Re: Mind's Eye Re: Science and the modern economic plight

Vam could no doubt give us an inside track to British horrors in
India. One interesting aspect is that current Al Qaida stuff has some
origins in India's 'Muslim unrest' in India, inspired from what is now
Saudi. The British Empire (and the 20th century US holocaust - see
Alex Blum) are matters of shame - but this is true across history
everywhere. We now know that peoples termed Barbarian were much less
so than the Greeks and Romans. The question concerns how we live in
peace and opportunity - along with what science and history not merely
the songs of victory can tell us about the pitfalls.

If you look at standard argument such as that on the conservation of
energy and think of this statement "women are weaker than men" in the
context of such discussion you should be able to see that "shorthand"
is a big problem. What we have received in common sense (in Bacon's
sense - idolatry) has to be dissolved - even time and matter. They
are reconstrued in an inertial frame of reference - and in some such
women are weaker than men - on the rugby pitch and such - though
perhaps stronger in that they don't usually want establish anything in
such competitive play. The general problem is that 'Idol-thinking' is
much easier and creeps back in all over.

In economic 'argument' there is no attempt to escape idolatry and the
subject as a whole reinforces it. There is something very appealing
about creating a society in which we can all be rich if only we try.
This is OK as speculation - but we should also speculate on what such
a society would be. Who would clean the toilets? What would money do
for anyone when everyone else had it? And so on. How do we forget so
easily what we generally think of people motivated by money? Or come
up so easily with the idea that the alternative is socialism in the
Marxist sense? It's almost like thinking the only alternative to
humdrum heterosexual pair-bonding monogamy is homosexuality!

On Feb 11, 4:59 am, Allan H <> wrote:
> I do not know what work await the protesters and demonstrators .  We can
> only look back to the hippie and Vietnam protester. Many survive including
> Bill Clinton. It is different now the military industrial complex is
> stronger wealth is more consentrated.
> What will happen  I don't know. Probably great hungry and poverty --yes we
> have many refuges want some?
> US policy will not allow it, but their time is coming!
> Allan
> On Feb 11, 2012 4:50 AM, "rigsy03" <> wrote:

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