Re: Mind's Eye The evolution of banks

De rien. Always there to entertain you.

2014/1/4 Allan H <>
What filters do you suggest that I use..  I am not a fan of creative accounting..  some proven ideas are worth hanging onto ,,,  in reality my morality is not very flexible nor creative and I have know that for years,  I do listen to what people have to say and you can try and convince me of almost anything ,,  now changing my moral view is a extremely long slow and laborious process..  My spiritual life raft has evolved over many years and It takes a lot to convince me something is better.
I agree there are a lot of views on morality and discussion can lead  to better understanding, I am a great believer in a firm foundation or the how and why,  yes that tends to make things ridged and I consider my sou to be of great value to me if no one else. If my soul is your ghost at least I hope it provides a clear point of reference.

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

-----Original Message-----
From: gabbydott <>
To: minds-eye <>
Sent: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye The evolution of banks

Okay, we really have all understood why you dislike the Bitcoin people. And now you want to turn your failure of making a profit without risking something into a moral dilemma of general concern. Hm. I'll up the ante and say maybe it was Andrew's intention to see how much of your morals shape the future of what we call evolution. And as long as all we see is the desire to control based on proven mechanisms, we see why you cling to the belief of your soul being tested. The evolution of double twisted double moral standard in dialectic entanglement. Your win is my loss. Your soul is my ghost, so to speak. - Have you ever tried to view Andrew through different filters, Allan?

2014/1/4 Allan H <>
Banking is already being centralized. Here in Holland there a banking product called iDeal ..  fascinating product  and example I have a paid up mastercard that I use for internet transactions..  Allows me to have a little money when I need it for some program related to android system..  small amounts.. to put money on my credit card  i go to the credit card web site  click upload money,  because I have used iDeal in the past it takes me there I enter the amount I want to transfer and then my banks name results are that I am provided a series of numbers (algorythem generated) I put my bank card in my e-identifier enter may pass word so the machine knows it is me and not some their that stole my card.   I enter the number sequence I was given ,, the e-identifier generates a different set of numbers that I enter at the website ,, if I entered the correct number (to error is human) moments late I am told thank you the transaction is complete.
At that point I look at my card balance and the funds are totally available for use. This is  process takes less than three minutes total..  the company issuing the credit card is in England.. As I look at it the banking situation the banks at east here in Europe are all linked via computer and an interbank net. Actually the same is true in the US also..  Effectively we already have centralized banking, this banking system is regulated by different governments that over see the banks..  by mutual agreement funds are transferred between each other.
If we look at bitcoin..  when I tried to create a wallet,, I was denied access I did not have enough of whatever. It was also tied to the US Dollar.  meaning what ever the US Dollar was valued at on the world market that was to be the value of the bitcoin.. for me translated I could create a silver chain for around $100.oo or 100 bitcoin .  I would cover my cost and make a small profit. at the time there was no way to retrieve it US dollars, but that did not matter,, as other merchants came on line I could spend my bitcoin currency.  Potentially it would have been fun as I was not depended on the money to live,  I can afford to replace my silver and postage out of pocket  and see how it developed.

What has evolved with bitcoin is an electronic currency that is out of control and tied to nothing of value and backed by nothing except people saying this is what it is worth..(there are cost involved in electronic banking  and someone will have to be paying the freight,) Government including large ones have banned transactions of bitcoin on all levels. The basic idea is good,,,  a bitcoin by it design is still only worth one dollar  not what someone with more cash than brains (drug cartels) want you to believe it is worth.

International banking is here to stay..  the real question is how do we control the morality of those running the banks?

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

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