
Mind's Eye Re: A Book At Xmas or two

A free paper with the ideas is at http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication%20Files/11-064.pdf
I was interested because I find professional ethics and religious
morality collapse under circumstances of self-interest and become
rationalisation. WE need creative solutions - but there is a dark
side to creativity.

On 24 Dec, 22:03, archytas <nwte...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  "The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone —
> Especially Ourselves" by Dan Ariely asks a seemingly simple question —
> "is dishonesty largely restricted to a few bad apples, or is it a more
> widespread problem?" — and goes on to reveal the surprising,
> illuminating, often unsettling truths that underpin the uncomfortable
> answer. Like cruelty, dishonesty turns out to be a remarkably
> prevalent phenomenon better explained by circumstances and cognitive
> processes than by concepts like character.
> Work like this is challenging traditional economics - the genre is
> 'behavioural economics'.  My own take on this book and a lot of work
> from brain science and history is that we are at a tipping point in
> respect of the possibility of a human science.  I'd like to see a
> broader literature take up this challenge beyond current drivel on
> black and white hats.
> So what are you guys reading?


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