Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

oohh like that..  my shopping list being safe it is on my phone and makes sure I buy what I need and tends to prevent me from impulse buying.  (",)

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Molly <> wrote:
I read somewhere recently that innocence is simply not bringing complex emotional memory or future projection into the moment.  My guess is your shopping list falls outside and can remain innocent, Allan.

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:54:27 AM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I use a shopping list does that count keeps me from having think about what I need.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

Gabby always brings out the worst in me in terms of feeling like getting my own back.  This is strangely the feeling memos generally inspire in me too!  The difference is I ignore memos until they go away.  I would have a planet without memos, though would design a few more Gabbies into this one given such power.  I made enquiries to effect such a plan but was told the mould had been broken.  There are things to cherish in uniqueness rather than ubiquity.

I can barely cope with how dumb I was yesterday and so am thankful for my memo destruction campaign!  I'd keep any from Allan, but he's too smart to send any.

Memo to all:
There are 83 crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.  Are we missing an opportunity to use Gabby's brain?  It's as crypto as any I have encountered ...

More seriously Gabby, I once thought economics made sense or would if I worked hard enough to understand it.  Now I have a more 'Fahrenheit 451' feeling about the subject and am less sure book-burning is a bad thing.  Watching a recent series on teacher training in tough schools I would once have detested the kids and their teacher-mining.  Now I wonder why we inflict academic learning only a few of us are good at on the majority who are not.  Over the years you have played some part in my 'conversion', often prodding me to recognise difference.  Good luck re-reading your past.  Perhaps, as Bishop Usher once had it. the past started yesterday, complete with fossil record and memories.  I once had a boss who sent memos to the past.  Horrible woman who never admitted any flaws.  The correct interpretation of a past memo may not be the point as imagination rather requires mistakes to change the future.

On Friday, 24 January 2014 02:58:58 UTC, Ash wrote:
But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as such?
I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own contrasts. IMO to
whatever degree you have it undoubtedly contributes something of value,
though you do have better linguistic footing than me and obvious
leanings into discourse analysis (my lady just finished that class).

In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through old
things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen, and slow
time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with that. :D

On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <
> <>>:
>     I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
>     Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to
>     laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.
>     On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
>         I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two
>         years ago:
>         /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
>         about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
>         This may sound awful in English, its original German version
>         sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I
>         thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of
>         someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might
>         have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you,
>         have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
>     --
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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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