Re: Mind's Eye Title of gender

I think we all have male and female aspects.  The male protects, is extroverted, ambitious.  The female nurtures, networks, communicates, feels. We are all both, but born, usually, one or the other. Gender confusion is a big burden with a great deal of suffering potentially. I've seen people move through it with grace, but not often.

On Tuesday, April 22, 2014 2:00:38 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
Good to hear from you political,
Life evolves, so do friends and relationships.
There are people who are naturally both genders,

Personally the question has nothing to do with gender. Often times I think gender has little to do with anything and of little to.
Why can there be a choice that is non gender?
Do souls have gender?

(    Matrix ~ Do No Harm
  )        ~ Soul controls body
[_D ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: " kid" <>
To: Minds Eye <>
Sent: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Title of gender

I think gender by definition is understood in binaries.. and thats where the problem lies.. if youre referring to the 'recognition' of rights of Transexuals and eunuchs in India.. then its nothing but a dumb ruse.. it seems very retarded to me after they recriminalised homosexuality a few months back... you can be transexual and have rights..  but according to the law if you have sex with the same person you go to jail... although of course any granting of rights is a victory of sorts.. but i guess the context shouldnt be overlooked and those idiots not lauded that they 'granted' rights to some group.. historical move.. bleh bleh... ....marriages are not permanent.. i was wondering .. are there any permanent relationships.. im losing touch quickly with so many people i used to hang out with / be good friends with /was intimate with.. i dont know.. do you think its possible.. one can only hope right..

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Allan H <> wrote:
Seems that a 3rd gender is becoming recognized in parts of the world.
The gender to me is really not important, but ¿how do recognize the 3rd gender?
Female is usually Miss, Ms, or Mrs . . Male is usually Mr. (Mister) can not think of any others at the moment.
¿The question is how do you recognize the 3rd gender? Or if the 3rd. Gender is in permanent relationship like marriage?

§ Do No Harm ~ Soul controls Body.
Allan H


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