Re: Mind's Eye life-forms

I tend to disagree as there is absolutely no proof that human consciousness, let alone spirituality, is merely a function of gray matter. Many will argue that humans leave an invisible imprint on the universe that is felt after their physical death. Near Death experiences, communicating information to the living by means of dreams, and other similar phenomena that, although not captured by science, have been repeatedly reported> I think that reducing spirituality to a physical fuction is a disservice to science which has been able to point out the reductionist fallacies in the areas of quantum physics and cosmology. There is still much to be explored when it comes to one of the most complex aspects of existence, i.e, human consciousness and spiritual transcendence.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 3:42 AM, RP Singh <> wrote:
The conscious-active individuality is an attribute of a living
organism. When the life of an organism snuffs out, the attribute
vanishes. Spirituality is tied to the physicality of an organism as it
is the gray-matter in the head which determines spiritual activity.

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