entire hospital in just 10 days to handle.the new virus cases (covid-19) cases. Something was up and what ever it was spread like crazy ,, well what ever it was it made crazy look like a calm relaxing spring walk. That same hospital has been removed no longer needed.
China has turned out to be amazing.  They made it through the crisis.. not good according the the china/russia haters; well they did not need to build castles out of toilet paper. 😱  We are not worried we installed a hand bedit when remodeled our apartment. Now we can just squirt the problem away.  🥰 🤣
We started to increased our food store to last up to 3 weeks.
My health had been on a down hill slide so we started having shopping delivered so we are an old customer; Now it is becoming the "in" thing. Now well there is a shopping panic we only need to maintain stock. The near by grocery store Monday will open at 7 am an hour earlier and best yet you have to be older than 70 to shop.  lol  😆

do no harm
Allan with news from the Netherlands

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 1:15:24 PM UTC-5, Don Johnson wrote:
Glad you are ok. You geezers(says the obese probably alcoholic 53 yr/old) are taking a hit in this mess. We need more trucks. Plenty of food and goods out there just with all the hoarding can't stock the shelves fast enough. Tell me what you think of this article. Saw this last night and, once again, think someone is reading my mind's eye posts and then doing all the actual research and writing an actual article saying the same damn thing I said here 2 days ago. 


On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:39:31 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Uncertainty is the name of the game. I can't say I would do anything different if I was in charge. I don't hate either Russia or China. Or Saudi Arabia for that matter. Of the 3 I'd say I trust our friend's the Saudi's more. They may screw us over but at least they tell us they're doing it. I don't trust a thing coming out of China. Apparently, they've stopped publishing testing results. Possibly because they've figured out all it does is cause panic. Hell they may even have stopped testing altogether. Why bother?
The Commies don't care how many of their own people die. They have plenty of slaves. I love Chinese people and culture(except maybe the eating bats part) but I hate their government. They do have an AMAZING propaganda machine however and have managed to enlist the aid of most of Western mom in spite of causing this entire mess. It's astonishing. 

On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 1:43 AM Allan <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
I feel kind of strange, just listening to the news it seemed something was up..  China building up a entire hospital in just 10 days to handle.the new virus cases (covid-19) cases. Something was up and what ever it was spread like crazy ,, well what ever it was it made crazy look like a calm relaxing spring walk. That same hospital has been removed no longer needed.
China has turned out to be amazing.  They made it through the crisis.. not good according the the china/russia haters; well they did not need to build castles out of toilet paper. 😱  We are not worried we installed a hand bedit when remodeled our apartment. Now we can just squirt the problem away.  🥰 🤣
We started to increased our food store to last up to 3 weeks.
My health had been on a down hill slide so we started having shopping delivered so we are an old customer; Now it is becoming the "in" thing. Now well there is a shopping panic we only need to maintain stock. The near by grocery store Monday will open at 7 am an hour earlier and best yet you have to be older than 70 to shop.  lol  😆

do no harm
Allan with news from the Netherlands

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 1:15:24 PM UTC-5, Don Johnson wrote:
Glad you are ok. You geezers(says the obese probably alcoholic 53 yr/old) are taking a hit in this mess. We need more trucks. Plenty of food and goods out there just with all the hoarding can't stock the shelves fast enough. Tell me what you think of this article. Saw this last night and, once again, think someone is reading my mind's eye posts and then doing all the actual research and writing an actual article saying the same damn thing I said here 2 days ago. 


On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:39:31 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/03ec1cd8-af8f-4ff9-913e-e4ed97a4912f.maildroid%40localhost.


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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Detroit is feeling the panic with mixed messages coming from the state. and feds. I've chosen to work from home after heartfelt pleas from my children. The center allows me to do so and I am deeply grateful, no events makes that easier. Unpredictable, uncontrollable yet sustained circumstance means high stress worldwide. My doctor and nurse friends and relatives are feeling the worst of it. What will happen? One way or another, we will find out...

On Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 2:43:26 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
I feel kind of strange, just listening to the news it seemed something was up..  China building up a entire hospital in just 10 days to handle.the new virus cases (covid-19) cases. Something was up and what ever it was spread like crazy ,, well what ever it was it made crazy look like a calm relaxing spring walk. That same hospital has been removed no longer needed.
China has turned out to be amazing.  They made it through the crisis.. not good according the the china/russia haters; well they did not need to build castles out of toilet paper. 😱  We are not worried we installed a hand bedit when remodeled our apartment. Now we can just squirt the problem away.  🥰 🤣
We started to increased our food store to last up to 3 weeks.
My health had been on a down hill slide so we started having shopping delivered so we are an old customer; Now it is becoming the "in" thing. Now well there is a shopping panic we only need to maintain stock. The near by grocery store Monday will open at 7 am an hour earlier and best yet you have to be older than 70 to shop.  lol  😆

do no harm
Allan with news from the Netherlands

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 1:15:24 PM UTC-5, Don Johnson wrote:
Glad you are ok. You geezers(says the obese probably alcoholic 53 yr/old) are taking a hit in this mess. We need more trucks. Plenty of food and goods out there just with all the hoarding can't stock the shelves fast enough. Tell me what you think of this article. Saw this last night and, once again, think someone is reading my mind's eye posts and then doing all the actual research and writing an actual article saying the same damn thing I said here 2 days ago. 


On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:39:31 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

I feel kind of strange, just listening to the news it seemed something was up..  China building up a entire hospital in just 10 days to handle.the new virus cases (covid-19) cases. Something was up and what ever it was spread like crazy ,, well what ever it was it made crazy look like a calm relaxing spring walk. That same hospital has been removed no longer needed.
China has turned out to be amazing.  They made it through the crisis.. not good according the the china/russia haters; well they did not need to build castles out of toilet paper. ��  We are not worried we installed a hand bedit when remodeled our apartment. Now we can just squirt the problem away.  �� ��
We started to increased our food store to last up to 3 weeks.
My health had been on a down hill slide so we started having shopping delivered so we are an old customer; Now it is becoming the "in" thing. Now well there is a shopping panic we only need to maintain stock. The near by grocery store Monday will open at 7 am an hour earlier and best yet you have to be older than 70 to shop.  lol  ��

do no harm
Allan with news from the Netherlands

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 1:15:24 PM UTC-5, Don Johnson wrote:
Glad you are ok. You geezers(says the obese probably alcoholic 53 yr/old) are taking a hit in this mess. We need more trucks. Plenty of food and goods out there just with all the hoarding can't stock the shelves fast enough. Tell me what you think of this article. Saw this last night and, once again, think someone is reading my mind's eye posts and then doing all the actual research and writing an actual article saying the same damn thing I said here 2 days ago. 



On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:39:31 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/4e5c2432-9c8b-4dc7-82a3-509df23d6856%40googlegroups.com.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/6a386914-83b6-4620-9708-23a9c3fed8b9%40googlegroups.com.


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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 1:15:24 PM UTC-5, Don Johnson wrote:
Glad you are ok. You geezers(says the obese probably alcoholic 53 yr/old) are taking a hit in this mess. We need more trucks. Plenty of food and goods out there just with all the hoarding can't stock the shelves fast enough. Tell me what you think of this article. Saw this last night and, once again, think someone is reading my mind's eye posts and then doing all the actual research and writing an actual article saying the same damn thing I said here 2 days ago. 



On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:39:31 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to mind...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/4e5c2432-9c8b-4dc7-82a3-509df23d6856%40googlegroups.com.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/6a386914-83b6-4620-9708-23a9c3fed8b9%40googlegroups.com.

Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Glad you are ok. You geezers(says the obese probably alcoholic 53 yr/old) are taking a hit in this mess. We need more trucks. Plenty of food and goods out there just with all the hoarding can't stock the shelves fast enough. Tell me what you think of this article. Saw this last night and, once again, think someone is reading my mind's eye posts and then doing all the actual research and writing an actual article saying the same damn thing I said here 2 days ago. 


On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2:39:31 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to mind...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/4e5c2432-9c8b-4dc7-82a3-509df23d6856%40googlegroups.com.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/8b938fe8-5440-4ad4-9cb2-ae9c9cf7b6a0%40googlegroups.com.

Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

I had to take the refuse.. looking out the living room windows 15 stories up. The road way is almost totally vacant.  I can actually see the horizon. Shocking to say the least, even in the mess of a Pandemic Corvi-19 there is a silver lining it is doing wonders with the pollution. Good thing.. people will actually see the damage the world corparate empire is doing.
Thank you Wuhan for this silver lining ; China for share your experience, medical personal along with equipment plus supplies. It is noted.

do no harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


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Re: Mind's Eye Wuhan

Here in India we have things under control, but cannot be sure about the future, the minorities are not co-operating even at this juncture, not ready to end the protest for sometime until this pendemic  is over.

On Thu 19 Mar, 2020, 7:07 PM Don Johnson, <dajohn@gmail.com> wrote:
Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


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Mind's Eye Wuhan

Not many posts here recently. Seeing all those red dots on the other side of the world had me thinking about the few people I know live there. Now those red dots are all over my country. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mass hysteria but something worse then methodical preparation is happing. We may not contain anything but we are damned sure set on destroying the economy. Mighty unpolite of the Chi-coms to release this disease without even the common curtesy of formulating a vaccine first. I certainly hope everyone is ok. I have my freezer stocked and plenty of dry goods I could stay quarantined for a month no problem. May run out of TP though. 


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