they are often out of my grasp. I decided to write my thoughts or I'd
be stuck saying nothing when I have too many thoughts and result in no
words, like staring into the dark recesses of the mind will coax some
convergence of arcane geometries. I find that the rhythm of learning
is stochastic but over time undulations emerge. Echolocation without
the echo is how my sight seems to work. It seems to be a tough spot
kinda in between or outside that I'm in. You are right about seeing
things for yourself, holding whatever truth, there is a profound
difference in what we assume things to mean. I mean that simply, as
things have become evident to me over time from many perspectives. I
am grateful to understand most of what you've said, even though a
little unsure of what Zero and Bliss Infinite mean.
In humor, I think if there are multiple lives this one's a lesson in
humility. In my terms I would call your ideas on Home and Vanity
'living truth' of great value. We 'begin again'?
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Vam <> wrote:
> "Is this not an important part of the dynamic multidimensional mind
> Vam, can you find nothing of value with meeting this view at least as
> a challenge?"
> James, starting with God is a bad idea. Perhaps, ending up at it is
> what needs to happen. Dawkins was in Jaipur here and I found his view
> a lot more balanced, less bigoted and militant.
> And Neil is right : it must deal with morality. Where his discourse
> runs dry is when he is quoting other people ! That is also my
> compelling logic against intellectual property rights. What damned
> "rights" on knowledge of any kind ? Or, why must we have to give
> references, when all we wish to say is ours, with us ? If it's not
> ours, for us to say, we should STFU !
> The formal aspect of Truth or truths is onerous. There are libraries
> out there where it goes dry. It is the informal one that I wish to put
> across : it is mine... and for that reason should be everyone's, of
> everything. And that ( informal aspect ) is... HOME. The search for
> that place which is truly ours, where we can rest without fear, free
> and fulfilled, which nothing in the whole universe can take away from
> us. Truth is our Home.
> This is no parable I've begun. People are spent for and on a " home "
> for themselves. They build, buy, rent one for the body... house or
> apartment, car or craft. But then the worst a-holes amongst us come to
> believe that home they are so invested on is also the " home " to
> their emotion, to their thought, their identity, and their happiness
> too ! Well, it is and it definitely isn't.
> The better ( a-hols ) take on a wife, friend, progeny or pet,
> community or cause, to engage their emotion-thought-identity where,
> with whom or which, one then feels at home. Of that our thought is
> preoccupied... that same ' faculty ' that had been used to focus on
> money to buy the home, on the value of food and worth of delicacies,
> on the relevance of what is beneficial and serves our purposes and
> what does not.
> That pitch of ' acquisition,' value, worth, relevance... is also there
> in our thought and eye, as in it pre-exists and is consciously or
> subconsciously applied, for the home-objects of our emotion as well.
> For a lifetime, we carry that pitch to manage, manipulate, decide and
> deal with what is outside us to acquire the material home-object in
> our aim ... a domain that, for all practical purposes, encompasses
> everything. For everything, external and internal, is outside the
> agency, the ego-person, we are through the pursuit after our aim.
> What is concurrent within, inside of us - the "ego-person," is a build
> up and an intensification of VANITY... which expresses as : " I
> possess;" " I win;" " I will acquire;" " I am successful." It is all a
> matter of process that is normal to our drive and inevitable to our
> search. But, as surely as sure can be, it is Vanity that also blocks
> our evolution and progression into the true Home to our emotion -
> which is Love, to our thought - which is Silence, to our identity -
> which is Zero, and to our spirit - which is Bliss Infinite. Because it
> limits us to what we have, even as it automatically makes us pore over
> all that we does not have; and, it is limiting because while with it
> we can never give up that " pitch " we have internalised along the
> journey and can hence never view and see things with Love and Silence,
> and be Zero with Bliss Infinite.
> These are the real aspects and issues to spirituality : Home and
> Vanity. It is these that I find more pertinent than God or whatever.
> It is these that will make us be better and excel, that will address
> the monstrous twists with which people reduce the best of systems and
> opportunities to gutter, that will redress the moral deficit in our
> public and personal lives.
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