Re: Mind's Eye Destiny

There are only two things I am absolutely sure of RP
 1: God is real.
 2: the universe is subject to change.

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <>
To: Minds Eye <>
Sent: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Destiny

It is the instinct for survival which makes us confuse between life and the soul. Life is spiritual as it demonstrates Being , a level above matter, but still it exists with the body and vanishes on its death.Our actions are not done by life but by the organism under the control of forces of Nature." Being " is a representation of life and death is its end. But that" Being " from which all emanate is in a constant state of non-duality and does not exist but rather is the very "Existence" itself. That which exists has its root in "Existence".

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:22 AM, Allan H <> wrote:
Personally I think the concept is karma is somewhat misunderstood. I believe everyone is responsible for what they have done and what they have failed to do.. (Borrowed)  this responsibility is what creates karma..  now when a person changes their ways making amends for the harm done,,  then you can outlive your karma.  Which should mean one could correct spiritual karma from an earlier existence..
That is not saying there are several lives.  Because I do not know, I believe that it is this is the only chance we have for our souls to demonstrate their spiritual knowledge. don't screw it up as this life probably is the only chance your soul has,,

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <>
To: Minds Eye <>
Sent: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Destiny

What I mean by luck is that what we are is not because of some past action or karma but our plain luck because God gives us something without any merit on our part as we were not before birth , and so a case of our deserving a particular personality or life  does not arise and it is just God's grace and our Destiny that what we are we are.

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:16 PM, gabbydott <> wrote:
What happened? Where does the Destiny come from? There was no trace of it in your posting 4 years ago:
Please help us to fill the gap.

2014/1/6 RP Singh <>
It is said that man lives out his karma , i.e. he has to bear the fruits of his past actions. This presupposes that man was free to do what he did , there was and is freedom of will. But this is a debatable question and many thinkers believe  and our forays into artificial intelligence suggest that everything happens in its own course and freedom of will is just an illusion. We may say that man does not live out his karma , rather he plays out his Destiny.

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