Re: Mind's Eye Re: Motive

Does it matter if we are free..or if we are not... philosophically i mean... i think its significant the level of importance we are willing to allow to the unconscious affecting the conscious... things affect people differently... so isnt it kinda predetermined..the effect some externality will have on someone... like saying i wish i was like so and so... then you wouldn't be would be that person... theres no point made here cos im just thinking out text.. ;)  ...

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 3:42 PM, andrew vecsey <> wrote:
If it was all so simple, my attempts to simplify everything would not be so much fun. Man is a very complex being made up of both conscious and unconscious aspects that give him both freedoms and limitations.  That is the reason we should try to avoid judging other people. Our unconscious intuitions come from external sources, but we are free to listen and obey them and free to refuse to believe them. Our freedom lies in choosing the many choices we are continuously confronted with. And we decide using our free will - our desire. You can`t always get what you want, but in the end you will always get what you need. Psychologists are scientists and what scientists say should be taken with a grain of salt.  Like all of us, they are free to beleive anything they want to believe. And like all of us, they are free to change their mind when ever they want to.

On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 6:31:28 PM UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
Psychologists say that a person's conscious motives are not the real determinants of behavior but one's real motives lie in the unconscious and one is not aware of them. A person who is obsessed with cleanliness is ostensibly a very clean person but in reality he has strong instinctive sex drive which get repressed as he cannot accept them.
The question is that are we to judge ourselves or judged by others for our behavior by the conscious motives or the repressed unconscious motives ? Clearly we cannot be judged for factors of which we are not even aware even though they are the real determinants of our actions.
The question now arises of our will , is our will free ? Consciously we are free , we think and act as we want , we can open or close our hand freely. So , we have freedom of choice , and if our will is bound by unconscious determinants we cannot be held accountable for them. If unconsciously we are selfish and consciously generous , it is our generosity for which we can be judged and not the unconscious motive. So , the phantom of Bondage evaporates into thin air !




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