Mind's Eye Re: BBS

I preferred the first link you posted, Neil, as there was a system of moderation.  However moving to a blog format will take considerable thought as to who can post articles and therein, I think, we may run into differences of opinion. A blog that allows everyone to post articles is subject to hit and run and participation is watered down by those just coming by for the visibility.  I have seen the criterion for group blogs be a big stumbling block for participants (on the other hand.)  Not saying I have an answer, just saying it is something to think about. I haven't had time to write blog articles in quite some time but would be happy to assist in admin.

On Thursday, June 12, 2014 1:02:01 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
I came across this blog - http://www.rationalhub.com/blogs/ - that has some interesting posts.  I can see how something 'ME-like' could be produced at little or no cost.

On Wednesday, 11 June 2014 20:52:31 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:

After looking into the idea more.
It went far beyond reality and the is no way for me to afford it


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