
Re: Mind's Eye rainbow

The rainbow is typically taken as a proof of the reflection of strangeness lying only in the eye of the spectator. Not?


Am 31.07.2013 um 19:48 schrieb Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com>:

was not alone in seeing the strange effects  you can ask my wife she experienced it also..

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
Something occurred a while back and I am wonder the thoughts of others in the group involving this particular rainbow

My wife and I were driving across the ijsselmeer  that is the big body of water in the Netherlands in the Amsterdam area In the center of it is a very long bridge heading in the direction of Amsterdam ..

It had been raining and there was a rainbow in the middle of the bridge we were joking about the pot of gold that is lies at the end of the rainbow..   It was a very strong and beautiful rainbow as we drove toward it , the rainbow remained in the center of the bridge..  all at once we were surrounded by the sparkling colors of the rainbow..  we were in the very end..  totally sparkly and strange


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Mind's Eye energy

Was watching a TV commercial regarding fuel and all the yada involving fuel recovery and conservation,,  which is a bunch of crap..  what was pf interest was their selling the idea that ethanol will be able to replace the gas or fuel needs of the world when the natural fuels run out..

At the present rate of consumption  the next two centuries will pretty much deplete most of the reserves..  how long I do not know but much faster than it took to create it.

What i hear is a company selling the concept that ethanol production will become enough to replace natural fuels..  personally I do not think so..  when it is totally gone there will be barely enough for emergency vehicles   and it will become extremely expensive and rationed to the point one might be able to get a couple of liters a month.

Ethanol production will be limited..  maybe that will be a good thing as it might put an end to the massive war machines and armies that exist today..  it seems to be a comforting lie rather than a solution to the looming fuel crisis and a way to let the extreme greed run as long as possible..

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Re: Mind's Eye rainbow

was not alone in seeing the strange effects  you can ask my wife she experienced it also..

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
Something occurred a while back and I am wonder the thoughts of others in the group involving this particular rainbow

My wife and I were driving across the ijsselmeer  that is the big body of water in the Netherlands in the Amsterdam area In the center of it is a very long bridge heading in the direction of Amsterdam ..

It had been raining and there was a rainbow in the middle of the bridge we were joking about the pot of gold that is lies at the end of the rainbow..   It was a very strong and beautiful rainbow as we drove toward it , the rainbow remained in the center of the bridge..  all at once we were surrounded by the sparkling colors of the rainbow..  we were in the very end..  totally sparkly and strange


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Mind's Eye rainbow

Something occurred a while back and I am wonder the thoughts of others in the group involving this particular rainbow

My wife and I were driving across the ijsselmeer  that is the big body of water in the Netherlands in the Amsterdam area In the center of it is a very long bridge heading in the direction of Amsterdam ..

It had been raining and there was a rainbow in the middle of the bridge we were joking about the pot of gold that is lies at the end of the rainbow..   It was a very strong and beautiful rainbow as we drove toward it , the rainbow remained in the center of the bridge..  all at once we were surrounded by the sparkling colors of the rainbow..  we were in the very end..  totally sparkly and strange


|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

by golly I think you have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matrix  **  th3 beginning light

On Jul 29, 2013 10:29 AM, "gabbydott" <gabbydott@gmail.com> wrote:
Na, James, that's not how you get the v8 stamp! You might as well be a v73 trying to catch the short cut to the v83 by calculating your way there and employing v33s to make you look grander. - But yes, the qualities associated with "falling" are indeed misleading. 

2013/7/28 James <ashkashal@gmail.com>
I don't really know what 3 and 7 refer to but if I may conjure a fiction, assuming v7 beings were advanced to a point where they needed to advance but just couldn't break a barrier but only proceed in creating further redundancy then starting again may be the only way to break out of that sphere. Or rather it would seem that way to a v3 being, relinquishing the concomitant sense of mastery within a prior domain. Both directions could be a natural and necessary progression assuming 5+2+1=3 on that route. BTW, could someone fill me in so I'm not just making this up (not that I am entirely ;-) )?

On 7/27/2013 5:20 PM, Molly wrote:
Don't get it.  RP said exactly the same thing in this conversation above.  Why would Michael King just copy and paste?

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:34:26 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:

    So how do we de-dumb then?  Welcome too.

    On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:31:43 PM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:

        On Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
        > People have been searching for meaning in life through the
        ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source
        of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and
        Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well
        as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open
        to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it
        and am not the least bothered!

        The meaning to life is to spiritually evolve, from the
        dumbed-down version 3 they are now to the version 7 they were
        before the fall into the lower vibrations.Don't get it.  Th


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Na, James, that's not how you get the v8 stamp! You might as well be a v73 trying to catch the short cut to the v83 by calculating your way there and employing v33s to make you look grander. - But yes, the qualities associated with "falling" are indeed misleading. 

2013/7/28 James <ashkashal@gmail.com>
I don't really know what 3 and 7 refer to but if I may conjure a fiction, assuming v7 beings were advanced to a point where they needed to advance but just couldn't break a barrier but only proceed in creating further redundancy then starting again may be the only way to break out of that sphere. Or rather it would seem that way to a v3 being, relinquishing the concomitant sense of mastery within a prior domain. Both directions could be a natural and necessary progression assuming 5+2+1=3 on that route. BTW, could someone fill me in so I'm not just making this up (not that I am entirely ;-) )?

On 7/27/2013 5:20 PM, Molly wrote:
Don't get it.  RP said exactly the same thing in this conversation above.  Why would Michael King just copy and paste?

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:34:26 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:

    So how do we de-dumb then?  Welcome too.

    On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:31:43 PM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:

        On Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
        > People have been searching for meaning in life through the
        ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source
        of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and
        Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well
        as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open
        to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it
        and am not the least bothered!

        The meaning to life is to spiritually evolve, from the
        dumbed-down version 3 they are now to the version 7 they were
        before the fall into the lower vibrations.Don't get it.  Th


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Personally I think it is used to try and exclude people and try and make the person sound more knowledgeable than they really are..  I quit worrying about those type  of people a long time ago because they can n0t expalin them selves in real words..  or so it seems

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 3:58 AM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
That is okay Gabby  I like you anyway

On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Gabby Thiede <gabbydott@gmail.com> wrote:
Excuse my unruly behavior. I am not amused by the gabby show either. Seriously.


Am 27.07.2013 um 00:44 schrieb archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>:

Or not as the case may be Gabby.  I lost the plot that makes sense in.

On Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:23:57 UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
Right, at first I read/searched meaning along the lines of "clog/clock in the machinery", but then this would not fit with RP.

I believe the queue to the future should not be jumped, rather the ability to anticipate a future/a past should be used to "be present". A God represents these our linking abilities quite nicely, I find.

2013/7/25 archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

That is okay Gabby  I like you anyway

On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Gabby Thiede <gabbydott@gmail.com> wrote:
Excuse my unruly behavior. I am not amused by the gabby show either. Seriously.


Am 27.07.2013 um 00:44 schrieb archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>:

Or not as the case may be Gabby.  I lost the plot that makes sense in.

On Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:23:57 UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
Right, at first I read/searched meaning along the lines of "clog/clock in the machinery", but then this would not fit with RP.

I believe the queue to the future should not be jumped, rather the ability to anticipate a future/a past should be used to "be present". A God represents these our linking abilities quite nicely, I find.

2013/7/25 archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

I don't really know what 3 and 7 refer to but if I may conjure a
fiction, assuming v7 beings were advanced to a point where they needed
to advance but just couldn't break a barrier but only proceed in
creating further redundancy then starting again may be the only way to
break out of that sphere. Or rather it would seem that way to a v3
being, relinquishing the concomitant sense of mastery within a prior
domain. Both directions could be a natural and necessary progression
assuming 5+2+1=3 on that route. BTW, could someone fill me in so I'm not
just making this up (not that I am entirely ;-) )?

On 7/27/2013 5:20 PM, Molly wrote:
> Don't get it. RP said exactly the same thing in this conversation
> above. Why would Michael King just copy and paste?
> On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:34:26 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
> So how do we de-dumb then? Welcome too.
> On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:31:43 PM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:
> On Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
> > People have been searching for meaning in life through the
> ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source
> of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and
> Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well
> as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open
> to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it
> and am not the least bothered!
> The meaning to life is to spiritually evolve, from the
> dumbed-down version 3 they are now to the version 7 they were
> before the fall into the lower vibrations.Don't get it. Th
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Don't get it.  RP said exactly the same thing in this conversation above.  Why would Michael King just copy and paste?

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:34:26 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
So how do we de-dumb then?  Welcome too.

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:31:43 PM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:
On Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
> People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

The meaning to life is to spiritually evolve, from the dumbed-down version 3 they are now to the version 7 they were before the fall into the lower vibrations.Don't get it.  Th

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Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

So how do we de-dumb then?  Welcome too.

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 4:31:43 PM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:
On Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
> People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

The meaning to life is to spiritually evolve, from the dumbed-down version 3 they are now to the version 7 they were before the fall into the lower vibrations.

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

we all have those days.

On Saturday, July 27, 2013 9:23:16 AM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
Excuse my unruly behavior. I am not amused by the gabby show either. Seriously.


Am 27.07.2013 um 00:44 schrieb archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>:

Or not as the case may be Gabby.  I lost the plot that makes sense in.

On Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:23:57 UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
Right, at first I read/searched meaning along the lines of "clog/clock in the machinery", but then this would not fit with RP.

I believe the queue to the future should not be jumped, rather the ability to anticipate a future/a past should be used to "be present". A God represents these our linking abilities quite nicely, I find.

2013/7/25 archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

On Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
> People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

The meaning to life is to spiritually evolve, from the dumbed-down version 3 they are now to the version 7 they were before the fall into the lower vibrations.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Excuse my unruly behavior. I am not amused by the gabby show either. Seriously.


Am 27.07.2013 um 00:44 schrieb archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>:

Or not as the case may be Gabby.  I lost the plot that makes sense in.

On Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:23:57 UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
Right, at first I read/searched meaning along the lines of "clog/clock in the machinery", but then this would not fit with RP.

I believe the queue to the future should not be jumped, rather the ability to anticipate a future/a past should be used to "be present". A God represents these our linking abilities quite nicely, I find.

2013/7/25 archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Or not as the case may be Gabby.  I lost the plot that makes sense in.

On Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:23:57 UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
Right, at first I read/searched meaning along the lines of "clog/clock in the machinery", but then this would not fit with RP.

I believe the queue to the future should not be jumped, rather the ability to anticipate a future/a past should be used to "be present". A God represents these our linking abilities quite nicely, I find.

2013/7/25 archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Right, at first I read/searched meaning along the lines of "clog/clock in the machinery", but then this would not fit with RP.

I believe the queue to the future should not be jumped, rather the ability to anticipate a future/a past should be used to "be present". A God represents these our linking abilities quite nicely, I find.

2013/7/25 archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Or possibly not RP.  The problem with such statements is we can come up with the opposite.  In the sense that we can see the future in history one can see our first pack leaving the trees without any clue the future would be very different.  Most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to imagining but we should be able to understand that conditions in the future make what we think now pretty small.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Every chance incident is an essential cog in the machinery of the universe and is necessary for the evolutionary process.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 9:12 AM, archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't run to religion much on meaning.  I probably believe we approach a singularity beyond which non-trivial meaning may be possible.  Biologically, it looks as though we have capacity to see and shape the future - imagination and memory come from some kind of mixed source.  I think we are closer to robot heaven than we think - and life beyond the kind of control frauds of religion, economics and libidinal drives.  I associate meaning with a freedom t come.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

I don't run to religion much on meaning.  I probably believe we approach a singularity beyond which non-trivial meaning may be possible.  Biologically, it looks as though we have capacity to see and shape the future - imagination and memory come from some kind of mixed source.  I think we are closer to robot heaven than we think - and life beyond the kind of control frauds of religion, economics and libidinal drives.  I associate meaning with a freedom t come.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Pantheism is really kind of amazing..  reading about it the concept has many roots some of which date back into the ancient Indian in origin. there is evolution from other origins..  Oddly my own evolution in not from reading but directly from personal experience not from studies or reading..  People told me that is what i was believed in Pantheism. and for the most part it is true..

I have said in the past that there are not really any new ideas..  and to gain   (or regain knowledge) on crosses the  time/space barrier returning with knowledge (I believe this is called transcendentalism)  My personal spiritual experiences tell me that "God" is real  and he is within and without, the universe is made up of God's being and God goes far beyond this universe.

How can an idea and concept that keeps showing up again and again be condemn as a heresy  or is in reality a God that is separate from the  universe a true heresy?

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 2:05 AM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
James I am amazed at how much i do not  know or understand  ,,sigh but that is understandable considering as my view are very close to pantheism. (expansion and evolution) ..  

I read your link  and am not sure how to respond,,  me I would walk away from that person.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:25 PM, James <ashkashal@gmail.com> wrote:
Happens to me all the time too Allan. I also ran right into pantheism by an offshoot, well my main new discovery was something I haven't read before (which is a nice surprise) called 'neutral monism' that sounded very familiar, as does Taoism, panpsychism, animism and the lot. This eventually (today) lead to something that sounded like a little bit of everyone (recent comments made), mostly a reflective or loose commentary about Animism and Personhood but mostly for 'fun' reading:

The personhood concept is interesting to me, as I haven't had the concept to aid my own experiences, need to reflect on what my mind is doing before becoming attached.

On 7/21/2013 11:02 AM, Allan H wrote:
Strangely I was looking up some odd information..  I was looking  up something because of a news item  and stumbled across pantheism,  in reading it.  I was amazed the parallel of beliefs.. and the evolution of ideas. Things in the world have to change and if they don't they die..  sometime slow painful deaths.. lol  (bad comment deleted)

when some idea disagrees with the RC church is it is a heresy ,, and kill the heretics..  what if in reality they are the heretics ??

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Those would be poignant questions.  I wonder if meaning isn't
    constructed over time.  Here in Detroit, there is more going on
    focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in
    many respects.  What is dying is the old school ethnocentric
    politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more
    world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of
    the old and the birth of the new simultaneously.  Once begun, is
    "old" meaning ever gone?  Or merely integrated into the new?

    On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:

        I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.
         Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are
        interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I
        know what they are.  Even chimpanzees have experimented with
        sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally
        mean the term.  I know how to go about such discoveries and am
        looking for more meaning in understanding evolution.  I've
        studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is
        sound (it's dull).  Mostly, I find human meaning derived from
        inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.
         Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit
        and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally
        directly biological or cultural.  My questions would be about
        invention and imagination that allow new meaning.

        On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:

            People have been searching for meaning in life through the
            ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the
            source of life and the realization of the inexorability of
            Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this
            group as well as anywhere else there are different
            viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind
            criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least

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    Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
    send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

    For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

James I am amazed at how much i do not  know or understand  ,,sigh but that is understandable considering as my view are very close to pantheism. (expansion and evolution) ..  

I read your link  and am not sure how to respond,,  me I would walk away from that person.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:25 PM, James <ashkashal@gmail.com> wrote:
Happens to me all the time too Allan. I also ran right into pantheism by an offshoot, well my main new discovery was something I haven't read before (which is a nice surprise) called 'neutral monism' that sounded very familiar, as does Taoism, panpsychism, animism and the lot. This eventually (today) lead to something that sounded like a little bit of everyone (recent comments made), mostly a reflective or loose commentary about Animism and Personhood but mostly for 'fun' reading:

The personhood concept is interesting to me, as I haven't had the concept to aid my own experiences, need to reflect on what my mind is doing before becoming attached.

On 7/21/2013 11:02 AM, Allan H wrote:
Strangely I was looking up some odd information..  I was looking  up something because of a news item  and stumbled across pantheism,  in reading it.  I was amazed the parallel of beliefs.. and the evolution of ideas. Things in the world have to change and if they don't they die..  sometime slow painful deaths.. lol  (bad comment deleted)

when some idea disagrees with the RC church is it is a heresy ,, and kill the heretics..  what if in reality they are the heretics ??

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Those would be poignant questions.  I wonder if meaning isn't
    constructed over time.  Here in Detroit, there is more going on
    focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in
    many respects.  What is dying is the old school ethnocentric
    politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more
    world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of
    the old and the birth of the new simultaneously.  Once begun, is
    "old" meaning ever gone?  Or merely integrated into the new?

    On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:

        I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.
         Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are
        interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I
        know what they are.  Even chimpanzees have experimented with
        sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally
        mean the term.  I know how to go about such discoveries and am
        looking for more meaning in understanding evolution.  I've
        studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is
        sound (it's dull).  Mostly, I find human meaning derived from
        inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.
         Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit
        and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally
        directly biological or cultural.  My questions would be about
        invention and imagination that allow new meaning.

        On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:

            People have been searching for meaning in life through the
            ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the
            source of life and the realization of the inexorability of
            Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this
            group as well as anywhere else there are different
            viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind
            criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least

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    Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
    send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

    For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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--- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Happens to me all the time too Allan. I also ran right into pantheism by
an offshoot, well my main new discovery was something I haven't read
before (which is a nice surprise) called 'neutral monism' that sounded
very familiar, as does Taoism, panpsychism, animism and the lot. This
eventually (today) lead to something that sounded like a little bit of
everyone (recent comments made), mostly a reflective or loose commentary
about Animism and Personhood but mostly for 'fun' reading:

The personhood concept is interesting to me, as I haven't had the
concept to aid my own experiences, need to reflect on what my mind is
doing before becoming attached.

On 7/21/2013 11:02 AM, Allan H wrote:
> Strangely I was looking up some odd information.. I was looking up
> something because of a news item and stumbled across pantheism, in
> reading it. I was amazed the parallel of beliefs.. and the evolution
> of ideas. Things in the world have to change and if they don't they
> die.. sometime slow painful deaths.. lol (bad comment deleted)
> when some idea disagrees with the RC church is it is a heresy ,, and
> kill the heretics.. what if in reality they are the heretics ??
> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com
> <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Those would be poignant questions. I wonder if meaning isn't
> constructed over time. Here in Detroit, there is more going on
> focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in
> many respects. What is dying is the old school ethnocentric
> politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more
> world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of
> the old and the birth of the new simultaneously. Once begun, is
> "old" meaning ever gone? Or merely integrated into the new?
> On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
> I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.
> Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are
> interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I
> know what they are. Even chimpanzees have experimented with
> sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally
> mean the term. I know how to go about such discoveries and am
> looking for more meaning in understanding evolution. I've
> studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is
> sound (it's dull). Mostly, I find human meaning derived from
> inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.
> Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit
> and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally
> directly biological or cultural. My questions would be about
> invention and imagination that allow new meaning.
> On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
> People have been searching for meaning in life through the
> ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the
> source of life and the realization of the inexorability of
> Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this
> group as well as anywhere else there are different
> viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind
> criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least
> bothered!
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
> send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
> <mailto:minds-eye%2Bunsubscribe@googlegroups.com>.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> (
> )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> Of course I talk to myself,
> Sometimes I need expert advice..
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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> an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Strangely I was looking up some odd information..  I was looking  up something because of a news item  and stumbled across pantheism,  in reading it.  I was amazed the parallel of beliefs.. and the evolution of ideas. Things in the world have to change and if they don't they die..  sometime slow painful deaths.. lol  (bad comment deleted)

when some idea disagrees with the RC church is it is a heresy ,, and kill the heretics..  what if in reality they are the heretics ??

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
Those would be poignant questions.  I wonder if meaning isn't constructed over time.  Here in Detroit, there is more going on focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in many respects.  What is dying is the old school ethnocentric politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of the old and the birth of the new simultaneously.  Once begun, is "old" meaning ever gone?  Or merely integrated into the new?

On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.  Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I know what they are.  Even chimpanzees have experimented with sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally mean the term.  I know how to go about such discoveries and am looking for more meaning in understanding evolution.  I've studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is sound (it's dull).  Mostly, I find human meaning derived from inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.  Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally directly biological or cultural.  My questions would be about invention and imagination that allow new meaning.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

yes yes  been saying i am going to go watch them  considering they are only about 30 km away  I really have no excuse..   bad Allan bad bad bad boy...

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
That said, these days, I find myself having about as much meaning as a strandbeest: http://www.strandbeest.com/ powered by the wind (spirit)

On Sunday, July 21, 2013 8:24:43 AM UTC-4, Molly wrote:
Those would be poignant questions.  I wonder if meaning isn't constructed over time.  Here in Detroit, there is more going on focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in many respects.  What is dying is the old school ethnocentric politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of the old and the birth of the new simultaneously.  Once begun, is "old" meaning ever gone?  Or merely integrated into the new?

On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.  Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I know what they are.  Even chimpanzees have experimented with sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally mean the term.  I know how to go about such discoveries and am looking for more meaning in understanding evolution.  I've studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is sound (it's dull).  Mostly, I find human meaning derived from inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.  Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally directly biological or cultural.  My questions would be about invention and imagination that allow new meaning.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

That said, these days, I find myself having about as much meaning as a strandbeest: http://www.strandbeest.com/ powered by the wind (spirit)

On Sunday, July 21, 2013 8:24:43 AM UTC-4, Molly wrote:
Those would be poignant questions.  I wonder if meaning isn't constructed over time.  Here in Detroit, there is more going on focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in many respects.  What is dying is the old school ethnocentric politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of the old and the birth of the new simultaneously.  Once begun, is "old" meaning ever gone?  Or merely integrated into the new?

On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.  Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I know what they are.  Even chimpanzees have experimented with sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally mean the term.  I know how to go about such discoveries and am looking for more meaning in understanding evolution.  I've studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is sound (it's dull).  Mostly, I find human meaning derived from inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.  Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally directly biological or cultural.  My questions would be about invention and imagination that allow new meaning.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Mind's Eye Re: Search for meaning

Those would be poignant questions.  I wonder if meaning isn't constructed over time.  Here in Detroit, there is more going on focused on invention and imaginative re-birth of a city dying in many respects.  What is dying is the old school ethnocentric politics and economics finally forced out and replaced by a more world-centric core organization that is facilitating the death of the old and the birth of the new simultaneously.  Once begun, is "old" meaning ever gone?  Or merely integrated into the new?

On Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:20:06 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
I operate with and without being attracted to know meaning.  Most stuff is so bland that I don't care and most people are interested in things that are boring beyond measure once I know what they are.  Even chimpanzees have experimented with sex more than humans, though not quite as we might generally mean the term.  I know how to go about such discoveries and am looking for more meaning in understanding evolution.  I've studied economics to assure myself that my rejection of it is sound (it's dull).  Mostly, I find human meaning derived from inadequate knowledge based in language hostile to inquiry.  Most human life is clearly meaningless and to do with habit and a few, often peevish emotions and desires, generally directly biological or cultural.  My questions would be about invention and imagination that allow new meaning.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25:18 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
People have been searching for meaning in life through the ages but there is no consensus. To me understanding the source of life and the realization of the inexorability of Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in this group as well as anywhere else there are different viewpoints and I am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing me folks , I like it and am not the least bothered!

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Re: Mind's Eye Search for meaning

Taking a glance at the variety of cultural symbolism around the
grasshopper I had to laugh at the irony. It recently occurred to me that
I've been oriented toward building bridges and inspiration, possibly
neglecting the roads aspect, then this. Impeccable timing for such an
obscure little thing.

On 7/20/2013 10:48 AM, Allan H wrote:
> grasshopper?? very interesting,, very interesting..
> On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 6:38 AM, James <ashkashal@gmail.com
> <mailto:ashkashal@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Pondering the One messed with my demarcation compass again, I am
> having a hard time finding the exclusive or exception. If I am not
> so different from the amoeba might it be also another degree in
> difference from inanimate matter? From a consequentialist view I
> remembered having a repetitive dream as a child of jumping very
> highly and almost stopping in the air and then the ground rushing
> up, it took me this long to realize that I was a grasshopper.
> Funny consequences.
> Nice to hear you Andrew. :)
> On 7/20/2013 6:30 AM, andrew vecsey wrote:
> I totally agree. The reasons for life is to experience. The
> meaning of life is what we learn from that experience.
> On Thursday, July 18, 2013 11:01:48 PM UTC+2, Allan Heretic wrote:
> the meaning of life is different for every one.. choose
> the path
> you want follow.. and follow it..
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Gabby Thiede
> <gabb...@gmail.com <mailto:gabb...@gmail.com>
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> People have been re/creating meaning through the ages,
> yes.
> And no, you should be bothered if no one is
> criticizing you
> for you'd deprive yourself of your chance of spiritual
> growth.
> Am 18.07.2013 um 19:25 schrieb RP Singh
> <123...@gmail.com <mailto:123...@gmail.com>
> <javascript:>>:
> People have been searching for meaning in life
> through the
> ages but there is no consensus. To me
> understanding the
> source of life and the realization of the
> inexorability of
> Fate and Destiny is meaning enough. I know that in
> this group
> as well as anywhere else there are different
> viewpoints and I
> am open to them all , and don't mind criticizing
> me folks , I
> like it and am not the least bothered! --
> ---
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> -- (
> )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> Of course I talk to myself,
> Sometimes I need expert advice..
> --
> ---
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> --
> (
> )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> Of course I talk to myself,
> Sometimes I need expert advice..
> --
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