
Re: Mind's Eye Re: death of ME

I've sent a reply to this post but seems it never came or is it being moderated?

Mr. Allan, this group is not going to fade, be assured.
Silence is sometimes good as it heals
( though there has been no butchering here lol ) and also refreshes in
generating new ideas.

Mr. Andrew, I have you in my friend list on facebook. Thanks.

Minds eye will continue, sure it will.

On 10/22/13, andrew vecsey <andrewvecsey@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Allan.
> You can cheer up. Our group will not fade into the foot notes of time I
> don`t think. And if it goes to sleep for a while and we all find ourselves
> in the dark corners of our mind, the group can always be revived. We are
> all archived.... for luck.
> I am sure we are all continuing to think in this golden silence that has
> covered the group. And I am confident that we are checking when ever we can
> for some new topic thrown around that we want to think about and share our
> thoughts.
> If you are sad because of this silence, just go back to the older posts
> anbd revive some of them. There are lots of interesting comments from past
> posts about topics. Some of them end up going off track. Get them back on
> track.
> I see the friendship amongst the membership and I am confident that that
> alone will hold us together.
> Allen, I got an idea. Get sick or even depressed, and share it on line.
> That will get posts rolling.
> On Monday, October 21, 2013 9:35:53 PM UTC+2, Allan Heretic wrote:
>> Is it the desire of the group members of Minds Eye to let the our group
>> fade in to the foot notes of time,, one day wishing it was back?
>> Hiding in the dark corners of the mind?
>> Where can we go to stimulate our minds or is it just to be Black Empty
>> silence??
>> --
>> (
>> )
>> |_D Allan
>> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
>> Of course I talk to myself,
>> Sometimes I need expert advice..
> --
> ---
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