Mind's Eye Re: Dear moderator/s

AEzen, I have been a moderator in this group for several years and do
not remember a minds eye member with your profile.  While your profile
reflects that you posted once here in 2/2011, I do not remember it,
and this does not indicate that you are a member.  At the time of your
posting, new members were kept on moderation until they posted several
times and proved to be rational. I cannot explain why you think you
have posted here frequently, and your profile reflects that you have
had one post. Do you have another profile?

I notice that you post in atheism vs Christianity. Any chance you are
confusing the groups?
On Apr 15, 9:18 am, Æzen <ae...@msn.com> wrote:
> I could not find any other way of contacting you, so I hope you may forgive
> this thread - and if necessary remove it from the group once it has been
> considered.
> I recognise the nature of your role on this forum is to prevent trolling,
> spam, etc from sullying this group and it's threads. However, I am actually
> a little annoyed that my post was deleted in the 'Some Education' thread. I
> am also unsure as to why I am even under moderation. I have been a member
> here for nearly 2 years. Granted, I haven't been active for the past year
> due to other commitments, so I am not protesting any move to moderate my
> posts.
> However, I do feel that it was irresponsible and over zealous to so quickly
> remove my post which was for all intents and purposes relative and
> appropriate to the subject matter of that thread.
> - I was careful to re-read your netiquette and guidelines before posting
> and I cannot see any problem with why it as removed. I sourced my quote, I
> did not post the whole article, only what I found to be the most provoking
> aspect of that article. Which is as follows.
> "[...] The truly educated become conscious. They become self-aware. They do
> not lie to themselves. They do not pretend that fraud is moral or that
> corporate greed is good. They do not claim that the demands of the
> marketplace can morally justify the hunger of children or denial of medical
> care to the sick. They do not throw 6 million families from their homes as
> the cost of doing business. Thought is a dialogue with one's inner self.
> Those who think ask questions, questions those in authority do not want
> asked. They remember who we are, where we come from and where we should go.
> They remain eternally skeptical and distrustful of power. And they know
> that this moral independence is the only protection from the radical evil
> that results from collective unconsciousness. The capacity to think is the
> only bulwark against any centralized authority that seeks to impose
> mindless obedience. There is a huge difference, as Socrates understood,
> between teaching people what to think and teaching them how to think. Those
> who are endowed with a moral conscience refuse to commit crimes, even those
> sanctioned by the corporate state, because they do not in the end want to
> live with criminals—themselves.
> Advertisement
> "It is better to be at odds with the whole world than, being one, to be at
> odds with myself," Socrates said. [...]"www.truthdig.com/report/item/why_the_united_states_is_destroying_her_...
> I am not here to sully your threads. I had coincidentally read this article
> not half an hour before looking into my emails and seeing this thread
> amidst the daily digest from this group.
> All in all, I'm just dissapointed and annoyed. I didn't see need for it to
> be deleted. Would you mind explaining why?
> Thankyou,
> Æzen

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