Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

It would have been better to ask how you view nominalisation, than
teasing for details. I took the meaning to be the inevitable progression
to rejecting universals by becoming acquainted with the rules and
through experience learning to reject most of it as over simplification.
How far one could take that I think is a matter of appetite and
endurance, for better of worse, and reasons vary. In part I disagree
with the notion that the words we use are purely abstractions or can be
ideal representations of cognitive content, but that they can convey and
influence an amazing amount and types of content and experience when
skill and attention is applied. As a joke I told someone that writers
learn to imitate behavior to such a degree that gradually no memory or
sign of it remains.

The contrasts were my personal twist, but 'different' can be challenging
enough to ponder whether one could 'should think' thusly after all. I am
mixed on the matter, there are times of brilliance but also times that
it seems a curse.

On 2/11/2014 8:29 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> Simplified in the sense of "intuitive" is how I understand Andrew.
> Fine. What I often find lacking is simple common sense. Because of
> personal twists blown out of proportion and put into bright spotlight.
> To serve a specific purpose of those in control of the light switch.
> Intuitively. Figuratively speaking. Worth giving a second thought, I find.
> Which is what I did with your question, that is not really a question.
> I mean, one cannot should think. Me thinketh, yes. Whether I like
> what I see is out of my control, all I can do to have some sort of
> manageable access to it is to accept it. Whether and how I speak out
> my thoughts, live out my thoughts, deal with my thoughts, is another
> question, not necessarily a contrasting one.
> I'm okay with what you are saying.
> 2014-01-24 3:58 GMT+01:00 James <
> <>>:
> But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as
> such? I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own
> contrasts. IMO to whatever degree you have it undoubtedly
> contributes something of value, though you do have better
> linguistic footing than me and obvious leanings into discourse
> analysis (my lady just finished that class).
> In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through
> old things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen,
> and slow time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with
> that. :D
> On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey"
> < <>
> < <>>>:
> I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
> Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be
> able to
> laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so
> very well.
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
> I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one
> or two
> years ago:
> /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
> about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
> This may sound awful in English, its original German
> version
> sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it
> and I
> thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a
> parody of
> someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that
> I might
> have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking
> you,
> have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
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