
Re: Mind's Eye long absence

Yes, so happy to hear you are on the mend Allan, sorry to hear it is a long one. Your Texas power outages are quiet the news, Don. Glad to hear you have a generator to help. I've ready plenty of pain, suffering and damage stories coming out of your neck of the woods. Reminds of the Flint water crisis up here that lasted from 2014 to 2019 and the litigation was just resolved in 2020. the sitting governor at the time became unelectable. A real system failure and most grass roots folks don't know the risks until they are facing the results of bureaucratic foul play. Had to disable the center's twitter account because the stop the steal folks continue to troll and blame on so called election fraud. We all seem to have our hands full with the problems of humanity. My best to all.

On Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 7:13:22 PM UTC-5 Allan Heretic wrote:
Yes Don the World is bursting at the seams. With all the news coming from the states it sounds like the US is coming apart at the seams. Makes me glad I am Dutch by choice.. Election is coming soon as the people in power had to resign over a scandal.
It has been the coldest winter since I have been here. You could see ice skating in mass.. and I used to work for a large power company in California.. repairing leaks is very time consuming. I liked it but I was also in my 20's too. Big difference, had a meeting to day looking at my medical problems,, actually I never realized so much help is available..  truly amazing.

I have also seen the rear running through the  US,, I received the $600 check a couple of days ago.. it is unbelievable  a paper check 😂 what really is funny they are no longer accepted accepted by any bank, actually I have never written a check since I have lived here.. either I use my debit card or direct transfer
My grandkids will get some pocket change. I will transfer it to my son and he will deposit it in his account for cashing. What is really funny is that amount will not even cover a months rent.. fortunately I am not in need of the money for support.. Some day the freedom of speech will return. The constitutional reset button needs pushing to get rid of the special interest laws.
Good luck with the repairs

Originator is real

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <daj...@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <mind...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye long absence

The world done gone stark raving mad. I am glad you, at least, have your priorities in line and have an optimistic outlook. We all find comfort where we can. Here in the twilight zone of Houston, Texas we are experiencing rolling blackouts due to the powers that  be deciding trendy, fancy, sexy wind turbines are the wave of the future instead of good 'ol trust worthy gas and coal and oil. Oops. I'm all for multiple sources of energy but it's nuts to actually DEPEND on them working all the time. Thats the reason you have options. Doh. So there's no power at my house and it's cold as hell. Luckily I'm not an idiot and have my own options so I'm fine but old and sick people are dropping left and right because they were let down by the City. Again. I'm at work with no water pressure and it's so quiet it's hurting my eyes. I work in a power plant and we are dead in the water. Warmer today so pipes are thawing and bursting all over the campus. What a mess. Stop the world and let me off. It's good to me employed and me and mine are doing well I'm just flabberghasted at the mess the whole world is experiencing without us even being allowed to talk about what caused it. Never thought I'd see the equivalent of book burning in the US of A. Ok, I'm done whining. I can't do this in front of the youngsters they get nervous. Plus they might report me to the thought police and I don't want to get fired. I sure hope this is encrypted. 

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 4:10 PM allan <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
strange world I have very recently moved to Rotterdam ,  It has really been crazy period(s) in my life.. recently I found out I have massive scaring 25%+ of my right lung.. also saw the damage resulting from what would say was a semi-failed stent operation; survived massive heart failure due to exceptional doctors who didn't give up.
I have been sober for over 42 years now during this time I have been learning and exploring as AA puts it "a power greater than I am." that would not take much as I realized just how unimportant I am yet this power greater than I am.. during my Covid-19 illness I suffered rrm dementia, taking with medical staff during this trying times. I do remember turning to the power greater than I am. I have aways known that God of my understanding has an totally amazing personality I have ever known, One for me well.worth imitating. Best of all it doesn't what a person believes all beliefs have a spiritual path.
I hope no one goes through what I am going through right now.. if you are i hope your medical care is as good as I receive. the greatest amount my Doctor's appointments are by telephone. physical testing is done in both areas ..a thing resulting from from where I moved and the reluctance of turning over my medical care to other medical personnel..
the "World is crazy, the good people more than make up for the trash.
I hope this finds everyone well

Originator is real Noit separated from creation.


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Re: Mind's Eye long absence

Yes Don the World is bursting at the seams. With all the news coming from the states it sounds like the US is coming apart at the seams. Makes me glad I am Dutch by choice.. Election is coming soon as the people in power had to resign over a scandal.
It has been the coldest winter since I have been here. You could see ice skating in mass.. and I used to work for a large power company in California.. repairing leaks is very time consuming. I liked it but I was also in my 20's too. Big difference, had a meeting to day looking at my medical problems,, actually I never realized so much help is available..  truly amazing.

I have also seen the rear running through the  US,, I received the $600 check a couple of days ago.. it is unbelievable  a paper check �� what really is funny they are no longer accepted accepted by any bank, actually I have never written a check since I have lived here.. either I use my debit card or direct transfer
My grandkids will get some pocket change. I will transfer it to my son and he will deposit it in his account for cashing. What is really funny is that amount will not even cover a months rent.. fortunately I am not in need of the money for support.. Some day the freedom of speech will return. The constitutional reset button needs pushing to get rid of the special interest laws.
Good luck with the repairs

Originator is real

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye long absence

The world done gone stark raving mad. I am glad you, at least, have your priorities in line and have an optimistic outlook. We all find comfort where we can. Here in the twilight zone of Houston, Texas we are experiencing rolling blackouts due to the powers that  be deciding trendy, fancy, sexy wind turbines are the wave of the future instead of good 'ol trust worthy gas and coal and oil. Oops. I'm all for multiple sources of energy but it's nuts to actually DEPEND on them working all the time. Thats the reason you have options. Doh. So there's no power at my house and it's cold as hell. Luckily I'm not an idiot and have my own options so I'm fine but old and sick people are dropping left and right because they were let down by the City. Again. I'm at work with no water pressure and it's so quiet it's hurting my eyes. I work in a power plant and we are dead in the water. Warmer today so pipes are thawing and bursting all over the campus. What a mess. Stop the world and let me off. It's good to me employed and me and mine are doing well I'm just flabberghasted at the mess the whole world is experiencing without us even being allowed to talk about what caused it. Never thought I'd see the equivalent of book burning in the US of A. Ok, I'm done whining. I can't do this in front of the youngsters they get nervous. Plus they might report me to the thought police and I don't want to get fired. I sure hope this is encrypted. 

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 4:10 PM allan <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
strange world I have very recently moved to Rotterdam ,  It has really been crazy period(s) in my life.. recently I found out I have massive scaring 25%+ of my right lung.. also saw the damage resulting from what would say was a semi-failed stent operation; survived massive heart failure due to exceptional doctors who didn't give up.
I have been sober for over 42 years now during this time I have been learning and exploring as AA puts it "a power greater than I am." that would not take much as I realized just how unimportant I am yet this power greater than I am.. during my Covid-19 illness I suffered rrm dementia, taking with medical staff during this trying times. I do remember turning to the power greater than I am. I have aways known that God of my understanding has an totally amazing personality I have ever known, One for me well.worth imitating. Best of all it doesn't what a person believes all beliefs have a spiritual path.
I hope no one goes through what I am going through right now.. if you are i hope your medical care is as good as I receive. the greatest amount my Doctor's appointments are by telephone. physical testing is done in both areas ..a thing resulting from from where I moved and the reluctance of turning over my medical care to other medical personnel..
the "World is crazy, the good people more than make up for the trash.
I hope this finds everyone well

Originator is real Noit separated from creation.


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Re: Mind's Eye long absence

I work at getting better every day.  Now the problems of recovery constantly. RPS thank you for the thought.

Originator is real.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye long absence

Keep your spirits high, Allan, you will get well soon.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 3:40 AM allan <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
strange world I have very recently moved to Rotterdam ,  It has really been crazy period(s) in my life.. recently I found out I have massive scaring 25%+ of my right lung.. also saw the damage resulting from what would say was a semi-failed stent operation; survived massive heart failure due to exceptional doctors who didn't give up.
I have been sober for over 42 years now during this time I have been learning and exploring as AA puts it "a power greater than I am." that would not take much as I realized just how unimportant I am yet this power greater than I am.. during my Covid-19 illness I suffered rrm dementia, taking with medical staff during this trying times. I do remember turning to the power greater than I am. I have aways known that God of my understanding has an totally amazing personality I have ever known, One for me well.worth imitating. Best of all it doesn't what a person believes all beliefs have a spiritual path.
I hope no one goes through what I am going through right now.. if you are i hope your medical care is as good as I receive. the greatest amount my Doctor's appointments are by telephone. physical testing is done in both areas ..a thing resulting from from where I moved and the reluctance of turning over my medical care to other medical personnel..
the "World is crazy, the good people more than make up for the trash.
I hope this finds everyone well

Originator is real Noit separated from creation.


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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/98fcd8d8-1b91-464a-8b4f-0e43658f1395.maildroid%40localhost.


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Re: Mind's Eye long absence

The world done gone stark raving mad. I am glad you, at least, have your priorities in line and have an optimistic outlook. We all find comfort where we can. Here in the twilight zone of Houston, Texas we are experiencing rolling blackouts due to the powers that  be deciding trendy, fancy, sexy wind turbines are the wave of the future instead of good 'ol trust worthy gas and coal and oil. Oops. I'm all for multiple sources of energy but it's nuts to actually DEPEND on them working all the time. Thats the reason you have options. Doh. So there's no power at my house and it's cold as hell. Luckily I'm not an idiot and have my own options so I'm fine but old and sick people are dropping left and right because they were let down by the City. Again. I'm at work with no water pressure and it's so quiet it's hurting my eyes. I work in a power plant and we are dead in the water. Warmer today so pipes are thawing and bursting all over the campus. What a mess. Stop the world and let me off. It's good to me employed and me and mine are doing well I'm just flabberghasted at the mess the whole world is experiencing without us even being allowed to talk about what caused it. Never thought I'd see the equivalent of book burning in the US of A. Ok, I'm done whining. I can't do this in front of the youngsters they get nervous. Plus they might report me to the thought police and I don't want to get fired. I sure hope this is encrypted. 

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 4:10 PM allan <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
strange world I have very recently moved to Rotterdam ,  It has really been crazy period(s) in my life.. recently I found out I have massive scaring 25%+ of my right lung.. also saw the damage resulting from what would say was a semi-failed stent operation; survived massive heart failure due to exceptional doctors who didn't give up.
I have been sober for over 42 years now during this time I have been learning and exploring as AA puts it "a power greater than I am." that would not take much as I realized just how unimportant I am yet this power greater than I am.. during my Covid-19 illness I suffered rrm dementia, taking with medical staff during this trying times. I do remember turning to the power greater than I am. I have aways known that God of my understanding has an totally amazing personality I have ever known, One for me well.worth imitating. Best of all it doesn't what a person believes all beliefs have a spiritual path.
I hope no one goes through what I am going through right now.. if you are i hope your medical care is as good as I receive. the greatest amount my Doctor's appointments are by telephone. physical testing is done in both areas ..a thing resulting from from where I moved and the reluctance of turning over my medical care to other medical personnel..
the "World is crazy, the good people more than make up for the trash.
I hope this finds everyone well

Originator is real Noit separated from creation.


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Re: Mind's Eye long absence

Keep your spirits high, Allan, you will get well soon.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 3:40 AM allan <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
strange world I have very recently moved to Rotterdam ,  It has really been crazy period(s) in my life.. recently I found out I have massive scaring 25%+ of my right lung.. also saw the damage resulting from what would say was a semi-failed stent operation; survived massive heart failure due to exceptional doctors who didn't give up.
I have been sober for over 42 years now during this time I have been learning and exploring as AA puts it "a power greater than I am." that would not take much as I realized just how unimportant I am yet this power greater than I am.. during my Covid-19 illness I suffered rrm dementia, taking with medical staff during this trying times. I do remember turning to the power greater than I am. I have aways known that God of my understanding has an totally amazing personality I have ever known, One for me well.worth imitating. Best of all it doesn't what a person believes all beliefs have a spiritual path.
I hope no one goes through what I am going through right now.. if you are i hope your medical care is as good as I receive. the greatest amount my Doctor's appointments are by telephone. physical testing is done in both areas ..a thing resulting from from where I moved and the reluctance of turning over my medical care to other medical personnel..
the "World is crazy, the good people more than make up for the trash.
I hope this finds everyone well

Originator is real Noit separated from creation.


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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/minds-eye/98fcd8d8-1b91-464a-8b4f-0e43658f1395.maildroid%40localhost.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Mind's Eye long absence

strange world I have very recently moved to Rotterdam ,  It has really been crazy period(s) in my life.. recently I found out I have massive scaring 25%+ of my right lung.. also saw the damage resulting from what would say was a semi-failed stent operation; survived massive heart failure due to exceptional doctors who didn't give up.
I have been sober for over 42 years now during this time I have been learning and exploring as AA puts it "a power greater than I am." that would not take much as I realized just how unimportant I am yet this power greater than I am.. during my Covid-19 illness I suffered rrm dementia, taking with medical staff during this trying times. I do remember turning to the power greater than I am. I have aways known that God of my understanding has an totally amazing personality I have ever known, One for me well.worth imitating. Best of all it doesn't what a person believes all beliefs have a spiritual path.
I hope no one goes through what I am going through right now.. if you are i hope your medical care is as good as I receive. the greatest amount my Doctor's appointments are by telephone. physical testing is done in both areas ..a thing resulting from from where I moved and the reluctance of turning over my medical care to other medical personnel..
the "World is crazy, the good people more than make up for the trash.
I hope this finds everyone well

Originator is real Noit separated from creation.


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