Mind's Eye Re: Voting with your wallet

I haven't owned an American car for over 17 years. A personal protest against government subsidies propping up failed business models. My next car may be a Ford since they didn't need a bailout. i like the Taures. I shop at Sam's to not only save but to support a capitalist business model. 

That said I still drink Coke products in spite of an objection to their 'support global warming alarmists' comercials with the polar bears and such a few years ago. My boycott lasted less then a week. Some addictions are too tough to break. 


On Sunday, September 15, 2013 9:52:55 AM UTC-5, andrew vecsey wrote:
Switzerland has a direct form of democracy that allows initiatives and referendums to overturn, change and initiate its laws. For the countries that do not give their citizens a direct form of democracy, the people can always vote on certain issues with their wallets. This is done individually by supporting the companies that support your ideas and refuse to buy from companies that oppose your ideas. You can demand from groups that support your ideas to do the research needed to gather the relevant information and lobby the relevant companies. You can vote with your wallet against laws that allow companies to genetically modified products, laws that favor globalization over your local interests, laws that exploit, laws that allow companies to pollute, laws that allow banksters to steal. You vote with your wallet by refusing to do business with such companies. Input and examples from people who vote with their wallets would be helpful.

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