Only... mind, among humans, is (1) seamlessly connected to the
physical world through Emotion > within < Vitality > within < Senses >
within < Organs > at < the physical objects, and in the reverse; and
is (2) endlessly dipping into the depths of " Time " through the
subconscious collective of imbibed meanings, prompts and urges
accumulated from past experiences, which immediately raise emotions
( bypassing both the conscious thought processes and the untrained
cognitive 'agent' ) and Will or wilfulness that passes into vitality
and moves the organs, at one end, and / or the thought, at the other.
This was to present the complexity of the dynamics at play in the
mind ! Because of which awareness gets compulsorily entangled or
attached with the contents of the mind, one or other and more, and
most people are not able to turn upon their self.
Chad Moore wrote:
> The mind as we know it, has two aspects: It's contents and the awareness of
> those contents. The contents are all thoughts and images. That's all thats
> there. The contents are completely the energy flow of stimulus-response
> conditioning. The awareness is not part of the conditioned flow of thought,
> yet it is the only cognitive element within the mind. Awareness doesn't
> think, but it is the vivid clarity of thought itself. When awareness is
> reflecting upon itself, the cognitive quality of thought is no longer
> illuminating the mind. Without the illumination of awareness, the mind does
> not appear, it can't because awareness is the only cognitive element in the
> mind to notice mental events. So as awareness settles within itself fully,
> as the simple, naked presence of attentive clarity, mind and mental events
> cease naturally. The contents of mind cannot be found as the light of
> awareness is illuminating only itself.
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