Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Greed

yes... one thing here... addiction... is it only physical... like substance abuse.... fill what right?.... always an attempt to complete or fill..... is it our condition.... naturally...or  a result of something else... and welll.. archy i was thining along those lines... that its wrong cos its bad for others...and itll be crazy if everyone does that... so what would curb it if there are no religious sanctions... ... but if you stretch it.. it goes down for all morals.. in the sense of a social contract... we just need em so that all have a liveable life.. but i dont support that view myself... poverty and austerity... povert y pretending to be austerity... keeping in mind greed....
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:55 AM, rigsy03 <> wrote:
I think many forms of greed or addiction are attempts to fill a
spiritual or psychological "hole". Just a thought...

On Nov 29, 10:26 am, " kid" <> wrote:
> Hey everyone... i have been very dull of late with little mind
> activity... but.. today i was just going through Hind Swaraj.... and
> well its not about the book.. in the review pages.. i read something
> about Greed.. and it got me thinking.... only humans have greed
> right... i find it very peculiar.. the most common vice one is taught
> against from childhood...What is the nature of it... is there or can
> there be a why?... when does wanting enough turn to greed.... the
> dictionary defines it as wanting more than is necessary.... well..
> that appplies to everything then!.. we always have and want more than
> necessary or required... is being careful and cautious greedy(in
> wanting enough and more)... is being ambitious greedy.... why is being
> greedy wrong? ....very simplistic questions.. but i want to know what
> everyone thinks about this....


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