You can complain about the banking and monetary systems all you want. They do have problems but at least they can be regulated and some what controlled. There as a lot lends uncontrolled electronic currencies have some hidden problems.
Bitcoin can only create small amounts of currency at a time in the realm of 1 or 2 in a day. Not worth the effort as it requires he full effort of a PC for a day or two not worth the effort.. oops I forgot the value went from a dollar to $1,000.-- .. let me see I can buy a laptop able to do the counterfeiting job for €600 or so and it will create me a new legal Bitcoin in a day.
Translated:-) f I was so inclined with 10 laptops I can create $10,000.-- per day. Or an equivalent vale of over 35 million dollars per year.. not bad pocket change for creating a electronic money sequence. A thrives paradise.. yes? No?
( Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
) ~~ Do No Harm
[_D ~ Allan H
-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <>
Sent: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money
Bitcoin can only create small amounts of currency at a time in the realm of 1 or 2 in a day. Not worth the effort as it requires he full effort of a PC for a day or two not worth the effort.. oops I forgot the value went from a dollar to $1,000.-- .. let me see I can buy a laptop able to do the counterfeiting job for €600 or so and it will create me a new legal Bitcoin in a day.
Translated:-) f I was so inclined with 10 laptops I can create $10,000.-- per day. Or an equivalent vale of over 35 million dollars per year.. not bad pocket change for creating a electronic money sequence. A thrives paradise.. yes? No?
( Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
) ~~ Do No Harm
[_D ~ Allan H
-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <>
Sent: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
—Henry Ford
—Henry Ford
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