Mind's Eye This house does not believe in democracy

I don't believe in democracy as standardly dreamed up. The problem is
an idiot demos. But my contention is that I believe in the rights of
this demos more than most who claim to be democrats. Most situations
in everyday life contain no true democracy - work being the classic.
We rarely believe social groups can work without a chain of command.

There are alternatives to "strong leadership" (which gives us goons
like Blair, Bush, Putin, hitler - etc. the list is almost endless) and
the farce of the current GOP list. The Dutch polder system is an
example. But we generally shy away from collective decision making as
too slow.

Anti-democracy is built in to our systems. Think about our likely
collective reluctance to pay me 90% of our resources if we had a
business - yet we might not understand how those few doing such taking
in the general economy take in the same way from us through ideology
of the deserving rich. We would easily be able to vote against 'my
90%' - but how do we vote against Apple's sweatshops and cash held

Are you a democrat?

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