Mind's Eye Re: Radical banking

What about radical spending/debt? What about the non-reward for

Lawns should be outlawed and probably will be when clean water is
precious and rare. I refuse to make coffee from recycled urine or
other recycled waste water but...the spirit is willing but the flesh
is weak.

On Oct 23, 7:13 pm, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Banking is estimated to contribute between 8 and 14% of UK GDP.  It
> will be smaller in most other countries, but is still held to be
> vital.  I doubt the figures but this doesn't really matter  At 14%
> banking matches manufacturing contribution in the UK.
> In a business account we always want to reduce bank charges to a
> minimum.  Financial services are a cost to be reduced to minimum.  I
> can never see why we have fallen for the idea that moving money around
> has anything to do with a productive economy.  We would hardly
> organise hard work like clearing farm land by matching the number of
> us breaking our backs with a similar number of bankers sitting in
> armchairs.
> I tend to think banking is just a front for organised thieving.  We
> cut out all kinds of management and jobs in manufacturing and it's
> hard to see how piling bank buildings high with staff makes any
> sense.  In science we generally try to reduce resources going into
> control to a minimum.  We need some radical ideas on how Al Capone is
> getting away with all the banking going on.  My guess is banking is
> really just a tax mechanism we don't get to vote for.


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