Re: Mind's Eye Facebook IPO rip-off?

as for the Lurnar registry..  if they can prove legal ownership  might be interested..  lol

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Don Johnson <> wrote:
Ebay. Craigslist. And my personal favorite
oh yea hell no I'm not investing in Facebook. I regret starting an acount there and never go there anymore. You've got to think ahead. Where is the next land boom? Here's my free HOT TIP for the day.
Get it while it's still barren. After Newt becomes Pres. we'll start to colonize.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:02 AM, archytas <> wrote:
I am thinking about starting a small business (partly to employ
grandson) Allan.  Even Amazon has made no real money and I can't see
FB doing anything after all the hype.  The smart money is only
interested in the financing fees (7% of whatever raised) or in buying
before an initial  spike and getting rid.  What I want to see is the
technology in use to actually collapse what rigsy is rightly on about
in its current form.  I'd like to see a more producer direct to
consumer society aimed at giving us all more leisure time and
servicing that leisure communally.

On Feb 2, 12:21 pm, rigsy03 <> wrote:
> FB is a seedbed for advertisers/marketing- another way of tracking
> potential customers.//Well, I had to laugh about "free lance"- thanks!
> On Feb 1, 7:58 am, archytas <> wrote:
> > 'Free lance' once meant exactly that - a term from the 100 Years War
> > (which was mostly about British mercenaries screwing Europe).  I have
> > a Facebook account but find the 'place' boring - I don't do that kind
> > of stuff for real and have no interest in the virtual form.  Don't
> > quite see you on a charger spearing peasants rigs!  I'm quite sure the
> > Internet generally is mostly a waste of space and has a potential we
> > are barely grasping at all.  Facebook looks like leading 'dotcon 2'.
> > On Feb 1, 11:36 am, rigsy03 <> wrote:
> > > Most women I know consider the founder creepy and haven't signed on-
> > > one, an artist, advised to get "out there" to boost sales and name
> > > recognition. Someone has been trying to get me on a business social
> > > group but I haven't taken it up since they decided I was a "free
> > > lance"- whatever that is!
> > > On Feb 1, 12:46 am, Allan H <> wrote:
> > > > the only reason I use face book now is because my daughter is ther and it
> > > > is how I keep track of what is happening in her life..
> > > > I like the new EU laws that require these massive companies to turn over
> > > > all information they have on  you on request..  and also have to delete all
> > > > information  also on request.. will glad when they take effect..
> > > > The companies don't like the fines involved if they don't comply.
> > > > Allan
> > > > On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 12:50 AM, archytas <> wrote:
> > > > > The selling point of Facebook is supposedly the "lock-in" it has one
> > > > > you as a customer because your friends are there.  I can't really be
> > > > > bothered with it because so many people I don't want to know are
> > > > > there!  And all the spam and dire else that comes with the Internet.
> > > > > I do shop online, but that's largely because I don't like shops and
> > > > > shopping - plus some stuff is much cheaper than my 'local' chain-
> > > > > store.
> > > > > What I'd like to be able to do is buy in advance direct from
> > > > > manufacturers in an environment  of peer review on quality and
> > > > > service.  One can easily imagine a kind of auction service for such in
> > > > > which I put up what I want and manufacturers and service suppliers
> > > > > could bid to fulfill my needs and that of my agreed collective.  I'd
> > > > > want fellow members to be able to control and advertising and for a
> > > > > collective representation if things go wrong.
> > > > > The technology to run Facebook is hardly a barrier to entry.  My idea
> > > > > would be to undercut retailing through a new logistic model that would
> > > > > not involve the collective auction becoming a retailer or holding
> > > > > stock.  One example is Green Metropolis which just takes a fee on
> > > > > books held by members and sold through its site.
> > > > > I think a lot of fingers will get burned over Facebook.  I wonder if
> > > > > there is an alternative that would not be concerned with retailing and
> > > > > all its gimmicks?  I've never responded to a Google ad so far and
> > > > > suspect there must be a better way to source essentials.
> > > > --
> > > >  (
> > > >   )
> > > > |_D Allan
> > > > Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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