Re: Mind's Eye Sense in insanity

What's a dharma Allan?  A slow learning llama?  I'm a tyro in these matters.  

On Monday, 17 March 2014 08:12:18 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
There is a lot to think about, I like the BWC is in a way is s right as any concept. Proving the existence of the soul or God is extremely difficult at best. Since I have been part of this my views have radically evolved, like mathematics (base 10) there is the assumption that 1 + 1 = 2 and 0 is an even whole number. Without that BWC assumption all mathematics does not function. So BWC are required for life to truly function.

The latest spiritual concept I am into exploring is difficult to grasp even for me.. throwing stones accomplishes nothing exception only destruction. Because Ik (Dutch I ) disagree with someone does not mean they wrong.

Whether a person believes or dis believes the concept of dharma or how you live  life really comes into play in the BWC comes into play.

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:16 AM
Subject: Mind's Eye Sense in insanity

I'd say modern morality starts in protecting the planet, population and leadership control, all to the ends of human rights and the prevention of cruelty.  Molly's 'embracing the paradox' (though I can't help ribbing it sometimes like a brother might) seems key.  I regard most methodological intellectualism as a spent force.  I don't, as anyone here over the years will know, respect the bending of knees to the blue and white chequered rabbit as a rational gesture.  There is no god or even soul we can prove or disprove.  Yet I would bow to such authority.  Better the BWC rabbit than our insane leadership selections of people and institutions that don't work towards my first sentence.  Religion contains many words on freedom we have forgotten.  Much of this was about freedom from debt.  We have forgotten too that most of us were slaves in history.  One might bend the knee to the preposterous unknown in gesture of fellowship and even auto da fe.  Simply against the tyranny of real, current  authority.

Hard to give a gist on any of this.  I want no part of religion that involves throwing stones (particularly vile killing), though there is much we should shun.  Of course, we can always claim our religion is about peace, but I want no part in such rhetoric of exclusion.  One can even claim to shun religion because it is so palpably contradictory (love and peace - now read Numbers 31 on how to commit war crimes).  So one goes with science and facts, building bombs not clean energy with atomic secrets.  There is no exit to sanity.  In deeper terms, the rejection of metaphysics itself is metaphysical.  The rejection of all authority is to accept the authority of rejection.  Try to ground science in logic and one meets approximation.  Even maths either generates internal inconsistencies or relies on something external to the system.  I have no argument for or against religion, or even the blind faith of auto da fe (this is deep in our biology as ants rebelling against their captors demonstrate).  The codes are deeper than human argument operating by excluding inconvenient yet relevant facts.

It is impossible to disprove statements like 'the world started when I started writing this post tonight'.  Fool, you may say, thinking you had that fling with the triple-breasted whore from Aldebaron 3 yesterday and you remember that well.  Of course, the world I'm on about started complete with fossil record, history and memories.  Hard to get past this catch-all though none of us believe it.  Imagine how far you'd get in court with a defence that you killed your husband intending to invent a time-machine to come back and stop yourself before you did it.  The same would be true of a claim that god told you to do it, though Blair seems to have got away with mass murder on this claim.

Our arguments are often based in 'facts' about as useful as barking at the moon to improve chances of winning the lottery.  They are delivered in the weird objective passion of politicians interviewed by media bimbos past-lecturers remember as having no essay writing skills if Google was down. Thinking of some of the dafter bits of the above (one of my LLB exam questions was 'X kills his wife believing her to be a clay pigeon.  Comment on his legal liability'), why do we allow so much public argument we would deny defendants in court cases, other than as lunatic rambling?  I think we have impossible problems in our current arguments because of a few key ways in which we exclude evidence including evidence of our own incompetence in argument.  Some of this relates to that intolerant humour that would, say, cause a different Allan to accuse me of disrespect in thinking his soul blue and white chequered, rather than brushing it off by saying 'striped not chequered Neil'.

Somewhere, my belief we should get on with living in peace and finding means to leave this planet (thus continuing in evolution without going through bacteria, dinosaur and ape phases), is a belief in god.  Gnosticism, given our cruel history, makes as much sense.  Or maybe I'm just an ex-cop who can't cope with us ceding the world to crooks (Blair, Bush, Mugabe, bankers)?

I think we can see microcosms of what we do wrong in argument in such insanity as the Duggan Inquest.  The madness here involves claims blacks being 'fair game' to be shot by cops when the real issues concern incompetence with firearms in the hands of adrenaline fuelled people and why cops have to lie over such accidents.


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