Mind's Eye Politics and economics

I know Romey  is mormon,  what really bothers me is basicly two or three things... this not saying individually the are bad people,  I did a lot of volunteer work in NM some 30+ years ago.. there I was working with the extreme of the poor.. and I on a few occasions (not overly often) I came across mormons ..  there we set up a community effort combining all the churches iin a community church wide program where all the charity funds were basically combined (including the police) where if you came through town we could provide you with assistance,,  like provide you with a full tank of fuel, food, clothing auto repair, medical and lodging of needed including money in rare cases, The program worked very well and the purpose was to catch those professional beggars hitting every church and often times walking away with several thousand dollars.. (it did work too)  If some one needed assistance they were directly referred to me ,,  I interviewed them  when ever they were there 27/7. from the interview I determined their needs and provided it. I also had a list of professions that were wanted to have part of our community.. (we managed to get 2 yes 2 teachers that were desperately needed..

Now back to the mormons,,  when we set up the program  the mormons refused to be part of it  as they had their oen charity program for mormons..  they were allowed torefer people to our program  but if someone said they were mormon the mormon church had to accept them and deal with the families or persons needs..  

On a couple of occasions during these interviews I was told by mormons seeking help I was asked not to call the church as they said they would be put in a labor camp where you earned your room  and board with extremely long hours of labor and paid almost nothing ,, there was no way that you could work your way back into society ,,  you became a slave of the LDS Church 

Romey is part of this chuirch  and wealth holds you in high esteem..the 2nd  thing excluding the slavery thing..  is occassionally you see a black family and they are a rarity ..  but what you won't see is any ofthem being able to go into the main temples as the are forbidden

Does the US want a President where the LDS Church controls every facet of their lives..  Look at his extreme negative campaign.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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