Re: Mind's Eye Syria

Now i cant help but think of the Military role in all this... if a
number of them defect... or if they refuse orders.. i am sure they
could neutralize the situation.. thats one thing the egyptians had..
support of the Army... i dont know how these people can stand shelling
civilians..its incomprehensible... Thsi calls for a new post all
together i suppose.. rise of the modern Army....

On Apr 12, 11:06 pm, Allan H <> wrote:
> The middle east is a nightmare to say the least. looking over the migration
> of human population essentially the middle east is essentially the same
> segment of the human population, whether it is the second or third great
> migration is of little importance. BUT in my observation each migration has
> its own sense of morality all though there is common parts they are not the
> same view and definitely do not have a common morality.
> Every time  the west or 5th migration intervenes to aid in the affairs of
> the middle east it degenerates down to tribal factions,  If you intervene
>  you are condemned ..  and it seems the west only intervenes is either for
> oil or in the Case of the Bush-Iraq pure ego..  How would you suggest
> eliminating the made man?
> Allan
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 4:33 PM, kid <>wrote:
> > thats what i want to know gabbs, if you dont have power, what can you do?
> > But i understand a little perhaps what youre saying, this attitude that
> > promotes statuse quo , that those who do will always do.... thats why i
> > want the neighbor countries to take part in the intervention... well.. at
> > least we have a ceasefire now.. dont know where it'll go from there...
> > On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 1:49 PM, gabbydott <> wrote:
> >> I am sorry that I was replying to how you said it rather that what you
> >> said. In fact I was interested in just that, in how it works. - In order to
> >> escape the apathy of knowing it's always those with the economical and
> >> military power who do what they always do. - I did not succeed, I need to
> >> find another way to make peace with myself.
> >> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 5:46 PM, kid <>wrote:
> >>> Ok... i thought i did... at one point.. but i dont get what youre
> >>> saying....sorry... although i must say i am in love with how you use
> >>> words....... anyways.. i am guessing you didnt like my style... youre
> >>> right.. i don blame you.. the end part does seem stupid... honesty can seem
> >>> dumb if not adjusted correctly... all i am trying to say is.. i am just
> >>> trying to figure out the attitude towards Syria.. of other nations.. and at
> >>> the same time... wondering of how things might end... or how prolonged the
> >>> conflict will be... and that it worries me if there is no intervention... i
> >>> also wanted to know what others thought about it....
> >>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 2:51 PM, gabbydott <> wrote:
> >>>> Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Poly. Let me explain how
> >>>> your thoughts come across here on my side. The first thing that strikes me
> >>>> as strange is the politically correct formulation of feelings about an
> >>>> issue of human interest. I see citizens arguing for the health benefits of
> >>>> the salad in their bowl while expanding in size over their fried meat side
> >>>> from the fondue pot. Which then makes me stumble over your desire to share
> >>>> your concern with us guys. Why don't you just say what you want and let me
> >>>> pick my salad pieces in the order I like them best? Your share makes me
> >>>> think of an invitation to divide and impera on over-fertilized ground ...
> >>>> need to stop here ... need to go out now while it's not raining yet.
> >>>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:11 AM, kid <>wrote:
> >>>>> Now i know plenty is being said about the situation in Syria.. but i
> >>>>> am really bothered because it seems we're stuck in a loop.... this is
> >>>>> reminding me of the time of American occupation in Iraq.. whenever you
> >>>>> switched the news on there would report of some bombing or explosion
> >>>>> in Baghdad or elsewhere, likewise now... you switch on the news
> >>>>> anytime there will definitely be something on the shelling in Homs or
> >>>>> somewhere else.. what is disturbing is that though the images of gore
> >>>>> reach us pretty quickly .. there is minimal news on the efforts by any
> >>>>> big states , through the UN or otherwise.. its only the one percent
> >>>>> that gets to the world i suppose..i guess you cant really imagine the
> >>>>> real situation there.. now i am not commenting on the politics ,
> >>>>> because i feel you can seriously talk and talk.. all that should be
> >>>>> left for later... What i dont understand is that there is no active
> >>>>> intervention even by the neighboring countries.. surely they cant
> >>>>> support Assad.!. i get most of the countries are perhaps dealing with
> >>>>> their own.. but you cant help but sense some apathy towards the whole
> >>>>> thing.Also its understandable that one might be wary of supporting
> >>>>> rebels or any ideology, but it is clear now that the Syrian government
> >>>>> is bent on exterminating half of its population..there is no reason to
> >>>>> withhold active intervention.. and yes i mean a military one..It is
> >>>>> clear as daylight Assad is killing his own the security
> >>>>> council just a fancy name or what   ..I dont know what the purpose of
> >>>>> this piece was.. And i feel it would be hypocritical to say much as i
> >>>>> have no idea of whats actually going on there.. but i am just
> >>>>> concerned and i am posting it here to share with you guys..cos well ..
> >>>>> thats what we do.. what do you think guys...
> >>> --
> >>> EverComing
> > --
> > EverComing
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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