Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:36:49 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:

Thanks for asking. I should have said that I understand Andrew's Simplified works as works on the intuitive. A fine thing. Sorry, Andrew, I should have been more specific.

Am 11.02.2014 18:40 schrieb "Allan H" <>:
Gabby could you expand on your sense of intuitive in regards to Andrew?

What a nice complement, Gabby. I find intuition is like the least complicated form of thinking. It is like thinking with the heart. For most, thinking is a complicated process covered by complicated words and reasons and arguments. When we listen to only our feelings, we are in a sense reduced to our pure essence, naked to the bare bones. It is like being in a group called "Hearts Eye" instead of "Minds Eye". To the majority, who are so tuned to their minds and reason, this seems to be just a "simplification".  By "simplifying"  things, I try to reduce them to their bare bone essence to get at certain hidden truths. That is why many times, they seem more funny than serious. I find as well that when I try to simplify things that way, my hands do more thinking than my head and ideas come to me as I write without having to "think" about them. It may be something like when Allan once mentioned how he better understands his ideas just by writing his argumentation out to share them with us. That is also one reason why i appreciate this group and I enjoy so much being a part of it.

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