Re: Mind's Eye The evolution of banks

You are reading the wrong books, Allan.

Am 04.01.2014 23:27 schrieb "" <>:
Hmm the secret is brought to light.  (",)

(   Matrix -- Soul controls body
 )              --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H

----- Reply message -----
From: "Gabby Thiede" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Mind's Eye The evolution of banks
Date: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 11:18 PM

I am sorry, Andrew. When I bore myself I start making things up. Sorry again.


Am 04.01.2014 um 19:51 schrieb andrew vecsey <>:

On Saturday, January 4, 2014 3:01:44 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
...... maybe it was Andrew's intention to see how much of your morals shape the future of what we call evolution.

Allan wrote:
International banking is here to stay..  the real question is how do we control the morality of those running the banks?

Nice to hear from you Gabby. My only intention was to start a discussion on how banks will evolve in the future considering how they have evolved in the past. ie. from helping the poor... to helping the rich ..... to just helping themselves.
My only interest in Bitcoin or other  decentralized digital currencies is their potential to offer an alternative to the banks for poor people like me. The others can keep their banks if they want or need. Up to now, before the Bitcoin protocol, there was no alternative possible. The genius of combining the newly available knowledge like cryptology and new technologies like computers and the internet, offers for the first time a workable alternative. I am sure that banks will continue to exist and will cater to people who can not or do not want to be without them. For me, I hope one day that I will not have to rely on banks as much as I have to rely on them now. That is why I support Bitcoin and hope that it succeeds.
And now for Allan`s question. How can we control the morality of banksters?
Is it possible to control morality? Is it moral to try to control morality? As far as I am concerned, I try to just not play along with people I consider immoral.   That is the main reason why I support and hope Bitcoin that I can minimize my reliance on banks.

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