Mind's Eye re: The power of music

Excellent!! :)

------Original message------
From: andrew vecsey <andrewvecsey@gmail.com>
To: <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Cc: "Allan H" <allanh1946@gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014 10:54:45 PM GMT-0800
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: The power of music

On Saturday, February 8, 2014 11:42:28 PM UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:
> Google
> To whom it concerns:
> This is written to Google headquarters instead of google nl. ....... That
> should be understandable as I do like bullies in any form. Google nl falls
> well within that catagory.

Allan. Either you have missed your medication, or you have taken a bit too
much of it. Please take care of yourself and try to stay focused and on
topic. This topic is to discuss why vastly different types of music either
has a strong attraction or a strong repulsion, depending on which soul it
happens to touch. Come to think of it, "people" have the same effect on
people like music does. Do souls have a kind of resonance? Sometimes I find
that music (and people) who turn me off and disgust me in the beginning
have the opposite effect on me after a time. That sounds hopeful and


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