Re: Mind's Eye Re: thought experiments

that is very true but where would they get cheap to essentially slave
labor,, they need to put the gold in their pockets so they can pay
homage to their god the golden calf..

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:35 PM, archytas <> wrote:
> The good dream side of this is what you say Lee. But the thought
> experiment is a challenge to current ideology. I've noticed over the
> years that the most passionate defenders of the protestant work ethic
> don't do jobs involving hard work for low pay.
> On Oct 26, 2:19 pm, Lee Douglas <> wrote:
>> Ahhhh robot heaven is my ideal.
>> It gets rid of money as nobody would need to barter goods or services
>> to survive, it would mean that humans can spend more time growing and
>> learning, and can you imagine the various works of art, in all media?
>> Now of course the thing to consider is the transitional period, and I guess
>> this is Archy's main thrust. Our history shows us that
>> such transitional periods are fraught with violence and upheaval, I suspect
>> a move to robotic heaven would be little different.
>> So we have robots a plenty and much work going on in robotics. I suspect
>> the next thing we'll have to sort is robots that make and repair robots.
>> Should we concentrate then on food and water production and distribution?
>> Why yes I think we should.
>> Get that done and then nobody has to pay for food or water, ahhh now we are
>> getting somewhere. A world full of thinkers and artists!
>> Energy next?
>> On Wednesday, 19 September 2012 22:56:36 UTC+1, archytas wrote:
>> > Thought experiments are devices of the imagination used to investigate
>> > the nature of things. Thought experimenting often takes place when the
>> > method of variation is employed in entertaining imaginative
>> > suppositions. They are used for diverse reasons in a variety of areas,
>> > including economics, history, mathematics, philosophy, and physics.
>> > Most often thought experiments are communicated in narrative form,
>> > sometimes through media like a diagram. Thought experiments should be
>> > distinguished from thinking about experiments, from merely imagining
>> > any experiments to be conducted outside the imagination, and from
>> > psychological experiments with thoughts. They should also be
>> > distinguished from counterfactual reasoning in general, as they seem
>> > to require an experimental element.
>> >
>> > One I like is the notion of robot heaven. It's easy enough to imagine
>> > a time when machines grow our food, build our shelter and do our
>> > work. The interesting stuff comes in thinking what this would mean
>> > for wealth distribution and the nature of society. What work would be
>> > left to do? One can also wonder what place any of our work ethics
>> > would have in such a society. There may be some deconstructive effect
>> > on just what current work ideologies are in place for.
>> > One of the great improvements technology brought to my life is more or
>> > less never having to go into a bank. The only real innovations in
>> > banking are the ATM and electronic banking. This kind of technology
>> > and similar in agriculture and industry fundamentally reduce the
>> > amount of human effort to grow and make what we need. We are in
>> > partial state of robot heaven.
>> > Our ideologies are not up to speed. Real unemployment is massive and
>> > education does little to provide job skills. We are sold life-styles
>> > and products by insane advertising. Job creation seems to be in
>> > perverse areas like financial services or bringing back attended gas-
>> > pumps. With more efficient production we should be able to afford a
>> > bigger social sector and I can't for the life of me understand why we
>> > allow competition through crap wages and conditions.
>> > A great deal of what we pay for could be available more or less free.
>> > Educational content and utility banking are examples - these are areas
>> > that could be ratinalised like agriculture and manufacturing.
>> > Millions of jobs would go. We should be asking why jobs are so
>> > central to out thinking on wealth distribution and how we might
>> > encourage work without the rat race.
> --

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

I am a Natural Airgunner -

Full of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly.


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