Re: Mind's Eye life-forms

Thank you Allan for your welcome. When it comes to hard evidence, you're right, everything exists only in our heads and it could all be an illusion or a virtual reality of some sort but we've come to accept what we sense as a reality existing outside of us. I wonder how we made that leap or whether we're programmed to be trusting of our senses to that exent since basing our actions on the senses  leads to gratification or escaping pain.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Allan H <> wrote:

Welcome Eman I hope I have the name right,

I am tending to agree with you, there are to many incidents and wide spread similarities.

But as I am writing this that maybe I (we)  are all including this world are a figment of RP's very furtile brain and when he dies and this very creativeness ceases to exist the total universe would cease to exist ---- now on the bright side if this is true all of the poverty,  hunger, will be gone. All the killing going on in the name of power will end..

Beyond  my comprehension or imagitive ability,  but if it is true, I as part of your collective imagination demand you put an end to it now!!!!
Imaginary Allan
Or is that worst nightmare Allan,  are you having difficulty deciding go to tore local hospital and purchase that excessively  costlt treatment,  doesn't matter as everything  ceases to exist
Then again

(What do you expect a 5 in the morning with a storm raging (now cut out this storm si I can go to sleep,,--- whoever you are)

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