Re: Mind's Eye Re: Intelligent Design

That is not what you said,, you said god is Nature and nature is a
know form and shape (s) .. the argument you are using a definition
god is nature is one of atheism uses to prove their is no god..

You are right I have known that for a long time you always come back
to the same point ,, again and again you have no freedom to learn and
what is more important is grow in spirituality..but that is what
happens when you beliefs that don't allow one iota of freedom. you
act as if you have all the freedom of the universe,, but you always
come back to the same point you have not one iota of freedom. in
other words you have no real beliefs just hand me down dogma and
doctrine which you dare not stray from.. that is okay souther baptist
are the same way.. no big deal salvation is based how you live your
life or let me see dharma

You have no idea of what my relationship is with my God because it is
not your god and you do not to understand nor do you want to
understand the beliefs of others..

You really are funny as you have no idea of your place on the great
mandala. much less mine. It is not my place to judge. RP you have no
real idea of what spirituality is.. there is a big difference between
me and you .. I am willing to learn

On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 1:24 PM, RP Singh <> wrote:
> An atheist is a person who does not believe in God , whereas , Allan,
> to me God is more powerful than He is to you. My God is omnipotent and
> does not allow even an iota of freedom , whereas you are forever free
> to do as you wish and god like your father only scolds you and is
> before your eyes to hear and see. To me God is formless and
> unattainable , whereas you are always seeing Him and attain to Him
> when you reach that stage in your mandala.
> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Allan H <> wrote:
>> You are funny RP the argument is simple you are an devote atheist
>> and before your statement is the exact argument that has been used
>> for generations of atheists... Why would I search for deeper meaning
>> in statements of what I consider foolishness.. for your reading
>> information what you are trying to say is involved in
>> transcendentalism.. that can go in many directions and in itself is
>> interesting.
>> You RP are the perfect Atheist by definition what is funnier you
>> don't know it.. lol
>> Allan
>> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 12:03 PM, RP Singh <> wrote:
>>> I don't understand your argument , but one thing is sure that I have
>>> never claimed to have had visions. I have always believed in an undual
>>> God , Nature or Atman which by my definition transcends awareness or
>>> to be blunt is unconscious. I know you have never read my posts
>>> carefully and thus your confusion regarding my statements and beliefs.
>>> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Allan H <> wrote:
>>>> Sorry RP heard that discussion before over a coffee table in Florida
>>>> some `25 years ago and the person laying forth the argument is a
>>>> devote atheist argument and not new. simple one way to explain on
>>>> going life and expanding knowledge,, one used by atheist..
>>>> Now you are claiming that atheist believe in God.. verry confusing..
>>>> Allan
>>>> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 9:36 AM, RP Singh <> wrote:
>>>>> Allan , an atheist is a person who doesn't believe in intelligent
>>>>> design. God and Nature are one and the same. Merry Christmas to you !
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Allan H <> wrote:
>>>>>> you are a very confusing person RP moment you claim to be
>>>>>> enlightened with visions and deep spiritual convictions and here you
>>>>>> are desperately trying to prove you are an atheist,, and atheism is
>>>>>> acceptable .. or are you just a confused puppy not knowing where to
>>>>>> turn?
>>>>>> Have a good holiday
>>>>>> Allan
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 8:29 AM, RP Singh <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Instead of believing in an Intelligent designer if we believe that
>>>>>>> Nature itself is inherently intelligent and things move on with an
>>>>>>> intelligent purpose , which though not easily recognizable as such, is
>>>>>>> in any case true may well be within your belief system , Neil. In
>>>>>>> spite of mayhem caused by natural disasters life still moves on and
>>>>>>> the fact that Nature will one day destroy all life and the universe
>>>>>>> doesn't negate its intelligence. Growth doesn't move forward
>>>>>>> continuously but after a certain stage decay starts creeping in.
>>>>>>> Everything is born , grows , and dies and this is true for all
>>>>>>> manifestations of Nature and doesn't negate its intelligent design.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 1:57 AM, archytas <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I tend to agree RP, though I don't stretch to an intelligent designer
>>>>>>>> other than as a possibility. We might be approaching a tipping point
>>>>>>>> on the reason for existence.
>>>>>>>> On 24 Dec, 18:29, RP Singh <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The systematic way in which this body is formed and works shows that there
>>>>>>>>> is Intelligence in Nature and we won't be far wrong if we call it
>>>>>>>>> Intelligent design. That which appears to be random choice is actually a
>>>>>>>>> high level of Intelligence.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> (
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> |_D Allan
>>>>>> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
>>>>>> Of course I talk to myself,
>>>>>> Sometimes I need expert advice..
>>>>>> --
>>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> (
>>>> )
>>>> |_D Allan
>>>> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
>>>> Of course I talk to myself,
>>>> Sometimes I need expert advice..
>>>> --
>>> --
>> --
>> (
>> )
>> |_D Allan
>> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
>> Of course I talk to myself,
>> Sometimes I need expert advice..
>> --
> --

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..


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