Mind's Eye Re: Proof of the existence of God

Dear Michael.
I do not think "god" can be properly defined. Definition is a scientific exercise that is true for all people. Everyone has their own concept of what "god" is. But there is some commonality to all concepts of "god".
Some are listed below:
The unknowable, non physical laws, creator, everything, the spiritual aspect of humanity, absolute love, life force, guiding power, nature, supernatural, etc...
What I tried to do in this post is to show that there are some events in our physical reality that take much much more time to manifest themselves than the 14 billion years that scientists estimate as the age of our universe. Then I tried to use logic to prove that the only way these events can manifest themselves in such a short time as to contradict the physical laws of statistics is by supernatural causes. I tried to show that these improbable, unlikely and impossible events are actually every day events that are experienced by everyone, like life and personal coincidences. I was hoping that people would share some of their own personal coincidences.  

On Sunday, January 19, 2014 7:27:13 AM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:
Andrew I guess that's when you have to define "God".

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