According to them you can use the old group format with no problems at all..
New group,, when I looked over the moderation section it did not seem to difficult but I think each person has to have a google groups sections and you get the postings there.. confusing to me on how to set it up for me to receive it the messages.. my preference is old group format..
that is understandable as ME is the only group I follow..
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Allan H <> wrote:
what is the possibility of setting a group up within google + I do not know if it is possible.. maybe only letting people we want in the group?AllanOn Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 1:38 PM, archytas <> wrote:
Hi All,
Molly has just emailed me in some despair about the new google
groups. In the management bit we don't seem to be able to access
messages awaiting moderation. I haven't found any in the old format
for over two months. Something is going wrong. Google have somewhat
pissed me off over a number of services of late. I don't like the new
format anyway but would learn to put up with it. I haven't got time
to do much more than check for posts awaiting moderation at the
moment, but fear new members are somehow being excluded.
Anyone know anything before I contact google?
()|_D AllanLife is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
|_D Allan
Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
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