Re: Mind's Eye Re: This house does not believe in democracy

A True democracy we would be on our computers at least  6 hrs a day just to take care of government business.. beside having to earn a living...  But in the US's case make it mandatory that no bill or law can cover more than 2 A4 pages in length..   The US needs to get in touch with world standards in paper standards

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Vam <> wrote:
A very good question !

And, if not, what ?

On Feb 12, 10:04 pm, archytas <> wrote:
> I don't believe in democracy as standardly dreamed up.  The problem is
> an idiot demos.  But my contention is that I believe in the rights of
> this demos  more than most who claim to be democrats.  Most situations
> in everyday life contain no true democracy - work being the classic.
> We rarely believe social groups can work without a chain of command.
> There are alternatives to "strong leadership" (which gives us goons
> like Blair, Bush, Putin, hitler - etc. the list is almost endless) and
> the farce of the current GOP list.  The Dutch polder system is an
> example.  But we generally shy away from collective decision making as
> too slow.
> Anti-democracy is built in to our systems.  Think about our likely
> collective reluctance to pay me 90% of our resources if we had a
> business - yet we might not understand how those few doing such taking
> in the general economy take in the same way from us through ideology
> of the deserving rich.  We would easily be able to vote against 'my
> 90%' - but how do we vote against Apple's sweatshops and cash held
> offshore?
> Are you a democrat?

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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