
Re: [Mind's Eye] plucking light from 'nothing'

I personally think CERN project is amazing,,  and I appreciate the tidbit of explanation as it really does allow me to visualize that is happening..  I would never have thought of using a magnetic field as a mirror.

the whole project is amazing thank you

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:39 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I tend to like science that doesn't require building vast entities
like the LHC at CERN.  Stuff I could do on the kitchen table is more
my scene and hopefully simple enough to show my grandson, at least in
Wilson, C., Johansson, G., Pourkabirian, A., Simoen, M., Johansson,
J., Duty, T., Nori, F., & Delsing, P. (2011). Observation of the
dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit Nature, 479
(7373), 376-379 DOI: 10.1038/nature10561
is an example - though I actually can't do this one.

I went through undergraduate chemistry "knowing" about virtual
particles, though I mistakenly thought they were accounting devices
rather than real.  I "knew" too that vacuums were full of such stuff.
The thought experiments all seemed undoable.  Here's a description of
the plucking light from vacuum job.

"In addition, there is also the dynamic Casimir effect. This occurs if
the mirrors are moving very fast so that the electromagnetic field in-
between has no time to adjust. Instead, the ripples in the field
caused by the fast mirror movement lead to the emission of a light
particle. Basically, the mirrors create light out of the
electromagnetic field in a similar way that a guitar player generates
sounds from plucking a string. The problem with the experimental
realization of the dynamic Casimir effect is that the mirrors need to
move seriously fast. Otherwise the system has time to adjust to the
new geometry of the mirrors, and no light will be excited. We are
talking about speeds close to the speed of light!

Such fast mirror movements are simply not possible with mechanical
mirrors. What is needed is an analogue that changes the dimension of
the vacuum by other means. Fortunately, such systems exist in
superconducting circuits, where magnetic fields applied to a so-called
SQUID circuit on a chip achieve the same moving mirror function for
electromagnetic fields. Moreover, fast-changing magnetic fields are no
problem to create. In the present experiment the mirrors 'move' at a
quarter of the speed of light, which corresponds to a driving
frequency for the magnetic field of more than 10 gigahertz. The
dynamic Casimir is clearly observed, with light being generated at the
expected frequencies.

This is certainly a beautiful study confirming the intriguing
properties of quantum mechanics. And what's more, it doesn't need
Hawking's black holes to experiment with them, all that's needed is a
table-top setup of superconducting circuits. This ease of
experimentation will make sure we will learn much more about these
virtual fluctuations in vacuum from future experiments."

As a kid I used to hear that money could not be produced from thin air
and such - these days it seems more and more of what was nothing
actually is something.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


[Mind's Eye] plucking light from 'nothing'

I tend to like science that doesn't require building vast entities
like the LHC at CERN. Stuff I could do on the kitchen table is more
my scene and hopefully simple enough to show my grandson, at least in
Wilson, C., Johansson, G., Pourkabirian, A., Simoen, M., Johansson,
J., Duty, T., Nori, F., & Delsing, P. (2011). Observation of the
dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit Nature, 479
(7373), 376-379 DOI: 10.1038/nature10561
is an example - though I actually can't do this one.

I went through undergraduate chemistry "knowing" about virtual
particles, though I mistakenly thought they were accounting devices
rather than real. I "knew" too that vacuums were full of such stuff.
The thought experiments all seemed undoable. Here's a description of
the plucking light from vacuum job.

"In addition, there is also the dynamic Casimir effect. This occurs if
the mirrors are moving very fast so that the electromagnetic field in-
between has no time to adjust. Instead, the ripples in the field
caused by the fast mirror movement lead to the emission of a light
particle. Basically, the mirrors create light out of the
electromagnetic field in a similar way that a guitar player generates
sounds from plucking a string. The problem with the experimental
realization of the dynamic Casimir effect is that the mirrors need to
move seriously fast. Otherwise the system has time to adjust to the
new geometry of the mirrors, and no light will be excited. We are
talking about speeds close to the speed of light!

Such fast mirror movements are simply not possible with mechanical
mirrors. What is needed is an analogue that changes the dimension of
the vacuum by other means. Fortunately, such systems exist in
superconducting circuits, where magnetic fields applied to a so-called
SQUID circuit on a chip achieve the same moving mirror function for
electromagnetic fields. Moreover, fast-changing magnetic fields are no
problem to create. In the present experiment the mirrors 'move' at a
quarter of the speed of light, which corresponds to a driving
frequency for the magnetic field of more than 10 gigahertz. The
dynamic Casimir is clearly observed, with light being generated at the
expected frequencies.

This is certainly a beautiful study confirming the intriguing
properties of quantum mechanics. And what's more, it doesn't need
Hawking's black holes to experiment with them, all that's needed is a
table-top setup of superconducting circuits. This ease of
experimentation will make sure we will learn much more about these
virtual fluctuations in vacuum from future experiments."

As a kid I used to hear that money could not be produced from thin air
and such - these days it seems more and more of what was nothing
actually is something.


[Mind's Eye] Re: Greed

We've been feeding a stray cat for a few weeks - one might say he eats
greedily but we don't mean this as greed - the poor blighter is just
hungry. Lions will give up a decent shank of a kill around human
breakfast time - try to take the whole hog and they will kill. The
dream of western capitalism is very greedy. Send paracetamol Vam -
before I go on and on about the term greed in use!

On Nov 30, 6:53 pm, monkebus <peterdaltoni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>. Exactly.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Greed


Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all- even if it's not your national feast day.

LOL  Vam  that one is a long story,,  I knew Linda while I was sailing and she was a very good friend, and roman catholic in beliefs,  i could always get a shower at her home and enjoyed talking with her..  I knew she liked small sail boats (mine was well qualified in the small category) a very nice person,  semi seriously I would always ask her when we were going to get married and run away to the Bahamas? To which she always said 'No'  I always knew she was in love with a married policeman..   she always my girl type friend because neither one of us were in love with the other,,  it had become a point of conversation.

One evening we were out crabbing in my dingy and I asked the fateful question,, and she told me bluntly  that she would never marry me unless she had a sign  from God..  the moment she ended that statement a fish jumped into the dingy..    :o0    the following statement was " I need to talk to Your spiritual adviser."

We never did get married.. it was something that was never meant to be..  but the memory has left her as my "Girl type Friend"

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
" ... girl type friend..."

Eh, Allan, I know girls, types, friends... but am hard put to figure
out this one. LOL ... ( smile )

On Nov 30, 1:00 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem with religious book thumpers as is read them is a total lack of
> knowledge and wisdom or at least that is what it appears to me.
> I had an old girl type friend who actually was fluent in shakespearean
> english, understanding what he said. She told me the real problem with
> shakespearean english is it was never really a spoken language so there was
> a great deal of difficulty in translating it to common english and in
> understanding what is said because people can claim any meaning that they
> want a word to mean..  I think if a person really understands what they are
> saying they can bring what they are saying to common english so everyone
> can understand what they are saying.
> As for prophecy it is  truly an "art" to say something that actually apply
> to any and all generations,, maybe  this is simply because of human natures
> ability not to learn from past mistakes.
> I do believe what a person believes is important to them as it should be
> simply because it is..  but don't expect converts to your beliefs,,  you
> would have a better chance to convince  Navajo  that they did not come out
> of the earth and that was a foolish idea because it is impossible..
> Allan
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:53 AM, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Molly, you say this because you searched and found my sayings to be
> > false and unfounded, or because what I am saying doesn't match what
> > you already know and believe? When I say to you that women (female)
> > are equal to man (male) in the eyes of YHVH. In response, you say that
> > I plot for food to feed my ego. Where is any logic here? Shouldn't you
> > be after me to prove the validity of my claim in order that women over
> > the world may have their fair shake with the evidence in hand?
> > For those who trust that the Messiah will appear with healing in his
> > wings, do you think that he's going to come here telling you things
> > you already know? If you already know what the Messiah is going to
> > say, then how can it be that his Knowledge justifies many? It would be
> > your knowledge that justifies if you already had it, no?
> > Less personal, being born again simply outlines the need to be free
> > and fresh in thinking, searching for the Spirit of G_d. The new born
> > seems to be all eyes, ears, and mind. They are eager to know. This is
> > how we should compare. Just like the new born. This is the
> > resurrection of the dead. Remember the statement contributed to
> > Yeshua, "let the dead bury the dead"?
> > This is the generation which receives their sight. They come by way
> > that they had not known. They were not simply blind, but rather, they
> > had been blinded. Now match that up with all of the related prophecies
> > and see if they do not all say the same thing. Then, if they do, it
> > would no longer be my idea; my belief. But our reality. Believe me,
> > the falling tree makes just as much noise whether anyone is there to
> > hear or not.
> > Wherefore, whatever my words distract you from may need to be
> > weighted, for the sake of righteousness.
> > Edward
> > On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Molly <mollyb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Horsefeathers.  A good example of using scripture to elevate the ego.
> > > A big and boring distraction.
> > > On Nov 28, 7:41 pm, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> Gabbydott, wrote: "It's a matter of education
> > >> and not of God's gender. "
> > >> Gabby, I have issues with such statements. First, let's note that
> > >> there are differences in education and proper education. But what we
> > >> are considering goes beyond both, and is referred to as Enlightenment.
> > >> This is going to include knowledge of YHVH"s gender. Moses made it
> > >> quite clear that man is afraid to see the face of God. There are
> > >> reasons for that.
> > >> An educated scientist on one hand, and an educated religious person on
> > >> the other. In their lab and in their temple, they cannot find the line
> > >> between science and spirituality. Why? Because there is no line. They
> > >> are not separate. Remember the angle teaching Jacob to breed the
> > >> animals spotted and speckled? That was and is a scientific endeavor.
> > >> Did you ever get to see the connection between the Fallen Angles and
> > >> the Egyptian gods (angles) that angered Ra, when they taught man how
> > >> to harness fire, process metals from rock, use of chemicals, etc.? The
> > >> men that got that knowledge became men of high statue, renown, giants
> > >> in their society. They used every bit of that knowledge to make war
> > >> and weapons of war. By getting that knowledge at that stage of
> > >> evolution, man wasn't able to do the right things with it. His
> > >> Knowledge was increased beyond his Wisdom.So his Understanding was a
> > >> the child of the whore (man's understanding) As punishment, they were
> > >> restricted. We get that educated version where the angles where having
> > >> sexual intercourse with the women.
> > >> The bottom line; nothing we do will work out all too well as long as
> > >> we keep YHVH as our enemy. We can not please YHVH without a knowledge
> > >> of Him. Proper education!
> > >> Edward
> > >> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM, gabbydott <gabbyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> > I just checked, Thanksgiving is over for this year. Let's hope rigs
> > >> > will be out of the kitchen soon.
> > >> > Also the blue plastic eye keeps on staring. Wasted words. The mod's
> > >> > clique keeps on doing what they want to. It's a matter of education
> > >> > and not of God's gender.
> > >> > On Nov 27, 1:17 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> >>           " I
> > >> >> began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > >> >> means of justifying terrible behavior.  "
> > >> >>           " Marx reached your 'conclusion' on
> > >> >> history and philosophy without noting that much in it has that
> > >> >> peculiar male edge. "
> > >> >>       Greetings, everyone! These concepts that some of you people
> > >> >> continue to expound upon are very significant, indeed.
> > >> >> However, we are far beyond any of the periods in which the feminine
> > >> >> principle ruled humanity. What we understand to be so is that way
> > >> >> because of incorrect knowledge, or rather, an incorrect translation
> > of
> > >> >> Knowledge as referring the writings of the ancient. It results much
> > as
> > >> >> if one is trying to assemble some item with the instructions written
> > >> >> in foreign language and no diagram.
> > >> >>         DICTIONARY
> > >> >>                         Knowledge; Man\....Wisdom;
> > >> >> Woman\....Understanding; The Man Child; Earth; Humanity\...
> > >> >>         THE STORY
> > >> >>        And your desire (Woman) shall be to your husband (Man). You
> > two
> > >> >> are One as The Lord your God is One. For this cause shall the Man
> > >> >> leave his Man and Woman and cleave to his wife and they two shall be
> > >> >> One Flesh as the Lord God is One. Be fruit and multiply {give birth
> > to
> > >> >> Understanding} and ( as such) you will be able to subdue the Earth.
> > >> >>        We live the consequence of getting it all wrong; what could
> > >> >> life be like if we could get it all corrected? To prove the logic and
> > >> >> the reality of this rendition of Ancient History; simply teach a
> > woman
> > >> >> the Virtues of her nature (Femininity; Activity; Intuition; and the
> > >> >> rest, then tell her that she must be sub servant to a man, and see
> > the
> > >> >> result. On the other hand, you could teach her correctly, and if she
> > >> >> apply it correctly, there will be much Glory for the world to behold.
> > >> >> Here lies the significance of the Queen's visit to King Solomon,
> > >> >> bringing him a train of gifts.
> > >> >>        Has any one of you ever wondered why YHVH would course the
> > >> >> earth for man's sake? Eve's hardship was placed directly upon her,
> > But
> > >> >> Adam's punishment was filtered through the earth. Why? Man/Knowledge
> > >> >> is Stable. It can't be moved. None of you ever been posed with
> > >> >> questions of the fate of two objects meeting; one can't be stopped
> > and
> > >> >> the other can't be moved? Knowledge and Wisdom, respectively. You see
> > >> >> the truth of this fact again at the fall of the tower of Babel. Note,
> > >> >> The Knowledge of Building was untouched by the Will of YHVH. The
> > >> >> change was applied to man's (human's) ability to benefit from
> > >> >> Knowledge. Remember YHVH telling Israel that he was giving it's
> > Mother
> > >> >> a divorce? Remember YHVH sending the prophet to marry the whore and
> > >> >> make a baby with her?
> > >> >>       Wherefore, the male rule concept is on slate to be moved.
> > >> >> Best Regards,
> > >> >> Edward
> > >> >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >> >> > One son arrived yesterday- another today- and a daughter, mid-week.
> > >> >> > Have spent the last couple of weeks getting the house ship-shape
> > and
> > >> >> > the larder filled with their favorite foods.
> > >> >> > Am feeling closer to God and have rearranged a bookshelf to aid my
> > >> >> > understanding this winter- though we are still snow free as I
> > type. I
> > >> >> > began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > >> >> > means of justifying terrible behavior.
> > >> >> > Happy wishes to all from your impious rigsy.
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Greed

I think that is egoistic  monkebus **** Greed is an excessive desire to possess wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one's self.***

If you don't think meat has value you have not been to the market lately,,, and you try and take a big wild cats meat from him even after he is done eating..  I do not think even then he will be in the mood to share it with you,,

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:49 PM, monkebus <peterdaltonious@gmail.com> wrote:
You know only humans have greed how? Perhaps because only a human can understand how another human expresses greed and share the concept via common language. Even then one mans greed is another mans agressive consuming in order to create employment for another.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


[Mind's Eye] Re: Greed

You know only humans have greed how? Perhaps because only a human can understand how another human expresses greed and share the concept via common language. Even then one mans greed is another mans agressive consuming in order to create employment for another.

Re: [Mind's Eye] Twitter

Pol  it is @allanh1946     no space

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:17 AM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Right.. Allah 1946?

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
Not that anyone is interested I signed up for twitter so I could follow what Vam has to say  but for those who might be interested my twitter address is @allanh1946

Best regards

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


[Mind's Eye] Re: Twitter

Allan, your handle is not searchable yet but cud b located @
Look forward to your tweets !

My Twitter handle is @vamadevananda.
For info to others, most of my tweets also list on Facebook @

On Nov 30, 2:17 pm, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Right.. Allah 1946?
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Not that anyone is interested I signed up for twitter so I could follow
> > what Vam has to say  but for those who might be interested my twitter
> > address is @allanh1946
> > Best regards
> > Allan
> > --
> >  (
> >   )
> > |_D Allan
> >  Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> --
> EverComing


[Mind's Eye] Re: Greed


Human need is physical and physiological... to survive, subsist with
enough energy, be in good health, work and grow.

Human greed is over and above its need, driven by want, felt
insecurity or a personal sense of inadequacy and incompletion but
directed at the material world around oneself... first, to fill the
personal gap materially, and then, to that sense of power which
strokes us into an immediate psychological satisfaction.

Paracetamol would my need if I am feverish. ( Wishing ) To hoard a
roomful of it would my greed - I. Having the power over others and
over the phenomena about, through such hoarding, is my greed - II.

Everybody is entitled to meet his need and two-and-a-half inch of his
greed !

On Nov 30, 1:47 pm, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No it aint a poor example... but it exemplifies jealousy... of jealousy
> from love..of that one can find many examlpes in nature...for instance your
> pets...jealousy is one more thing i like.. i mean as an interest.... as for
> protecting food.. hmm.. i get your point.. but i was thining more in
> material terms..in acquiring and acquiring.. guess that translates so for
> humans...
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > lol  it came from a typing error
> > Oddly greed is not really a characteristically just of humanity..  when I
> > look at nature and watching animals going to great lengths to protect their
> > fallen prey (food) this is truly a form of greed..  it may not be of gold
> > as they have no need for it..  there are time that Joey (my min pin) lets
> > Tana my other dog know that I am her property and she does not feel like
> > sharing..
> > This came from Joey's problem staying of warm and I let her sleep inside
> > my shirt to keep her warm.
> > I know this is a poor example  but it is a form of greed.
> > Allan
> > On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:35 AM, pol.science kid <r.freeb...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> well... Allah is a good name indeed ;)..guess il keep it
> >> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> That is strange as I have never had that problem  with Gmail
> >>> I even tried getting Allah ( started as an accident not an intended) in
> >>> signing into a forum  hmm just had an Idea
> >>> Allan
> >>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:31 PM, pol.science kid <r.freeb...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>>> Also google+ has suspended my profile.. it sucks... they say they want
> >>>> an authentic name!its crazy.. and if change my name there they change it on
> >>>> gmail even.... is there no way round this
> >>>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:56 PM, pol.science kid <r.freeb...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>>>> Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
> >>>>> activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
> >>>>> well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
> >>>>> about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
> >>>>> right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
> >>>>> against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
> >>>>> there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
> >>>>> dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
> >>>>> that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
> >>>>> necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
> >>>>> wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
> >>>>> greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
> >>>>> everyone thinks about this....
> >>>> --
> >>>> EverComing
> >>> --
> >>>  (
> >>>   )
> >>> |_D Allan
> >>>  Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> >> --
> >> EverComing
> > --
> >  (
> >   )
> > |_D Allan
> >  Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> --
> EverComing


Re: [Mind's Eye] Twitter

Right.. Allah 1946?

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
Not that anyone is interested I signed up for twitter so I could follow what Vam has to say  but for those who might be interested my twitter address is @allanh1946

Best regards

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


[Mind's Eye] Twitter

Not that anyone is interested I signed up for twitter so I could follow what Vam has to say  but for those who might be interested my twitter address is @allanh1946

Best regards

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


[Mind's Eye] Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all- even if it's not your national feast day.

" ... girl type friend..."

Eh, Allan, I know girls, types, friends... but am hard put to figure
out this one. LOL ... ( smile )

On Nov 30, 1:00 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem with religious book thumpers as is read them is a total lack of
> knowledge and wisdom or at least that is what it appears to me.
> I had an old girl type friend who actually was fluent in shakespearean
> english, understanding what he said. She told me the real problem with
> shakespearean english is it was never really a spoken language so there was
> a great deal of difficulty in translating it to common english and in
> understanding what is said because people can claim any meaning that they
> want a word to mean..  I think if a person really understands what they are
> saying they can bring what they are saying to common english so everyone
> can understand what they are saying.
> As for prophecy it is  truly an "art" to say something that actually apply
> to any and all generations,, maybe  this is simply because of human natures
> ability not to learn from past mistakes.
> I do believe what a person believes is important to them as it should be
> simply because it is..  but don't expect converts to your beliefs,,  you
> would have a better chance to convince  Navajo  that they did not come out
> of the earth and that was a foolish idea because it is impossible..
> Allan
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:53 AM, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Molly, you say this because you searched and found my sayings to be
> > false and unfounded, or because what I am saying doesn't match what
> > you already know and believe? When I say to you that women (female)
> > are equal to man (male) in the eyes of YHVH. In response, you say that
> > I plot for food to feed my ego. Where is any logic here? Shouldn't you
> > be after me to prove the validity of my claim in order that women over
> > the world may have their fair shake with the evidence in hand?
> > For those who trust that the Messiah will appear with healing in his
> > wings, do you think that he's going to come here telling you things
> > you already know? If you already know what the Messiah is going to
> > say, then how can it be that his Knowledge justifies many? It would be
> > your knowledge that justifies if you already had it, no?
> > Less personal, being born again simply outlines the need to be free
> > and fresh in thinking, searching for the Spirit of G_d. The new born
> > seems to be all eyes, ears, and mind. They are eager to know. This is
> > how we should compare. Just like the new born. This is the
> > resurrection of the dead. Remember the statement contributed to
> > Yeshua, "let the dead bury the dead"?
> > This is the generation which receives their sight. They come by way
> > that they had not known. They were not simply blind, but rather, they
> > had been blinded. Now match that up with all of the related prophecies
> > and see if they do not all say the same thing. Then, if they do, it
> > would no longer be my idea; my belief. But our reality. Believe me,
> > the falling tree makes just as much noise whether anyone is there to
> > hear or not.
> > Wherefore, whatever my words distract you from may need to be
> > weighted, for the sake of righteousness.
> > Edward
> > On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Molly <mollyb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Horsefeathers.  A good example of using scripture to elevate the ego.
> > > A big and boring distraction.
> > > On Nov 28, 7:41 pm, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> Gabbydott, wrote: "It's a matter of education
> > >> and not of God's gender. "
> > >> Gabby, I have issues with such statements. First, let's note that
> > >> there are differences in education and proper education. But what we
> > >> are considering goes beyond both, and is referred to as Enlightenment.
> > >> This is going to include knowledge of YHVH"s gender. Moses made it
> > >> quite clear that man is afraid to see the face of God. There are
> > >> reasons for that.
> > >> An educated scientist on one hand, and an educated religious person on
> > >> the other. In their lab and in their temple, they cannot find the line
> > >> between science and spirituality. Why? Because there is no line. They
> > >> are not separate. Remember the angle teaching Jacob to breed the
> > >> animals spotted and speckled? That was and is a scientific endeavor.
> > >> Did you ever get to see the connection between the Fallen Angles and
> > >> the Egyptian gods (angles) that angered Ra, when they taught man how
> > >> to harness fire, process metals from rock, use of chemicals, etc.? The
> > >> men that got that knowledge became men of high statue, renown, giants
> > >> in their society. They used every bit of that knowledge to make war
> > >> and weapons of war. By getting that knowledge at that stage of
> > >> evolution, man wasn't able to do the right things with it. His
> > >> Knowledge was increased beyond his Wisdom.So his Understanding was a
> > >> the child of the whore (man's understanding) As punishment, they were
> > >> restricted. We get that educated version where the angles where having
> > >> sexual intercourse with the women.
> > >> The bottom line; nothing we do will work out all too well as long as
> > >> we keep YHVH as our enemy. We can not please YHVH without a knowledge
> > >> of Him. Proper education!
> > >> Edward
> > >> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM, gabbydott <gabbyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> > I just checked, Thanksgiving is over for this year. Let's hope rigs
> > >> > will be out of the kitchen soon.
> > >> > Also the blue plastic eye keeps on staring. Wasted words. The mod's
> > >> > clique keeps on doing what they want to. It's a matter of education
> > >> > and not of God's gender.
> > >> > On Nov 27, 1:17 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> >>           " I
> > >> >> began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > >> >> means of justifying terrible behavior.  "
> > >> >>           " Marx reached your 'conclusion' on
> > >> >> history and philosophy without noting that much in it has that
> > >> >> peculiar male edge. "
> > >> >>       Greetings, everyone! These concepts that some of you people
> > >> >> continue to expound upon are very significant, indeed.
> > >> >> However, we are far beyond any of the periods in which the feminine
> > >> >> principle ruled humanity. What we understand to be so is that way
> > >> >> because of incorrect knowledge, or rather, an incorrect translation
> > of
> > >> >> Knowledge as referring the writings of the ancient. It results much
> > as
> > >> >> if one is trying to assemble some item with the instructions written
> > >> >> in foreign language and no diagram.
> > >> >>         DICTIONARY
> > >> >>                         Knowledge; Man\....Wisdom;
> > >> >> Woman\....Understanding; The Man Child; Earth; Humanity\...
> > >> >>         THE STORY
> > >> >>        And your desire (Woman) shall be to your husband (Man). You
> > two
> > >> >> are One as The Lord your God is One. For this cause shall the Man
> > >> >> leave his Man and Woman and cleave to his wife and they two shall be
> > >> >> One Flesh as the Lord God is One. Be fruit and multiply {give birth
> > to
> > >> >> Understanding} and ( as such) you will be able to subdue the Earth.
> > >> >>        We live the consequence of getting it all wrong; what could
> > >> >> life be like if we could get it all corrected? To prove the logic and
> > >> >> the reality of this rendition of Ancient History; simply teach a
> > woman
> > >> >> the Virtues of her nature (Femininity; Activity; Intuition; and the
> > >> >> rest, then tell her that she must be sub servant to a man, and see
> > the
> > >> >> result. On the other hand, you could teach her correctly, and if she
> > >> >> apply it correctly, there will be much Glory for the world to behold.
> > >> >> Here lies the significance of the Queen's visit to King Solomon,
> > >> >> bringing him a train of gifts.
> > >> >>        Has any one of you ever wondered why YHVH would course the
> > >> >> earth for man's sake? Eve's hardship was placed directly upon her,
> > But
> > >> >> Adam's punishment was filtered through the earth. Why? Man/Knowledge
> > >> >> is Stable. It can't be moved. None of you ever been posed with
> > >> >> questions of the fate of two objects meeting; one can't be stopped
> > and
> > >> >> the other can't be moved? Knowledge and Wisdom, respectively. You see
> > >> >> the truth of this fact again at the fall of the tower of Babel. Note,
> > >> >> The Knowledge of Building was untouched by the Will of YHVH. The
> > >> >> change was applied to man's (human's) ability to benefit from
> > >> >> Knowledge. Remember YHVH telling Israel that he was giving it's
> > Mother
> > >> >> a divorce? Remember YHVH sending the prophet to marry the whore and
> > >> >> make a baby with her?
> > >> >>       Wherefore, the male rule concept is on slate to be moved.
> > >> >> Best Regards,
> > >> >> Edward
> > >> >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >> >> > One son arrived yesterday- another today- and a daughter, mid-week.
> > >> >> > Have spent the last couple of weeks getting the house ship-shape
> > and
> > >> >> > the larder filled with their favorite foods.
> > >> >> > Am feeling closer to God and have rearranged a bookshelf to aid my
> > >> >> > understanding this winter- though we are still snow free as I
> > type. I
> > >> >> > began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > >> >> > means of justifying terrible behavior.
> > >> >> > Happy wishes to all from your impious rigsy.
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Greed

No it aint a poor example... but it exemplifies jealousy... of jealousy from love..of that one can find many examlpes in nature...for instance your pets...jealousy is one more thing i like.. i mean as an interest.... as for protecting food.. hmm.. i get your point.. but i was thining more in material terms..in acquiring and acquiring.. guess that translates so for humans...

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
lol  it came from a typing error  

Oddly greed is not really a characteristically just of humanity..  when I look at nature and watching animals going to great lengths to protect their fallen prey (food) this is truly a form of greed..  it may not be of gold as they have no need for it..  there are time that Joey (my min pin) lets Tana my other dog know that I am her property and she does not feel like sharing..  

This came from Joey's problem staying of warm and I let her sleep inside my shirt to keep her warm. 

I know this is a poor example  but it is a form of greed.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:35 AM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
well... Allah is a good name indeed ;)..guess il keep it

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
That is strange as I have never had that problem  with Gmail
I even tried getting Allah ( started as an accident not an intended) in signing into a forum  hmm just had an Idea

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:31 PM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Also google+ has suspended my profile.. it sucks... they say they want an authentic name!its crazy.. and if change my name there they change it on gmail even.... is there no way round this

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:56 PM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
everyone thinks about this....


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Greed

lol  it came from a typing error  

Oddly greed is not really a characteristically just of humanity..  when I look at nature and watching animals going to great lengths to protect their fallen prey (food) this is truly a form of greed..  it may not be of gold as they have no need for it..  there are time that Joey (my min pin) lets Tana my other dog know that I am her property and she does not feel like sharing..  

This came from Joey's problem staying of warm and I let her sleep inside my shirt to keep her warm. 

I know this is a poor example  but it is a form of greed.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:35 AM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
well... Allah is a good name indeed ;)..guess il keep it

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
That is strange as I have never had that problem  with Gmail
I even tried getting Allah ( started as an accident not an intended) in signing into a forum  hmm just had an Idea

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:31 PM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Also google+ has suspended my profile.. it sucks... they say they want an authentic name!its crazy.. and if change my name there they change it on gmail even.... is there no way round this

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:56 PM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
everyone thinks about this....


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all- even if it's not your national feast day.

The problem with religious book thumpers as is read them is a total lack of knowledge and wisdom or at least that is what it appears to me.

I had an old girl type friend who actually was fluent in shakespearean english, understanding what he said. She told me the real problem with shakespearean english is it was never really a spoken language so there was a great deal of difficulty in translating it to common english and in understanding what is said because people can claim any meaning that they want a word to mean..  I think if a person really understands what they are saying they can bring what they are saying to common english so everyone can understand what they are saying.

As for prophecy it is  truly an "art" to say something that actually apply to any and all generations,, maybe  this is simply because of human natures ability not to learn from past mistakes.

I do believe what a person believes is important to them as it should be simply because it is..  but don't expect converts to your beliefs,,  you would have a better chance to convince  Navajo  that they did not come out of the earth and that was a foolish idea because it is impossible..

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:53 AM, Edward Mason <masonedward058@gmail.com> wrote:
Molly, you say this because you searched and found my sayings to be
false and unfounded, or because what I am saying doesn't match what
you already know and believe? When I say to you that women (female)
are equal to man (male) in the eyes of YHVH. In response, you say that
I plot for food to feed my ego. Where is any logic here? Shouldn't you
be after me to prove the validity of my claim in order that women over
the world may have their fair shake with the evidence in hand?

For those who trust that the Messiah will appear with healing in his
wings, do you think that he's going to come here telling you things
you already know? If you already know what the Messiah is going to
say, then how can it be that his Knowledge justifies many? It would be
your knowledge that justifies if you already had it, no?

Less personal, being born again simply outlines the need to be free
and fresh in thinking, searching for the Spirit of G_d. The new born
seems to be all eyes, ears, and mind. They are eager to know. This is
how we should compare. Just like the new born. This is the
resurrection of the dead. Remember the statement contributed to
Yeshua, "let the dead bury the dead"?

This is the generation which receives their sight. They come by way
that they had not known. They were not simply blind, but rather, they
had been blinded. Now match that up with all of the related prophecies
and see if they do not all say the same thing. Then, if they do, it
would no longer be my idea; my belief. But our reality. Believe me,
the falling tree makes just as much noise whether anyone is there to
hear or not.

Wherefore, whatever my words distract you from may need to be
weighted, for the sake of righteousness.


On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
> Horsefeathers.  A good example of using scripture to elevate the ego.
> A big and boring distraction.
> On Nov 28, 7:41 pm, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Gabbydott, wrote: "It's a matter of education
>> and not of God's gender. "
>> Gabby, I have issues with such statements. First, let's note that
>> there are differences in education and proper education. But what we
>> are considering goes beyond both, and is referred to as Enlightenment.
>> This is going to include knowledge of YHVH"s gender. Moses made it
>> quite clear that man is afraid to see the face of God. There are
>> reasons for that.
>> An educated scientist on one hand, and an educated religious person on
>> the other. In their lab and in their temple, they cannot find the line
>> between science and spirituality. Why? Because there is no line. They
>> are not separate. Remember the angle teaching Jacob to breed the
>> animals spotted and speckled? That was and is a scientific endeavor.
>> Did you ever get to see the connection between the Fallen Angles and
>> the Egyptian gods (angles) that angered Ra, when they taught man how
>> to harness fire, process metals from rock, use of chemicals, etc.? The
>> men that got that knowledge became men of high statue, renown, giants
>> in their society. They used every bit of that knowledge to make war
>> and weapons of war. By getting that knowledge at that stage of
>> evolution, man wasn't able to do the right things with it. His
>> Knowledge was increased beyond his Wisdom.So his Understanding was a
>> the child of the whore (man's understanding) As punishment, they were
>> restricted. We get that educated version where the angles where having
>> sexual intercourse with the women.
>> The bottom line; nothing we do will work out all too well as long as
>> we keep YHVH as our enemy. We can not please YHVH without a knowledge
>> of Him. Proper education!
>> Edward
>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM, gabbydott <gabbyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I just checked, Thanksgiving is over for this year. Let's hope rigs
>> > will be out of the kitchen soon.
>> > Also the blue plastic eye keeps on staring. Wasted words. The mod's
>> > clique keeps on doing what they want to. It's a matter of education
>> > and not of God's gender.
>> > On Nov 27, 1:17 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>           " I
>> >> began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
>> >> means of justifying terrible behavior.  "
>> >>           " Marx reached your 'conclusion' on
>> >> history and philosophy without noting that much in it has that
>> >> peculiar male edge. "
>> >>       Greetings, everyone! These concepts that some of you people
>> >> continue to expound upon are very significant, indeed.
>> >> However, we are far beyond any of the periods in which the feminine
>> >> principle ruled humanity. What we understand to be so is that way
>> >> because of incorrect knowledge, or rather, an incorrect translation of
>> >> Knowledge as referring the writings of the ancient. It results much as
>> >> if one is trying to assemble some item with the instructions written
>> >> in foreign language and no diagram.
>> >>         DICTIONARY
>> >>                         Knowledge; Man\....Wisdom;
>> >> Woman\....Understanding; The Man Child; Earth; Humanity\...
>> >>         THE STORY
>> >>        And your desire (Woman) shall be to your husband (Man). You two
>> >> are One as The Lord your God is One. For this cause shall the Man
>> >> leave his Man and Woman and cleave to his wife and they two shall be
>> >> One Flesh as the Lord God is One. Be fruit and multiply {give birth to
>> >> Understanding} and ( as such) you will be able to subdue the Earth.
>> >>        We live the consequence of getting it all wrong; what could
>> >> life be like if we could get it all corrected? To prove the logic and
>> >> the reality of this rendition of Ancient History; simply teach a woman
>> >> the Virtues of her nature (Femininity; Activity; Intuition; and the
>> >> rest, then tell her that she must be sub servant to a man, and see the
>> >> result. On the other hand, you could teach her correctly, and if she
>> >> apply it correctly, there will be much Glory for the world to behold.
>> >> Here lies the significance of the Queen's visit to King Solomon,
>> >> bringing him a train of gifts.
>> >>        Has any one of you ever wondered why YHVH would course the
>> >> earth for man's sake? Eve's hardship was placed directly upon her, But
>> >> Adam's punishment was filtered through the earth. Why? Man/Knowledge
>> >> is Stable. It can't be moved. None of you ever been posed with
>> >> questions of the fate of two objects meeting; one can't be stopped and
>> >> the other can't be moved? Knowledge and Wisdom, respectively. You see
>> >> the truth of this fact again at the fall of the tower of Babel. Note,
>> >> The Knowledge of Building was untouched by the Will of YHVH. The
>> >> change was applied to man's (human's) ability to benefit from
>> >> Knowledge. Remember YHVH telling Israel that he was giving it's Mother
>> >> a divorce? Remember YHVH sending the prophet to marry the whore and
>> >> make a baby with her?
>> >>       Wherefore, the male rule concept is on slate to be moved.
>> >> Best Regards,
>> >> Edward
>> >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >> > One son arrived yesterday- another today- and a daughter, mid-week.
>> >> > Have spent the last couple of weeks getting the house ship-shape and
>> >> > the larder filled with their favorite foods.
>> >> > Am feeling closer to God and have rearranged a bookshelf to aid my
>> >> > understanding this winter- though we are still snow free as I type. I
>> >> > began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
>> >> > means of justifying terrible behavior.
>> >> > Happy wishes to all from your impious rigsy.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.





Posted: 29 Nov 2011 07:02 PM PST

Al cumplir 40 años Palmira comenzó a usar el pelo corto porque sostenía era más cómodo, coincidente con su falta de interés en el sexo.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Greed

well... Allah is a good name indeed ;)..guess il keep it

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
That is strange as I have never had that problem  with Gmail
I even tried getting Allah ( started as an accident not an intended) in signing into a forum  hmm just had an Idea

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:31 PM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Also google+ has suspended my profile.. it sucks... they say they want an authentic name!its crazy.. and if change my name there they change it on gmail even.... is there no way round this

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:56 PM, pol.science kid <r.freebird@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
everyone thinks about this....


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Greed

yes... one thing here... addiction... is it only physical... like substance abuse.... fill what right?.... always an attempt to complete or fill..... is it our condition.... naturally...or  a result of something else... and welll.. archy i was thining along those lines... that its wrong cos its bad for others...and itll be crazy if everyone does that... so what would curb it if there are no religious sanctions... ... but if you stretch it.. it goes down for all morals.. in the sense of a social contract... we just need em so that all have a liveable life.. but i dont support that view myself... poverty and austerity... povert y pretending to be austerity... keeping in mind greed....
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:55 AM, rigsy03 <rigsy03@yahoo.com> wrote:
I think many forms of greed or addiction are attempts to fill a
spiritual or psychological "hole". Just a thought...

On Nov 29, 10:26 am, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
> activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
> well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
> about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
> right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
> against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
> there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
> dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
> that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
> necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
> wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
> greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
> everyone thinks about this....


Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all- even if it's not your national feast day.

Molly, you say this because you searched and found my sayings to be
false and unfounded, or because what I am saying doesn't match what
you already know and believe? When I say to you that women (female)
are equal to man (male) in the eyes of YHVH. In response, you say that
I plot for food to feed my ego. Where is any logic here? Shouldn't you
be after me to prove the validity of my claim in order that women over
the world may have their fair shake with the evidence in hand?

For those who trust that the Messiah will appear with healing in his
wings, do you think that he's going to come here telling you things
you already know? If you already know what the Messiah is going to
say, then how can it be that his Knowledge justifies many? It would be
your knowledge that justifies if you already had it, no?

Less personal, being born again simply outlines the need to be free
and fresh in thinking, searching for the Spirit of G_d. The new born
seems to be all eyes, ears, and mind. They are eager to know. This is
how we should compare. Just like the new born. This is the
resurrection of the dead. Remember the statement contributed to
Yeshua, "let the dead bury the dead"?

This is the generation which receives their sight. They come by way
that they had not known. They were not simply blind, but rather, they
had been blinded. Now match that up with all of the related prophecies
and see if they do not all say the same thing. Then, if they do, it
would no longer be my idea; my belief. But our reality. Believe me,
the falling tree makes just as much noise whether anyone is there to
hear or not.

Wherefore, whatever my words distract you from may need to be
weighted, for the sake of righteousness.


On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
> Horsefeathers.  A good example of using scripture to elevate the ego.
> A big and boring distraction.
> On Nov 28, 7:41 pm, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Gabbydott, wrote: "It's a matter of education
>> and not of God's gender. "
>> Gabby, I have issues with such statements. First, let's note that
>> there are differences in education and proper education. But what we
>> are considering goes beyond both, and is referred to as Enlightenment.
>> This is going to include knowledge of YHVH"s gender. Moses made it
>> quite clear that man is afraid to see the face of God. There are
>> reasons for that.
>> An educated scientist on one hand, and an educated religious person on
>> the other. In their lab and in their temple, they cannot find the line
>> between science and spirituality. Why? Because there is no line. They
>> are not separate. Remember the angle teaching Jacob to breed the
>> animals spotted and speckled? That was and is a scientific endeavor.
>> Did you ever get to see the connection between the Fallen Angles and
>> the Egyptian gods (angles) that angered Ra, when they taught man how
>> to harness fire, process metals from rock, use of chemicals, etc.? The
>> men that got that knowledge became men of high statue, renown, giants
>> in their society. They used every bit of that knowledge to make war
>> and weapons of war. By getting that knowledge at that stage of
>> evolution, man wasn't able to do the right things with it. His
>> Knowledge was increased beyond his Wisdom.So his Understanding was a
>> the child of the whore (man's understanding) As punishment, they were
>> restricted. We get that educated version where the angles where having
>> sexual intercourse with the women.
>> The bottom line; nothing we do will work out all too well as long as
>> we keep YHVH as our enemy. We can not please YHVH without a knowledge
>> of Him. Proper education!
>> Edward
>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM, gabbydott <gabbyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I just checked, Thanksgiving is over for this year. Let's hope rigs
>> > will be out of the kitchen soon.
>> > Also the blue plastic eye keeps on staring. Wasted words. The mod's
>> > clique keeps on doing what they want to. It's a matter of education
>> > and not of God's gender.
>> > On Nov 27, 1:17 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>           " I
>> >> began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
>> >> means of justifying terrible behavior.  "
>> >>           " Marx reached your 'conclusion' on
>> >> history and philosophy without noting that much in it has that
>> >> peculiar male edge. "
>> >>       Greetings, everyone! These concepts that some of you people
>> >> continue to expound upon are very significant, indeed.
>> >> However, we are far beyond any of the periods in which the feminine
>> >> principle ruled humanity. What we understand to be so is that way
>> >> because of incorrect knowledge, or rather, an incorrect translation of
>> >> Knowledge as referring the writings of the ancient. It results much as
>> >> if one is trying to assemble some item with the instructions written
>> >> in foreign language and no diagram.
>> >>         DICTIONARY
>> >>                         Knowledge; Man\....Wisdom;
>> >> Woman\....Understanding; The Man Child; Earth; Humanity\...
>> >>         THE STORY
>> >>        And your desire (Woman) shall be to your husband (Man). You two
>> >> are One as The Lord your God is One. For this cause shall the Man
>> >> leave his Man and Woman and cleave to his wife and they two shall be
>> >> One Flesh as the Lord God is One. Be fruit and multiply {give birth to
>> >> Understanding} and ( as such) you will be able to subdue the Earth.
>> >>        We live the consequence of getting it all wrong; what could
>> >> life be like if we could get it all corrected? To prove the logic and
>> >> the reality of this rendition of Ancient History; simply teach a woman
>> >> the Virtues of her nature (Femininity; Activity; Intuition; and the
>> >> rest, then tell her that she must be sub servant to a man, and see the
>> >> result. On the other hand, you could teach her correctly, and if she
>> >> apply it correctly, there will be much Glory for the world to behold.
>> >> Here lies the significance of the Queen's visit to King Solomon,
>> >> bringing him a train of gifts.
>> >>        Has any one of you ever wondered why YHVH would course the
>> >> earth for man's sake? Eve's hardship was placed directly upon her, But
>> >> Adam's punishment was filtered through the earth. Why? Man/Knowledge
>> >> is Stable. It can't be moved. None of you ever been posed with
>> >> questions of the fate of two objects meeting; one can't be stopped and
>> >> the other can't be moved? Knowledge and Wisdom, respectively. You see
>> >> the truth of this fact again at the fall of the tower of Babel. Note,
>> >> The Knowledge of Building was untouched by the Will of YHVH. The
>> >> change was applied to man's (human's) ability to benefit from
>> >> Knowledge. Remember YHVH telling Israel that he was giving it's Mother
>> >> a divorce? Remember YHVH sending the prophet to marry the whore and
>> >> make a baby with her?
>> >>       Wherefore, the male rule concept is on slate to be moved.
>> >> Best Regards,
>> >> Edward
>> >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >> > One son arrived yesterday- another today- and a daughter, mid-week.
>> >> > Have spent the last couple of weeks getting the house ship-shape and
>> >> > the larder filled with their favorite foods.
>> >> > Am feeling closer to God and have rearranged a bookshelf to aid my
>> >> > understanding this winter- though we are still snow free as I type. I
>> >> > began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
>> >> > means of justifying terrible behavior.
>> >> > Happy wishes to all from your impious rigsy.


[Mind's Eye] Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all- even if it's not your national feast day.


On Nov 29, 7:22 pm, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Great adjective for many subjects and theories: smugness. Am
> forgetting the figure of speech where the meaning and sound are alike
> but this might be an example.
> On Nov 28, 10:43 pm, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There's an old joke that Einstein chose the speed of light because a
> > man would choose the fastest thingy (boys' toy).  I am not amused, I
> > say, taking Queen Victoria's role.  I'm not much concerned with
> > gender,largely because my upbringing in what it was supposed to be
> > about is so clearly false and its effects more or less fascist.
> > The deep problem in philosophy and religion for me is smugness.
> > On Nov 29, 12:41 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Gabbydott, wrote: "It's a matter of education
> > > and not of God's gender. "
> > > Gabby, I have issues with such statements. First, let's note that
> > > there are differences in education and proper education. But what we
> > > are considering goes beyond both, and is referred to as Enlightenment.
> > > This is going to include knowledge of YHVH"s gender. Moses made it
> > > quite clear that man is afraid to see the face of God. There are
> > > reasons for that.
> > > An educated scientist on one hand, and an educated religious person on
> > > the other. In their lab and in their temple, they cannot find the line
> > > between science and spirituality. Why? Because there is no line. They
> > > are not separate. Remember the angle teaching Jacob to breed the
> > > animals spotted and speckled? That was and is a scientific endeavor.
> > > Did you ever get to see the connection between the Fallen Angles and
> > > the Egyptian gods (angles) that angered Ra, when they taught man how
> > > to harness fire, process metals from rock, use of chemicals, etc.? The
> > > men that got that knowledge became men of high statue, renown, giants
> > > in their society. They used every bit of that knowledge to make war
> > > and weapons of war. By getting that knowledge at that stage of
> > > evolution, man wasn't able to do the right things with it. His
> > > Knowledge was increased beyond his Wisdom.So his Understanding was a
> > > the child of the whore (man's understanding) As punishment, they were
> > > restricted. We get that educated version where the angles where having
> > > sexual intercourse with the women.
> > > The bottom line; nothing we do will work out all too well as long as
> > > we keep YHVH as our enemy. We can not please YHVH without a knowledge
> > > of Him. Proper education!
> > > Edward
> > > On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM, gabbydott <gabbyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I just checked, Thanksgiving is over for this year. Let's hope rigs
> > > > will be out of the kitchen soon.
> > > > Also the blue plastic eye keeps on staring. Wasted words. The mod's
> > > > clique keeps on doing what they want to. It's a matter of education
> > > > and not of God's gender.
> > > > On Nov 27, 1:17 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > >>           " I
> > > >> began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > > >> means of justifying terrible behavior.  "
> > > >>           " Marx reached your 'conclusion' on
> > > >> history and philosophy without noting that much in it has that
> > > >> peculiar male edge. "
> > > >>       Greetings, everyone! These concepts that some of you people
> > > >> continue to expound upon are very significant, indeed.
> > > >> However, we are far beyond any of the periods in which the feminine
> > > >> principle ruled humanity. What we understand to be so is that way
> > > >> because of incorrect knowledge, or rather, an incorrect translation of
> > > >> Knowledge as referring the writings of the ancient. It results much as
> > > >> if one is trying to assemble some item with the instructions written
> > > >> in foreign language and no diagram.
> > > >>         DICTIONARY
> > > >>                         Knowledge; Man\....Wisdom;
> > > >> Woman\....Understanding; The Man Child; Earth; Humanity\...
> > > >>         THE STORY
> > > >>        And your desire (Woman) shall be to your husband (Man). You two
> > > >> are One as The Lord your God is One. For this cause shall the Man
> > > >> leave his Man and Woman and cleave to his wife and they two shall be
> > > >> One Flesh as the Lord God is One. Be fruit and multiply {give birth to
> > > >> Understanding} and ( as such) you will be able to subdue the Earth.
> > > >>        We live the consequence of getting it all wrong; what could
> > > >> life be like if we could get it all corrected? To prove the logic and
> > > >> the reality of this rendition of Ancient History; simply teach a woman
> > > >> the Virtues of her nature (Femininity; Activity; Intuition; and the
> > > >> rest, then tell her that she must be sub servant to a man, and see the
> > > >> result. On the other hand, you could teach her correctly, and if she
> > > >> apply it correctly, there will be much Glory for the world to behold.
> > > >> Here lies the significance of the Queen's visit to King Solomon,
> > > >> bringing him a train of gifts.
> > > >>        Has any one of you ever wondered why YHVH would course the
> > > >> earth for man's sake? Eve's hardship was placed directly upon her, But
> > > >> Adam's punishment was filtered through the earth. Why? Man/Knowledge
> > > >> is Stable. It can't be moved. None of you ever been posed with
> > > >> questions of the fate of two objects meeting; one can't be stopped and
> > > >> the other can't be moved? Knowledge and Wisdom, respectively. You see
> > > >> the truth of this fact again at the fall of the tower of Babel. Note,
> > > >> The Knowledge of Building was untouched by the Will of YHVH. The
> > > >> change was applied to man's (human's) ability to benefit from
> > > >> Knowledge. Remember YHVH telling Israel that he was giving it's Mother
> > > >> a divorce? Remember YHVH sending the prophet to marry the whore and
> > > >> make a baby with her?
> > > >>       Wherefore, the male rule concept is on slate to be moved.
> > > >> Best Regards,
> > > >> Edward
> > > >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >> > One son arrived yesterday- another today- and a daughter, mid-week.
> > > >> > Have spent the last couple of weeks getting the house ship-shape and
> > > >> > the larder filled with their favorite foods.
> > > >> > Am feeling closer to God and have rearranged a bookshelf to aid my
> > > >> > understanding this winter- though we are still snow free as I type. I
> > > >> > began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > > >> > means of justifying terrible behavior.
> > > >> > Happy wishes to all from your impious rigsy.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


[Mind's Eye] Re: Greed

I think many forms of greed or addiction are attempts to fill a
spiritual or psychological "hole". Just a thought...

On Nov 29, 10:26 am, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
> activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
> well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
> about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
> right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
> against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
> there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
> dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
> that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
> necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
> wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
> greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
> everyone thinks about this....


[Mind's Eye] Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all- even if it's not your national feast day.

Great adjective for many subjects and theories: smugness. Am
forgetting the figure of speech where the meaning and sound are alike
but this might be an example.

On Nov 28, 10:43 pm, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's an old joke that Einstein chose the speed of light because a
> man would choose the fastest thingy (boys' toy).  I am not amused, I
> say, taking Queen Victoria's role.  I'm not much concerned with
> gender,largely because my upbringing in what it was supposed to be
> about is so clearly false and its effects more or less fascist.
> The deep problem in philosophy and religion for me is smugness.
> On Nov 29, 12:41 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Gabbydott, wrote: "It's a matter of education
> > and not of God's gender. "
> > Gabby, I have issues with such statements. First, let's note that
> > there are differences in education and proper education. But what we
> > are considering goes beyond both, and is referred to as Enlightenment.
> > This is going to include knowledge of YHVH"s gender. Moses made it
> > quite clear that man is afraid to see the face of God. There are
> > reasons for that.
> > An educated scientist on one hand, and an educated religious person on
> > the other. In their lab and in their temple, they cannot find the line
> > between science and spirituality. Why? Because there is no line. They
> > are not separate. Remember the angle teaching Jacob to breed the
> > animals spotted and speckled? That was and is a scientific endeavor.
> > Did you ever get to see the connection between the Fallen Angles and
> > the Egyptian gods (angles) that angered Ra, when they taught man how
> > to harness fire, process metals from rock, use of chemicals, etc.? The
> > men that got that knowledge became men of high statue, renown, giants
> > in their society. They used every bit of that knowledge to make war
> > and weapons of war. By getting that knowledge at that stage of
> > evolution, man wasn't able to do the right things with it. His
> > Knowledge was increased beyond his Wisdom.So his Understanding was a
> > the child of the whore (man's understanding) As punishment, they were
> > restricted. We get that educated version where the angles where having
> > sexual intercourse with the women.
> > The bottom line; nothing we do will work out all too well as long as
> > we keep YHVH as our enemy. We can not please YHVH without a knowledge
> > of Him. Proper education!
> > Edward
> > On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM, gabbydott <gabbyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I just checked, Thanksgiving is over for this year. Let's hope rigs
> > > will be out of the kitchen soon.
> > > Also the blue plastic eye keeps on staring. Wasted words. The mod's
> > > clique keeps on doing what they want to. It's a matter of education
> > > and not of God's gender.
> > > On Nov 27, 1:17 am, Edward Mason <masonedward...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >>           " I
> > >> began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > >> means of justifying terrible behavior.  "
> > >>           " Marx reached your 'conclusion' on
> > >> history and philosophy without noting that much in it has that
> > >> peculiar male edge. "
> > >>       Greetings, everyone! These concepts that some of you people
> > >> continue to expound upon are very significant, indeed.
> > >> However, we are far beyond any of the periods in which the feminine
> > >> principle ruled humanity. What we understand to be so is that way
> > >> because of incorrect knowledge, or rather, an incorrect translation of
> > >> Knowledge as referring the writings of the ancient. It results much as
> > >> if one is trying to assemble some item with the instructions written
> > >> in foreign language and no diagram.
> > >>         DICTIONARY
> > >>                         Knowledge; Man\....Wisdom;
> > >> Woman\....Understanding; The Man Child; Earth; Humanity\...
> > >>         THE STORY
> > >>        And your desire (Woman) shall be to your husband (Man). You two
> > >> are One as The Lord your God is One. For this cause shall the Man
> > >> leave his Man and Woman and cleave to his wife and they two shall be
> > >> One Flesh as the Lord God is One. Be fruit and multiply {give birth to
> > >> Understanding} and ( as such) you will be able to subdue the Earth.
> > >>        We live the consequence of getting it all wrong; what could
> > >> life be like if we could get it all corrected? To prove the logic and
> > >> the reality of this rendition of Ancient History; simply teach a woman
> > >> the Virtues of her nature (Femininity; Activity; Intuition; and the
> > >> rest, then tell her that she must be sub servant to a man, and see the
> > >> result. On the other hand, you could teach her correctly, and if she
> > >> apply it correctly, there will be much Glory for the world to behold.
> > >> Here lies the significance of the Queen's visit to King Solomon,
> > >> bringing him a train of gifts.
> > >>        Has any one of you ever wondered why YHVH would course the
> > >> earth for man's sake? Eve's hardship was placed directly upon her, But
> > >> Adam's punishment was filtered through the earth. Why? Man/Knowledge
> > >> is Stable. It can't be moved. None of you ever been posed with
> > >> questions of the fate of two objects meeting; one can't be stopped and
> > >> the other can't be moved? Knowledge and Wisdom, respectively. You see
> > >> the truth of this fact again at the fall of the tower of Babel. Note,
> > >> The Knowledge of Building was untouched by the Will of YHVH. The
> > >> change was applied to man's (human's) ability to benefit from
> > >> Knowledge. Remember YHVH telling Israel that he was giving it's Mother
> > >> a divorce? Remember YHVH sending the prophet to marry the whore and
> > >> make a baby with her?
> > >>       Wherefore, the male rule concept is on slate to be moved.
> > >> Best Regards,
> > >> Edward
> > >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >> > One son arrived yesterday- another today- and a daughter, mid-week.
> > >> > Have spent the last couple of weeks getting the house ship-shape and
> > >> > the larder filled with their favorite foods.
> > >> > Am feeling closer to God and have rearranged a bookshelf to aid my
> > >> > understanding this winter- though we are still snow free as I type. I
> > >> > began to think history and philosophy are too masculine and often a
> > >> > means of justifying terrible behavior.
> > >> > Happy wishes to all from your impious rigsy.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -