[Mind's Eye] Re: End of The World

I agree. We are easily distracted from what is before us. Looking
away is often less painful. The pain is of our own making.

On Sep 27, 2:22 pm, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We never seen to get such coverage on more sensible but important
> issues.
> On Sep 27, 6:58 pm, Jo <jojocasame...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Armageddon, Doomsday, Rapture, Y2K, or the Mayan Calendar predicts...
> > Just when we think another "end times" day has passed, they come up
> > with a new one. We're going to blow ourselves up or the computers are
> > going to nuke us all, the Sun will spit out a solar flair or an
> > asteroid's going to hit the Earth (yeah right). The human population
> > gets wiped out with the exception of a select few who are left to
> > survive on a lifeless planet. Seriously? How many more "World
> > Annihilation" movies must we endure?
> > Why is mankind so fascinated with the end of the world? Will we ever
> > stop?

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