Mind's Eye Logic chopsticks on the cracker-barrel flute

I like the title.  Now to lose meaning altogether.  Around a number of blogs you can get Descartes, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Kant, Hegel, deconstruction and the Greeks. This is all chopsticks.  Plato rattled on virtue ethics via made up conversations with his protagonist Socrates who hung about the noble class 'talking' to pretty boys where women gathered to play the flute.  Gymnastics were done in the nude.  For all the virtue talk this was a slave economy.  The Stoics noticed it shouldn't be.  Philosophers in a long line recognised public opinion was cracker-barrel in comparison with their own fine words.  Two thousand years later Crimean Tartars were sacking Moscow and exporting taken slaves through the port of Caffa. Europeans were doing deals with black tribes like the Dahomey in a similar export business.  Raiders from the Barbary Coast got as far as Ireland and Cornwall in the same pursuit.  Even John Locke justified slaves taken in just wars.  About a third of the world's population was enslaved about then.  Philosophy hadn't done much of a job.

Philosophy didn't do much of a job on slavery.  Modern philosophy is very quiet on social stratification and with some exceptions on poverty - see http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/international-justice/

I think Nietzsche got somewhere in demanding a re-evaluation of all values before his childish conclusions, still with us in most drama.  I'm struck most of our thinking is pre-traumatised and this may be particularly true of the chopsticks on the cracker-barrel flute philosophers and social scientists.  The very act of reflection seems to be a form of supplication, to force writing and speech as a functionary.  I've thought this for 30 years.  I wonder, as an example, whether world trade is really different now in comparison with the Mediterranean of the Greeks or the sacking of Moscow in 1751.


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