[Mind's Eye] Re: "Happiness, Philosophy and Science" By Gary Gutting

RE: Joining a club, happiness, Durkheim and Marx

I sent the club a wire stating, "PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION. I DON'T
MEMBER". - Groucho Marx From his autobiography Groucho and Me (1959)


On Sep 2, 8:45 am, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Joining a club can provide a lot more happiness than salary increases
> and promotion.  Durkheim and Marx produced concepts of alienation and
> anomie - Freud 'normal unhappiness' and most of us know what it is to
> be lonely, what happens when we move, mates leave and so on - or even
> the 'bowling alone' syndrome of the collapse of organic solidarity as
> opposed to more mechanical structuring of society.  Most science in
> this area, mostly brain-mind science is coming round to regarding us
> as social animals.  Farmers are well aware of what happens to stock
> when they are stressed.  Too many students don't enjoy classes or
> study, feeling it all imposed, something not to enjoy and so on. My
> grandson has just had a row with his mother over (not) getting out of
> bed to go for a new school blazer - she wants to stop him going
> paintballing tomorrow - happiness being something he can be deprived
> of for discipline purposes.  I have noticed many people interfering
> with my happiness over the years and plenty who get happy doing this
> to others.
> Kids enjoy handing about with each other and in doing so can make
> others very unhappy.  King Mouse in social mice, makes other mice
> 'unhappy' - and human communities in history have specialised in this.
> Empirical work in the area might use experimental results, but what's
> empirical here is what people are experiencing.  Are we really 'happy'
> consuming junk products made by forced child labour or workers being
> paid less than slaves once cost to maintain?  Letting certain kids
> show indiscipline hurts other kids and 'tough love' has a role in
> happiness.
> On Sep 1, 3:14 pm, rigsy03 <rigs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/31/happiness-philosophy-...

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